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all of this mess is just my attempt to know the worth of my life; made of precious metals inside
[newclass=".punkimainlesfriction"]width: 500px; height: 400px; background: #3D3E4D; border: 2px solid #B8BACD; border-radius: 2px; margin: auto;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkitoplesfriction"]width: 350px; height: 80px; float: left; margin-top: -2px; margin-left: -2px; border-radius: 2px 0 0 0; background-image: url('');[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkitoplesfriction .punkitrilesfriction"]width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 80px solid transparent; border-right: 350px solid #B8BACD;[/newclass]
[newclass=".punkitoplesfriction .punkitrilesfriction .punkiinlesfriction"]width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 78px solid transparent; border-right: 346px solid #3D3E4D; margin-top: -78px; margin-left: 4px;[/newclass]

last edit on Oct 28, 2018 17:41:54 GMT by punki
pronounsShe, Her
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all of this mess is just my attempt to know the worth of my life; made of precious metals inside
I love realizing that I'm behind the times and everyone is using is using Style Tag to make templates way better than mine. Time to chug coffee and iMPROVE MYSELF.

Me on a regular basis.
last edit on Oct 28, 2018 16:45:05 GMT by punki
pronounsShe, Her
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punkiearned bits
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punki Avatar
all of this mess is just my attempt to know the worth of my life; made of precious metals inside
[googlefont=Josefin Sans]
v. 1.0.0
live preview
Eloquence is a light Proboards v5 theme designed mostly for role-play, offering a sleek, modern look and featuring timed banner-image rotations, various unique remodels, and even a very simple hand-written, built-in music player function for miniprofiles. This took me two months to create from start to finish, mostly due to sudden drastic schedule changes and lack of energy, so you could call it a labor of love. Enjoy!

I. You may change any colors, fonts, or images. If you wish to alter the coding of this theme in any other way, please consult me first, as I'm always happy to help.
II. You may not remove any of my comments.
III. Do not, under any circumstances, claim this theme as your own. All of my credits must remain intact.
IV. Do not, under any circumstances, re-post this theme without my permission.
V. You may not pick and choose pieces and parts from this theme. Individual remodels must be requested.
VI. If you have any questions or need help (or if you notice any bugs I missed), you are more than encouraged to post on this thread, and I will usually respond within a day or so. (Given that I am not dead. This happens occasionally, especially when I'm neck-deep in another project. I'll apologize in advance.)

- Support for Board Description Images (recommended, but not required)
- Support for Thread Descriptions (recommended, but not required)
- Support for Monetary System (recommended, but not required; requires Yootil Bar)
- Font Awesome forum icons

Editing the colors, fonts, and images for this theme is made rather simple for you, though you should note that the Proboards Visual Editor will be of next to no use to you. To make your changes, simply go to Admin > Themes > Advanced Styles & CSS > Style Sheet, and right there at the tippity top you will find a set of variables for colors, image url's, and fonts.

If you desire to change the color scheme, my recommendation (for best visual results) is that you only change the accent colors, which have the variables blue-1 and blue-2. It is highly recommended that you maintain the original brightness of color for each color you intend to change.
Almost all images, with the exception of the Default Forum Avatar, can be changed in the style sheet as well. All have comments providing dimension requirements. The Default Forum Avatar can be changed by going into Theme Manager, then rolling your cursor over the theme named 'Eloquence' and selecting the Images button that appears. The Default Forum Avatar is located near the top of the ensuing page.

All custom profile fields that can be used with this theme are listed below - to install, simply use their exact name when creating custom profile fields (not necessarily in the following order).

250x400 Picture (required; set as Text Field which only accepts URL's)
190x100 Picture (required; set as Text Field which only accepts URL's)
Character Gender (not required; set however you will)
Character Sexuality (not required; set however you will)
Character Age (not required; set however you will)
Played By (not required; set however you will)
Application (not required; set as Text Field which only accepts URL's)
Plotter (not required; set as Text Field that only accepts URL's)
Gallery (not required; set as Text Field that only accepts URL's)
MP3 Link (not required; set as Text Field that only accepts URL's)

