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Stallasearned bits
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A lot of that could stem from, as you said, a personal self confidence issue. My tips are less about 'taking charge' and gathering/presenting yourself in a way that facilitates plot. You don't need to run any big events or make huge waves, start by leading yourself personally and others will follow.

  • Pay attention to site dynamics. What factions are in need. What canons are taken. Use the structure of a site or setting, find the holes in plots, and plug yourself in there where possible.
  • Read what other people write. It's hard to get a plot if two people / characters have nothing in common. If you throw your character out there with no plan you get stuck in situations you're not enthusiastic about but don't want to bail. Read what other people write and think carefully on what interests them and what you can provide. People love it when you do your homework on them.
  • Have a goal for your own character. Pleasant surprises are pleasant but other people can't be expected to provide the font for your character arc(s). Whether it happens quickly over it never happens, having a general idea that can shift over time will help you.
  • Put your character/plots in a weaker position. It's easier for other people to accept your plots if your character is beholden to them, or a servant, messenger, idolizes another, etc. rather than potentially forcing them into thinking a certain way about your character. I never say my character is charming, for example, or intellectual, or several other 'good' traits. I play them as close as I think I can get them and accept what judgement comes my way.
  • Generate some hooks or stand-out tidbits for your character. I do this for all my characters and sometimes I list them publicly and sometimes I don't and let people piece it together. Example: He always looks down when he walks -- why? He collects baseball cards starting from the year 1997 when his parents took him to his first Nippon Pro game. He's afraid of dogs and will run from them (because he was bit when he was younger). So on and so forth, it makes your character memorable, and someone is bound to want to thread based on a hook or interest.

Apologies if I totally misread your question though.
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Stallasearned bits
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siel Avatar
spoiler bc off-topic
send me your wuxia recs please ;-; i don't care if it's movies or manhua or w/e. i've gotten really interested in this genre after reading Song of the Sky Walkers

Hmm...! Well I mostly game, tbh.
If you haven't seen the classic wuxia movies like Hero & Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon then of course them.

Lately I really enjoyed the game My Vow to My Liege. It's on steam and it's a visual novel. Technically it's a romance game but it's like 90% wuxia don't be fooled. Very immersive, great lore, fantastic voice acting, attractive art and the main heroine is one hell of a badass. Also Gou Jian (almost all characters are based on historical figures) is amazing in this game, I'm not even really a fan of enemies-to-lovers but he's legendary. I also bought the soundtrack and it's beautiful. So good for the price.

The other one I really like is Path of Wuxia, which is basically Persona / Fire Emblem but wuxia. It's also on steam, early access with years 1 and years 2 done, and it's really fun. Problem is it's not in English so if ya danno Chinese then there's a passable english mod you have to trawl through.

I'm totally not learning Chinese right now so I can play the game authentically though. I am determined.
last edit on Jul 13, 2021 2:35:32 GMT by Stallas
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Stallasearned bits
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vayu Avatar

We have an asian setting, fantasy coming up - no strict use of honorifics, but you def can use them. ๐Ÿ’ฎ

I've been digesting an absurd amount of Japanese/Chinese material lately - JRPG, wuxia, real weaboo titles that are somehow more enjoyable than triple A ones. Even if there's only a fan translation, I'm on it...

Can I play a despot Chinese princeling in feudal Japan though ? Can u make my dreams come true? :-[
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Stallasearned bits
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As I pop open this beer 2 hours before my workday ends I'm reminded that my fellow Americans said it was weird that I rinse the lid of my can before drinking.

Is it though?! To be fair, where I'm from, rat piss on your cans was an actual concern.
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troye saivon Avatar
next site is tower of god i thought

It is. Actually a mix of tower of god and omniscient reader's viewpoint.
TBA 2030.

astrarium Avatar
Jul 1, 2021 18:50:00 GMT @astrarium said:

In a world of free form fantasy I know you'll always be there with me in our accountant corner, crunching combat.
139written posts
Stallasearned bits
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  • Modern dark fantasy
  • Asian settings with strict/immersive use of honorific language
  • Digimon
  • World of Darkness
  • Hunter x Hunter
  • One Piece
  • Good combat / good stats systems to do combat with

edit: the superhero trend has really fatigued me the last few years
last edit on Jul 1, 2021 17:28:19 GMT by Stallas
139written posts
Stallasearned bits
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Oh, I love One Piece. Have been on and staffed a few sites about it too.

Problem I think is that it's just not the easiest RP setting. The focus is usually on ship crews which means dead-locking a group of roleplayers together and having to work around where they are in liquid time and restricting their movement otherwise things quickly devolve into nonsense. That also requires a lot of communication and if you lose people / captains it falls apart and can't be easily substituted. If you want to be truly free to roleplay wherever, you can't be on a crew. But then you're just flying solo in the world of OP which defeats the nakama power purpose.

I also just in general don't see as many fans of it as I do the other big shonen settings: Naruto, Bleach, Fairy Tail, Black Clover, whatever else is next and trendy.
139written posts
Stallasearned bits
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Masculine - Lots of jewelry or piercings, two-tone hair, athletic, EYEBAGS
Feminine - Elegant or long-sleeved clothing / dresses, facial scars
Universal - Dark or blue hair, preferably not smiling, narrowed eyes, NEED MORE EYEBAGS FCS
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Not my last post but the last one I had up while rereading my old things.

He wasnโ€™t the gentle schoolteacher anymore. He had become someone who abjured emotional ties, someone who headed out into the wilderness and took upon their own broad shoulders the moral conscience of the tribe. Someone who had always lived in the wrong era, who had with his own hands let enough blood to raise landmasses and enjoyed it. Was good at it. This time he had built the machine he used to revere from afar, greased its wheels and set it in motion. And he had always kept the possibility that he might die in his back pocket, just in case he needed it. To remind him how afraid he was of being gone, of leaving this thing heโ€™d created. He had a monster that lived in his head that looked like him and sounded like him but only wanted to destroy himself, and if he didnโ€™t teach anyone that, theyโ€™d never know.
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Stallasearned bits
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That is understandable. It's easy for threads to get derailed and that certainly isn't OP's fault. The opinions people have stated is also valid and there are indeed toxic or unsavory people in the community.

However, if **all** of these people are indeed toxic, then they also lack self-awareness and will remain clueless about their actions even when vaguely called out through these posts. These sort of posts on a resource site (where people can identify names and sites) affects the admins who ran the site more than the cliques they're talking about.

To say the entire RP experience or site was toxic based on a few members is more likely to hurt the confidence of someone who took the risk to create a site for your entertainment, rather than the rotten few who ruined the experience for some. They're accomplishing nothing positive or bettering the community by doing this. Simply put, it just ain't nice, man.

Unfortunately any thread that invites criticism will hurt someone's feelings somewhere.

A site isn't just the physical site though. It's the community that lives in it. A site and its community have control over each other and it is limited sometimes but staffing is about nurturing and pruning the community too. And based on the comments in this thread it seems like a large amount of the time someone leaves is because they don't connect with that community. And that is extremely valuable information for anyone who plans to run a site, so I think the thread is serving its purpose.

So long as people try to be respectful here I think it is worthwhile for them to be honest and worthwhile for anyone who had been in a position to do something about it to contemplate, did I enable this? What could I have done better?

tl;dr it may not be nice but as long as it's not treated as an absolute and instead as people's opinions, it is valid.