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Compliment the Member Above

frog on the floor
aliasfreiheit, microwaved burrito
1,539written posts
pharaoh leapearned bits
pharaoh leap
pharaoh leap Avatar
i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.

[attr="class","infoTitle"][attr="class","fa fa-star-o"] membercompliments


What can I say? I like to see people get mushy and gushy about each other, and there are definitely plenty of people worth getting mushy and gushy about here. Participate in this thread by paying a compliment – or many, however many or much you'd like, really – to the last member to post in the thread. This can be anything as simple as complimenting the colors in their icon on site to paying respects to their writing or thanking them for being around in a time of need. However much or little you want! Passive aggression will not be accepted in any form; this is a place to give others a smile, or let them know they're appreciated. Picking fights is the last thing we wanna see when paying another a compliment! Feel free to regard this post here as a generic staff post and direct all comments to the site and administration team.[break][break]

Well, it's been slow going, but everyone's hard work has finally paid off! Everyone's dedication has been really inspiring to see, and the massive turnout we've gotten was definitely well-earned by all of the staff team's work. Ulla always seems to go above and beyond with their coding, so it's no surprise the forum came out as pretty as it has, but it really can't be overstated how good it looks! I can't think of anyone better to handle the directory that Kitten, or a more reliable person to head the efforts than Valka. Neko and Nox, who've been here for a literal decade – Kitten, too – pushing arm through but staying as loyal to efforts as ever. Y'all out here doing the Lord's work, and I don't think I've ever been this confident in a staff team, like... ever. Just in the scope of longevity and working to keep the community invested. Seriously: hats off to you guys, and to the future success of P^2! o/

48written posts
noodlesearned bits
New Member
noodles Avatar

you're one of the kindest person i know in the rp community. you create gorgeous, amazing skins, templates, graphics, you name it. the only two successful sites i've ever had the pleasure of running, you created skins and templates for them, so thank you (also thank you for putting up with me and my annoying requests throughout the years).

we'll rp together someday, i know it.

last edit on Jul 3, 2018 8:19:31 GMT by noodles
the endless hunt
aliasleto, blobert, crow
pronounshe / they
1,546written posts
ullaearned bits
ulla Avatar
in turning divine, we tangle endlessly

i want u to know that when you poked me a few months ago to ask for my input/permission on a couple of things, it was really flattering to me! i remember you really fondly from the days when you were a member on delphia c:

also i stare at your hover/icon set for at least 5 minutes every time i see that you've posted something. they're stunning :weary emoji:
346written posts
Mizoearned bits
Senior Member
Mizo Avatar
If you are reading this, I am beautiful.
Your template is actually the very first thing I've ever used, and I legit went through 32 pages just to admire your templates. I really like your skins as well, and it will honestly be a dream if I have the opportunity to work on a project with you some day! Keep rocking on!

77written posts
murkearned bits
Junior Member
murk Avatar
you're my favorite dynamic to play in band--

honestly your site is like honestly gorgeous?? the skin is minimalistic but also gives off what i think is the perfect vibe for the cyberpunk?? futuristic vibe you want going on. i love the categories and the photo you have as the background and the color scheme and it just reminds me of my favorite book and a high favorite video game pressed into one. ; u ; if i felt as though i could juggle two sites atm with work and volunteering and school i'd probably join in a heartbeat bc this place looks honestly ideal.

also you seem like a really chill person who would just be really relaxing to hang around. kind of like, in a rly introverted way of thinking, a person who wouldn't be draining to me? i could probably talk to you for hours and feel absolutely no fatigue.
( hover )
pronounshe, him
561written posts
Sharpearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Sharp Avatar
I've always found threads like this a bit self serving, but I think a little necromancy to bring in some good vibes is in order.

The longevity of your site is awesome Murk, you and Valka are doing great ^_^. If the ages on your site profiles are accurate I am even more impressed, because i'm about ten years older than you and havn't been half as successful in foruming.

last edit on Aug 11, 2018 23:53:13 GMT by Sharp
284written posts
kappaccinoearned bits
Senior Member
kappaccino Avatar
welcome and well met, my brave little spark
Sharp Avatar
I've always found threads like this a bit self serving, but I think a little necromancy to bring in some good vibes is in order.

The longevity of your site is awesome Murk, you and Valka are doing great ^_^. If the ages on your site profiles are accurate I am even more impressed, because i'm about ten years older than you and havn't been half as successful in foruming.

I adore your animeads site. It's gorgeous and super helpful!

Also, I'm usually a lurker here, and I pause to read your posts in the recent posts thing often cause you have a lot of good things to say. 

(I feel bad for the person below me, since I haven't really done anything notable on here, but I had compliments to give oops)

EDIT: I was too slow! But it's easy to compliment you too @iota ! I love how dedicated to your site that you are, and that you manage to push through the hard parts of admining that I personally have trouble with. I also think you're very friendly and willing to chat with those of us who don't post a lot, and I think that's great. 
last edit on Aug 12, 2018 0:04:29 GMT by kappaccino
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
Deleted Avatar
ha, time to be that person again and post in this thread altho i've provided no information about myself OTL

you're honestly such a welcoming person qq and i really respect that !! when i first joined here and posted my intro, you replied soon after and also welcomed other newcomers on the site, and that was just so nice of you and honestly played a bigger role than it maybe should have had in making me feel at home here !!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
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