.pbt download

last edit on Oct 27, 2018 4:15:42 GMT by punki
pronounsShe, Her
128written posts
punkiearned bits
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punki Avatar
all of this mess is just my attempt to know the worth of my life; made of precious metals inside
[googlefont=Dosis:700][newclass=".punkiduowrapper"]width:400px;margin:auto;height:500px;transition: 0.75s;[/newclass][newclass=".punkifirstside"]width:400px;height:250px;background-image:url(;transition: 0.75s;overflow:hidden;[/newclass][newclass=".punkiduotoplyrics"]padding:20px; text-indent: 20px;font-family: Dosis; font-weight: 700; font-size: 30px; line-height: 35px; text-transform: uppercase; color: #ffffff; position: relative; z-index: 0; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.8);[/newclass][newclass=".punkiduobottomlyrics"]padding: 20px; padding-top: 160px; font-family: Dosis; font-weight: 700; font-size: 30px; line-height: 35px; text-transform: uppercase; color: #ffffff; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.8); text-indent: 20px; transition: 0.75s; position: relative; z-index: 0;[/newclass][newclass=".punkitopslide"]float:left;width:0;height:0;border-top:80px solid transparent;border-right:400px solid #ffffff;margin-top:-80px;transition:0.75s;[/newclass][newclass=".punkibottomslide"]width:0;height:0;border-bottom:80px solid transparent;border-left:400px solid #ffffff;transition:0.75s;position: relative; z-index: 2;[/newclass][newclass=".punkimiddle"]height:0px;background:#ffffff;width:400px; transition: 0.75s; position: relative; z-index: 2;[/newclass][newclass=".punkimiddlecontent"]height: 0px; transition: 0.75s; overflow: hidden;[/newclass][newclass=".punkiduopost"]height: 260px; width: 360px; margin: 0 20px; overflow: hidden; position: relative; top: -130px; transition: 0.75s; margin-bottom: 40px;[/newclass][newclass=".punkiduoinneropacity"]width: inherit; opacity: 0; transition: 0.3s;[/newclass][newclass=".punkiduoextra"]height: 20px;font-size:11px;line-height:20px;text-align:center;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:calibri;color:#6e6e6e;transition: 0.3s;opacity: 0;[/newclass][newclass=".punkisecondside"]width: 400px; height: 250px; transition: 0.75s; overflow: hidden; background-image: url(;background-position: bottom;[/newclass][newclass=".punkiduowrapper:hover .punkifirstside, .punkiduowrapper:hover .punkisecondside"]height: 100px;[/newclass][newclass=".punkiduowrapper:hover .punkimiddle, .punkiduowrapper:hover .punkimiddlecontent"]height:300px;[/newclass][newclass=".punkiduowrapper:hover .punkiduobottomlyrics"]padding-top: 10px;[/newclass][newclass=".punkiduowrapper:hover .punkiduopost]top: 20px;[/newclass][newclass=".punkiduowrapper:hover .punkiduoinneropacity, .punkiduowrapper:hover .punkiduoextra"]opacity: 1; transition-delay: 0.75s;[/newclass]
[attr=class,punkiduotoplyrics]it's dangerous
to sacrifice
[attr=class,punkiduoinneropacity]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam in fermentum lorem. Aliquam rhoncus dui quis turpis consequat, vitae feugiat dolor feugiat. Fusce mi risus, dignissim quis mauris vel, aliquet porta turpis. Duis imperdiet, magna sed faucibus posuere, metus lectus blandit magna, in feugiat dui nibh eget nulla. Vivamus a ligula vel diam accumsan aliquam quis a orci. Aliquam pretium volutpat urna, ut egestas nibh. Ut auctor magna vitae neque tempor cursus. Nunc viverra et odio ac luctus.

Phasellus imperdiet lorem ut ipsum egestas gravida. Donec lacus odio, tempor at varius sit amet, scelerisque a tellus. Fusce ultricies fringilla velit in convallis. Vestibulum nec felis dui. Suspendisse pretium consectetur diam. Donec a mi dolor. Pellentesque venenatis dolor ut ligula elementum ultricies non a urna. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean ligula mauris, ornare eget nunc eget, viverra vestibulum magna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque tristique justo in tellus cursus faucibus. Nulla tincidunt tortor non euismod ornare. Phasellus dignissim eget lacus a lobortis.
[attr=class,punkiduoextra]word count, tags, whatever
[attr=class,punkiduobottomlyrics]makes your blood run
to throw the dice
template by punki of pixel perfect - hover effect/hidden scrollbar present
last edit on Oct 21, 2018 22:25:53 GMT by punki
pronounsShe, Her
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punkiearned bits
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punki Avatar
all of this mess is just my attempt to know the worth of my life; made of precious metals inside
you are right behind me
go ahead and break the mold
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam egestas tristique fermentum. Donec nec magna sed sem malesuada vulputate. Morbi molestie molestie libero quis cursus. Donec hendrerit semper libero et lacinia. Phasellus malesuada lacus elit, sit amet dapibus est feugiat ut. Aliquam risus ante, convallis in elementum a, eleifend eget ex. Mauris fermentum nisi mi, id scelerisque metus rutrum non. Mauris iaculis neque lectus, eget interdum mauris posuere non. Aliquam pulvinar enim nec justo scelerisque, id blandit risus cursus. Donec iaculis hendrerit pharetra. Ut nec purus facilisis felis rutrum ornare sit amet vitae nisl. Fusce fringilla et nisi vitae pellentesque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce vel vestibulum risus, eu condimentum quam. Suspendisse eu convallis felis.

