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Feline Overlord
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Chibi Magicianearned bits
Chibi Magician
Spring '21 Dev Completionist
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Pure Gremlin Energy
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What are things that you do to stay motivated to write?

I know for a fact that part of my energy slump is coming from work burnout, but I'm also wondering if I'm feeling writer burnout from things like feeling too slow to keep up and wondering if I'm enjoying what I'm writing or if I'm just trying to roll the boulder up the hill because I know I'll never be able to be caught up. I've been a little more self-critical lately, looking at stuff and thinking ah man I just produced more garbage

Anyone read anything lately or get sucked into any games or pick up any new hobbies that have reinspired you and help bolster motivation???

I do not experience this often and this solution does not work for everyone. When I am having trouble I sometimes just start a post with the knowledge I am okay backtracking if I am not satisfied. My other suggestion would maybe even try finding writing warm ups to gauge if your brain is willing to cooperate. You can try music, turning off notifications, etc. However, if progress is not happening, then do something else and see if you can come back to it. Forcing yourself is not a great solution, but for me it has helped my brain begin rolling and get engaged with what I want to write. In general, it is more about finding ways to incentivize or inspire your brain to start the project. I can bet there are multiple unique methods to do this. I figured I would provide mine since I do not know enough about burnout hampering writing, I do know how I get myself in the mood. I know starting the first line is the hardest part, but once I have it, it flows out usually.
Feline Overlord
1,803written posts
Chibi Magicianearned bits
Chibi Magician
Spring '21 Dev Completionist
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Pure Gremlin Energy
To be honest, there are flaws and perks of both plotting archetypes and really depends on personal preference. I kinda stick in the middle where sometimes I have plot beats, sometimes I like seeing where the thread takes me. However, I also love being surprised.

Legit was just pleasantly surprised with a wanted ad recently where a person made my character’s sister a lot different than I expected. Now it is really exciting cause from spontaneity comes potential plot ideas once I get a feel for their character.

Though I suppose that is another reason. I get a feeling for somebody else’s character best in role-play. How they react to my character and certain happenings play crucial roles that cannot always be gleamed by application information or questions. So I prefer a mixture of plotting and improv. Allows things to be planned while leaving room for abrupt changes, but that is just me.
Feline Overlord
1,803written posts
Chibi Magicianearned bits
Chibi Magician
Spring '21 Dev Completionist
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Pure Gremlin Energy
When I started using face claims to role-play people, I found a lot more comfort doing animanga role-play opposed to RL. Honestly, I am glad since it feels like RL has a lot more face claims rules; which makes sense, you are using real people. However, these stricter rules makes it a bit harder for me to want to role-play. Mostly because I do not know my actors, singers, etc. In addition, finding images without knowing how to find nice images in a face claim medium only expedites my struggles with RL. Even plotting wise, animanga makes me feel I can do anime-esk scenes and flex reality a tiny bit.

Overall, it is easier to imagine my characters as the animanga face claim I chose. It makes their movements clearer and more precise in my head as I ponder the manner of which they walk, gesture, express, interact, etc. Animanga face claims also are more accommodating to allow original art depending on site; I know this is not an always, but does happen. These original art characters being in an animanga setting do not class with my immersion; which is why I cannot do mixed. So everything meshes pleasantly and, at least to me, animanga has more freedom and liberties from aesthetic to plotting for me to capitalize on.

I do want to add, I have only ever joined one RL site and I received zilch attention. So I cannot fully attest to plotting and community experiences as a result. All I can really say is my plotting brain operates best with animanga faces.
Feline Overlord
1,803written posts
Chibi Magicianearned bits
Chibi Magician
Spring '21 Dev Completionist
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Pure Gremlin Energy
Man, when a character playlist has a vibe, but only 15-30 minutes of songs, it is both awesome and sad. Though it is a reminder that I would like to extend some of these.
Feline Overlord
1,803written posts
Chibi Magicianearned bits
Chibi Magician
Spring '21 Dev Completionist
Chibi Magician Avatar
Pure Gremlin Energy
I have been kind of thinking about role-play red flags, and I think one of the biggest ones I have heard of and never had happen to me is the intentional ignoring of triggers. Especially since for some people, triggers are there because they cause severe emotional distress like panic attacks or even deep depressive episodes; not to mention, I myself use these to put a boundary between what I am and am not willing to write. Thus, it wilds me out that people actually don't care about someone's triggers and just ignore them to do what they want anyways. x.x
Feline Overlord
1,803written posts
Chibi Magicianearned bits
Chibi Magician
Spring '21 Dev Completionist
Chibi Magician Avatar
Pure Gremlin Energy
9/10 I google, but sometimes, my brain just... magically comes up with a good name for a character? I cannot explain it. Recently, since Pinterest has aesthetical name images, I have been saving a few of those when I like the ring of the name for later use.

Just adding- Honestly, I struggle more with surnames than first names myself. Usually I just end up using Behind The Surname and scrolling through until I find something that works or depending on the character's nationality I may look up names under specific regions.
last edit on Apr 28, 2024 19:00:57 GMT by Chibi Magician