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juneearned bits
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june Avatar
If failure isn't an option, why do I still get it?
mfw i was already typing up a response but then more offers and i'm even mad at it lmao Alright, I'm gonna keep these reaaaal short and sweet.

As someone who likes RWBY, this heightened my interest. Essentials are a little lengthy for my tastes, but it didn't turn me off since it kept my interest. What I REALLY like is that you have a system to progress a character's rank/abilities/etc.

Expect to see my pretty face soon.

Ngl the plot was a lot to take in, but like my first response, it kept my interest. I love that there's a lot of species to choose from to play as and some of them I never even heard of (that's a good thing btw, I learn something new err'day.) I'm definitely considering joining, that's for sure. (aka you'll be seeing me soon lmao)

A'ight, so initially I was sort of skeptical of looking around because I literally have no knowledge of Pokemon except for Pikachu. BUT, your site hits the majority of the marks I listed and info seems straightforward enough, so I'm actually more than willing to consider joininig. This'd be my first Pokemon site, so the experience would be interesting. (aka you'll be seeing me soon x2.) Hell, I'll probably be hooked on Pokemon.

Thank you guys so much for offering these beautiful sites I'll most likely be joining. <3 I'm not joining immediately, but as I keep spamming in this post, expect to see me soon.

I'm still looking for probably one more site to throw myself in, so keep 'em coming!
17written posts
juneearned bits
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june Avatar
If failure isn't an option, why do I still get it?
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bon bon chocolat ❤

ever since everglow came out. i can't stop putting my hands on my head and making the lion face symbol out of them and just...bon bon chocolat. i want marie kondo to know that this sparks joy in my life.

Ahh, another intellectual that believes Bon Bon chocolat is a bop. :^)
17written posts
juneearned bits
New Member
june Avatar
If failure isn't an option, why do I still get it?
I really didn't know how else to start this off and spent a good amount of time trying to be creative reeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Anyway, hi, I'm June (or Ryoko). I'm already on a site and I'm mostly cozy with it. bUT! RPing is like ice cream. You love this particular flavor a lot, but sometimes it's nice to try out other flavors. If you like the flavor, I'll take it any day! If not, then it's fine! Other people will like it too!

Basically I want more sites to be on while being a lazy little shit lmao. I'm gonna be very brief with my wants since I don't plan to make this a whole essay.

What I'm looking for:

Combat-based rps: This is probably a priority for me atm. Idc about the genre itself whether it's fantasy or something else, I just want something that have a stat system that's easy to follow (or if you think it's easy to explain, be prepared to explain to an idiot like me ;D) or something that determines a character's strength/abilities like ranks or classes.

Superpowers: Again, idc what setting it is, I want my character to have superpowers whether they're human or not. Superheroes? Sure, go crazy! Bonus points if they can be a human with powers.

Slice of Life: Sometimes it's nice to go casual, so I don't mind a normal setting. School, small town, go nuts fam. Go nuts.

Fantasy-settings: Sort of connects to superpowers in a way, but I need more fantasy. Preferably low and I get to be a human, but I don't mind high either or playing something that isn't human.

Chill community: You know; friendly, very engaging, very welcoming, won't drown my lurking ass, etc. I prefer small communities, but I won't exclude sites with a ton of members because the more the merrier and the more for me to harass people for plots. >:^) ok i'm kinda shy but i can make some efforts

Dystopian: Oppressive concept? Dark world? Crafting society as a perfect illusion? Fighting against/for a tyrant? Y E S.

Apocalyptic settings: I LOVE writing in a destroyed world if that make sense. I heavily prefer a setting where zombies are rampant, but anything else is cool too.

Androids/Cyborgs: If I get to play one you got me snatched.

Fandoms: This isn't really much of a want, but more of a clarification. I don't mind fandoms, it's just that I don't really know much anime/tv shows. I'm more of an original type of gal. The only thing I really know by heart is DBZ, RWBY and just a little bit of Naruto. I'll be willing to join a fandom as long as your site is newbie friendly, meaning I don't necessarily have to know the show to join and all the essential stuff will be provided for me on your site. I can also look up some things for additional info! Hell, maybe I might actually be interested to watch the show.

LGBT+ friendly: Is this relevant? Probably not lmao. I just want there to be a sexuality field somewhere because I'm a bitch for r o m a n c e. It's okay if there isn't, but what I really don't want is to get flack for making a gay character.

Animanga fcs: I HEAVILY prefer animanga fcs, but I'll also take sites with rl fcs.

Lore: I prefer a short premise than walls of text, but I don't mind if that's the case.

Keep in mind, I don't expect all of the wants cramped into one site (no shit june). They don't even have to fit into any of the criteria I listed. If you think your site can generally interest me, whether it's new, under construction, or already established, don't be afraid to post here or hmu in the pm's! <3

If I am interested, expect me to pop up in like... a week at latest because I'm lazy and forgetful lmao.
last edit on Mar 22, 2019 18:15:24 GMT by june
17written posts
juneearned bits
New Member
june Avatar
If failure isn't an option, why do I still get it?
I spent a good amount of time writing up a depressing ass essay but I decided to shorten it to spare the details lmaoo.

Stop doing things for people's approval.

Do things that make you happy. Do things that you want to do. It's okay to be selfish for a little bit, after all, you should be your own priorities for the sake of your being. If people aren't able to please you or live up to your expectations, why the hell are you trying so hard to please those types of people? Focus on you first.
last edit on Mar 22, 2019 2:36:52 GMT by june
17written posts
juneearned bits
New Member
june Avatar
If failure isn't an option, why do I still get it?
am i problematic yet?

am i getting ur attention?

pls give me attention

Hi, I'm June. I go by many names because a bitch is trying not to get recognized by a few toxic hoes (ok to be honest in my younger years I just went with names that sounded pretty lmao), but I'm widely known as June/Ryoko in my complicated circle of friends. A friend sent me here (will not mention their name because they don't deserve it) like a few weeks back, but I'm here, queer, and fear...less.


I can be pretty sassy, petty, and sarcastic, memey (is that even a word) but in no way is it meant to harm or target anyone in a serious way. I'm just not a mature adult is all. I mean I am mature, but like, I'm a mature immature adult. I don't bite hard I swear you can talk to me any time. Or talk trash at me. Or both.

I'm like 9 months away from being 20 (shout out to all the Sagittarius signs) and tbh I just wanna go back to being 9 because idk how to do taxes and like idk how to job?? I'm currently attempting to go back to college because holy shit was THAT ever so stressful. I may or may not take online classes, idk for sure, but degrees are important if I want that dream job.

Okay so overall I've been roleplaying for 11 years, but if we're talking about forum roleplaying then it's 7. The young ass me and her Chatango and Xat years of roleplaying was fucking wild lmao. Anyway I'm a Proboards kiddie when it comes to forum roleplay, but I also love Jcink forumotion go hek urself. Zetaboards was the GOAT for me until it d i e d.

Did I also mention I can kinda code? I had an on and off relationship when it actually came to learning how to code because my patience wasn't taking it. But I've been amazed at what coders were able to make with skins and templates, so I finally put my foot down and said "DO IT". I'm still pretty new, but in terms of actually knowing what property does what, I think I'm confident enough to say I kind of know what I'm doing. Just don't trust me too much just yet.

I think that's all I wanted to say about me except for one thing:

I actually do wear socks and sandals, and sometimes in public too. ;D