Fusce nec ex sed ante sollicitudin aliquet. Etiam at accumsan augue. Phasellus a diam justo. Ut eu lorem ante. Sed eu diam pretium, interdum tortor ut, mattis justo. Vivamus sit amet massa nec velit luctus iaculis id ac odio. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer sapien diam, congue id nulla et, tincidunt semper dolor. Phasellus pretium risus ut dolor iaculis, sed sagittis magna sagittis. Vestibulum blandit tristique velit, vel gravida odio vestibulum nec. Sed fringilla diam eget nulla euismod, vel facilisis odio cursus. Maecenas vel cursus arcu, vitae posuere augue. Duis nunc quam, consequat sit amet metus a, faucibus semper orci. Ut et sodales augue.
word count, tags, whatever
template by punki of pixel perfect

last edit on Oct 21, 2018 18:46:40 GMT by punki
pronounsShe, Her
128written posts
punkiearned bits
Full Member
punki Avatar
all of this mess is just my attempt to know the worth of my life; made of precious metals inside
[googlefont=Libre Baskerville]
too young to know that i'll be fine
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia est nec sem mollis porttitor. Nam at auctor orci, nec ultrices augue. Nunc consectetur nec ante et gravida. Nullam faucibus neque maximus nisi eleifend dignissim. Nunc at dolor elementum nisl hendrerit laoreet. Duis sollicitudin ex leo, eget congue ligula aliquam eget. Praesent eget imperdiet augue, at gravida lectus. Donec malesuada turpis porttitor purus efficitur lobortis. Proin viverra, nibh ac auctor vestibulum, eros lectus sodales dui, et varius erat est sed quam. Praesent convallis sit amet mauris congue pellentesque. Pellentesque viverra sem velit, auctor porta odio fringilla ut. Praesent id sem nec ligula consectetur euismod vel non nibh. Duis vitae tristique metus, et consequat ipsum. Sed est sapien, suscipit sit amet mi eleifend, viverra condimentum sem. Proin posuere arcu purus, quis mollis arcu placerat et. Donec id iaculis metus.

Aliquam quis odio scelerisque, auctor nisl in, finibus mauris. Curabitur eget lectus id massa sodales rhoncus quis id dui. Quisque nec velit non metus luctus ornare. Donec ut lacinia eros, sit amet condimentum erat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam pharetra, erat vitae dictum malesuada, felis arcu tristique ante, eu dictum arcu nibh a massa. Sed luctus diam vitae arcu facilisis pharetra. Curabitur felis ipsum, auctor sed purus et, aliquam semper urna. Nunc id urna sed nulla finibus scelerisque in ac eros. Donec sodales purus venenatis volutpat lacinia. Cras pellentesque pulvinar dui id sollicitudin. Maecenas dapibus diam non tempus maximus. Praesent vulputate odio vitae facilisis imperdiet.
template by punki of pixel perfect - hidden scrollbar
last edit on Oct 21, 2018 17:21:51 GMT by punki
pronounsShe, Her
128written posts
punkiearned bits
Full Member
punki Avatar
all of this mess is just my attempt to know the worth of my life; made of precious metals inside
[googlefont=Oswald][newclass=".punkihoverclass:hover .punkihover1"]background:rgba(255,255,255,0.15); color:rgba(255,255,255,0.75) !important; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.4);[/newclass][newclass=".punkilinkhover1 a"]color:#495A55;font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;transition:0.3s;[/newclass][newclass=".punkilinkhover1 a:hover"]color: #424242;[/newclass]
word count, tags, notes, whatever
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sapien ipsum, pharetra sit amet arcu ut, efficitur convallis lorem. Nunc et ultrices purus. Nullam ornare enim nisl, consequat sodales lacus efficitur non. Pellentesque dictum massa ac dui gravida dictum. Pellentesque in sem ut sem ultricies hendrerit. Mauris mollis eros a iaculis ultricies. Pellentesque sagittis eu nisl quis finibus. Nullam eget lorem venenatis, dignissim massa pellentesque, viverra quam. Aenean ut consequat mi, et eleifend quam. Duis condimentum mi et nibh porta, sed sodales lacus auctor. Morbi leo mauris, dapibus et bibendum tempor, viverra vitae lectus. Ut sem massa, sagittis vitae nisi ac, lacinia mattis erat.

Sed ac blandit diam. Ut ornare quam ac fermentum facilisis. Donec vel mauris interdum, hendrerit nulla hendrerit, convallis lacus. Mauris tempor lacus massa, vel tincidunt risus tempor et. Pellentesque tincidunt ornare libero sed sagittis. Donec laoreet tortor metus, sit amet cursus felis sollicitudin nec. Nulla eu sem ultricies, sagittis nisi vitae, tincidunt magna. Suspendisse tellus justo, laoreet id viverra id, tincidunt id ligula. Curabitur facilisis lobortis hendrerit. Integer nec nibh efficitur, rutrum sem sit amet, volutpat lacus. Praesent et augue nec mauris tincidunt placerat id eget quam. Suspendisse tempus, mi id suscipit ornare, nulla ipsum viverra leo, in molestie quam mi in urna. Morbi molestie finibus lectus non faucibus.
[attr=class,punkilinkhover1]template by punki of pixel perfect
last edit on Aug 24, 2018 14:35:05 GMT by punki
pronounsShe, Her
128written posts
punkiearned bits
Full Member
punki Avatar
all of this mess is just my attempt to know the worth of my life; made of precious metals inside

It's possible that I'm a doppelganger, but I couldn't say for sure.

I just can't pick any one anime is all. >.< They're all so gooood. I could list off all the runners-up, but then that's an exceedingly-long list. I have to say, I'm afraid I don't know what a ghibli movie is. Does that make me a bad nerd? /powers up google

Google is trying to take over the world she says even though she plans on working for them! I'm that person who always uses Firefox over Chrome. I even downloaded it onto my favorite lab computer in high school, because God knows I only ever spent my computer classes playing with code.

Yeahhh, I like making big, beautiful codes, and then I realize that people with tiny monitors only see a bunch of squished-up garbage, so I have to re-do it. /tear
That's why my current self-improvement goal is no giant-ass banners. /nod nod
even though i really like giant banners because they're so BIG and PRETTY

It's nice meeting you, too! ^^ I do plan on sticking around, although I'll be the first to admit that I'm not very social. XD
pronounsShe, Her
128written posts
punkiearned bits
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punki Avatar
all of this mess is just my attempt to know the worth of my life; made of precious metals inside
Yeahhh, I have this reflexive tendency to talk too much, laugh too hard, and punctuate every post and message with at least one cross-eyed laughing emoji. One can never have too many best friends, imo.

Please don't cry. .-. Although I'm glad you like them! XD see there it is

It's nice to meet you, Dandy! ^^
pronounsShe, Her
128written posts
punkiearned bits
Full Member
punki Avatar
all of this mess is just my attempt to know the worth of my life; made of precious metals inside
[newclass=".cityscapehoverclass"]background:#7B8A9A;transition: 0.3s;height:30px;line-height:30px;text-align:center;font-family:calibri;color:#ffffff;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:1px;font-size:11px;[/newclass][newclass=".cityscapehoverclass:hover"]background:#5C6873;[/newclass]
[googlefont=Averia Serif Libre]
version 1.0.0
[attr=class,cityscapehoverclass]live preview
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eget eleifend elit. Sed luctus justo massa, non suscipit mauris mattis vel. Ut enim ligula, suscipit ac consectetur quis, faucibus rhoncus diam. Fusce venenatis, libero porttitor fermentum gravida, nisi risus molestie nisl, sit amet hendrerit justo odio in libero. Pellentesque in urna at nisi pellentesque mollis eget ut magna. Sed imperdiet sit amet elit ut tempor. Maecenas dapibus ut quam in lobortis. Suspendisse condimentum non ipsum malesuada commodo. Etiam venenatis nec velit sed iaculis. Donec pulvinar ornare nibh vitae faucibus. In faucibus porta metus, non iaculis est. Vestibulum et volutpat sapien, eu ullamcorper nisl.

Duis et interdum justo. Pellentesque a scelerisque ipsum, eu ornare eros. Duis dapibus sit amet felis eleifend laoreet. Etiam fringilla risus turpis, eget lobortis tellus faucibus eu. Fusce viverra accumsan magna, id porttitor massa rhoncus in. Vivamus finibus sem velit, eget laoreet justo auctor a. Proin sed dolor sit amet felis molestie convallis vitae sollicitudin purus. Vestibulum ante est, mollis dignissim egestas sed, lobortis nec enim. Praesent iaculis eleifend sapien, ut gravida neque facilisis et.

Phasellus ut congue sem. Donec quis dolor blandit, viverra magna sit amet, lobortis lectus. Curabitur vehicula purus massa, sit amet viverra ante iaculis a. Morbi in orci id purus eleifend vestibulum eget non diam. Maecenas lacinia cursus augue, at aliquet elit convallis eu. In aliquet neque ac eros sagittis ultricies. Etiam tristique odio quam, sed sodales erat laoreet eu. Sed neque turpis, pretium ac sodales ac, dictum a arcu. Aliquam mollis id neque sed consectetur. Quisque eleifend aliquam purus ut faucibus. Aenean vitae sagittis velit, nec commodo libero. Maecenas semper turpis dui, sed laoreet odio dapibus quis. Aliquam faucibus ex turpis, nec dapibus magna bibendum sit amet.

Morbi mollis velit libero, non semper nibh convallis sed. Donec luctus enim at magna vulputate porta. Sed magna dolor, scelerisque scelerisque maximus vel, condimentum et lacus. Aenean nec varius justo. In semper lorem sem, at convallis velit pretium a. Mauris sollicitudin, lorem sed lobortis rhoncus, mauris tortor porttitor dui, et sollicitudin libero felis eu diam. Quisque scelerisque ornare elit, a hendrerit lacus pulvinar non.

Vivamus eget pretium ligula. Curabitur ut pretium libero, dictum rhoncus quam. Maecenas dignissim justo elit, a sodales nisi feugiat sit amet. Mauris id mauris vestibulum, maximus diam ut, scelerisque nisl. Duis aliquet mollis augue id maximus. Aenean non lacinia purus, at facilisis ipsum. Donec in purus malesuada nisl elementum finibus non nec est. Vivamus rhoncus eros quis faucibus consequat. Etiam pretium tellus magna, sit amet commodo lacus sollicitudin quis. Nulla aliquet enim et varius molestie. Sed eget consequat orci, nec egestas velit. Donec ut ipsum ac urna aliquam pharetra.

[attr=class,cityscapehoverclass].pbt download

Oh good, Style Tag plugin presence confirmed. NOT THAT I HAD DOUBTS, but you know, how embarrassing would that be?
last edit on Aug 12, 2018 20:38:25 GMT by punki
pronounsShe, Her
128written posts
punkiearned bits
Full Member
punki Avatar
all of this mess is just my attempt to know the worth of my life; made of precious metals inside
I cannot guarantee the prettiness of anything in here. AVERT YOUR EYES!

Font notes to myself:

- Libre Baskerville
- Cinzel
- Old Standard TT
- Charmonman
- Mrs Saint Delafield

Modern Chic
- Oswald
- Roboto Condensed
- Dosis Regular
- Josefin Sans
- Open Sans Condensed
- Niramit

Small but Sexy
- Niramit
- Catamaran
- Saira Extra Condensed
- Roboto Condensed

Big and Bold
- Anton
- Dosis (700/800)
last edit on Jul 6, 2019 23:35:19 GMT by punki
pronounsShe, Her
128written posts
punkiearned bits
Full Member
punki Avatar
all of this mess is just my attempt to know the worth of my life; made of precious metals inside
Peek-a-boo, I see you. o3o

So, it suddenly occurred to me that I always forget to do this whole introducing yourself thing, and I figured that I might as well. Now that I've said that out loud, I'm here and I don't really know what to say. /flail

/system reboot required

Hi, my name is Punki. I'm an expressive person with a large vocabulary that still somehow manages to fail me, leading me to resort to exaggerated gestures and many emotive faces, except when I put my stern pants on. Then I sound like I hate the world, although that's mostly not true. I'm currently watching My Hero Academia, Black Clover, Overlord, and the third season of Attack on Titan, although if you ask me to pick any favorite anime, I will tell you that such a thing does not exist what an unfair question.

I'm also a freelance web designer and a (wildly aspiring) wannabe author. I have a big-ass monitor (technically I think it's a small TV but we re-purposed it, I have to click the power button on a remote every time I need to get on my computer), so I apologize in advance to all the people with tiny screens. o3o Whether or not I'm any good at what I do is a matter of perspective, but I guess I've been doing it for a while, and I like improving myself and making people happy at the same time so I'll just keep doing it.

Uh, what else could anyone possibly need/want to know about me?
... I got nothin'. /shrug
It's nice meeting you!