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you could put out a staff search + general interest check (if you haven't already) to gauge how much interest there would be for such a concept. best of luck to you <3
I've done this (not on pixel perfect because the site I'm making isn't in English) but got no response...

I'm just desperately looking for a place to RP some of my characters and I'm tired of making AU versions of them just to fit a different site's setting, but there's literally no place for me to RP them in their own setting (and all private 1x1 RPs I've tried to set up for this either die after 2 weeks or never even start in the first place) 😭😭😭

edit: I'm also tired of feeling like I "don't fit in" with pretty much any RP community I join.
If you are struggling to find common ground with the community and the type of roleplay you want to engage yourself in, you need to make compromises if you want to write with other people as this is a collaborative hobby. You have made this same post on multiple occasions and my advice to you is to put your pants on, figure out the content of your roleplay that intersects with the community, and judging from that evaluation make the hard decision whether or not it's worth your time and effort to pursue this instead of wishful posting that vaguely blames the community. 

I apologise if my words come off harsh, but this is the best advice I can give anyone who are unable to make decisions because they're paralysed by "what if"s and the daunting effort of making a site. Making a site is a daunting effort. Doing it well is another monumental task. But the only thing that is stopping you from taking the first step is yourself.

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I've done this (not on pixel perfect because the site I'm making isn't in English) but got no response...

I'm just desperately looking for a place to RP some of my characters and I'm tired of making AU versions of them just to fit a different site's setting, but there's literally no place for me to RP them in their own setting (and all private 1x1 RPs I've tried to set up for this either die after 2 weeks or never even start in the first place) 😭😭😭

edit: I'm also tired of feeling like I "don't fit in" with pretty much any RP community I join.
If you are struggling to find common ground with the community and the type of roleplay you want to engage yourself in, you need to make compromises if you want to write with other people as this is a collaborative hobby. You have made this same post on multiple occasions and my advice to you is to put your pants on, figure out the content of your roleplay that intersects with the community, and judging from that evaluation make the hard decision whether or not it's worth your time and effort to pursue this instead of wishful posting that vaguely blames the community. 

I apologise if my words come off harsh, but this is the best advice I can give anyone who are unable to make decisions because they're paralysed by "what if"s and the daunting effort of making a site. Making a site is a daunting effort. Doing it well is another monumental task. But the only thing that is stopping you from taking the first step is yourself.
No, you're right and you should say it.

I want to say, as someone who hates 90% of modern RP trends, you CAN build sites that do not, in any way, follow those trends.

You might not get the fandoms you want. You might not get a huge community. But I've made a few sites that have lasted for quite a while, with vibrant communities, that do not focus on the aesthetic-driven nonsense that I hate about the rest of the RPC. And instead of compromising on things I hate, I've met people who also hate the things I hate and we just RP together now.

The key is to be bold, put in the effort, and not care about other metrics of "success." Some sites are too niche to thrive, yes; fandoms in particular tend to be hit or miss. You also need to not care about the RPC at large.

I've found lots of success caring more about the people that I do find that like my sites and like RP'ing on them, than wringing my hands over what-ifs and making my sites more "popular." It makes me happier, and I'm going to stick with it. The end results are communities I stick with for years. Instead of a constant booming revolving door, we just have the same few people forever, and I've decided I like it this way.

Basically, "if you build it, they will come." You have to build it, though, and show no small amount of care and effort. If you've never stuck on a site for longer than a month, running a site probably isn't for you.

shout-out to the site I ran that ran for like 2-3 years on the Jcink default skin.

Edit to show an example: I hate post templates. They're busy, annoying, and kinda obnoxious to use. As a result, rather than grit my teeth about post templates and complain to admins or just suck it up, I've found people that also hate post templates because they either have sensory issues or vision issues. We RP together now in our own spaces, instead of on sites where post templates are common. The community might have you think that post templates are mandatory to RP anywhere, but that's definitely not true. Throw out the idea that you're the only person who feels the way you do, and you might find friends who share your preferences.
last edit on Mar 24, 2023 21:02:29 GMT by illidan main

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aliasRinse, Oakey
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how do cats insert a single claw into ur tiddy in just the way that causes maximum damage every single time they jump on you (100% of the time, no fail). the answer, i'm almost certain, is that they do this on purpose and that it's in their blood~

an original powers rp
Dark Empress
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Do you think we can be just like you?
𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚒 Avatar

yall ever just think of teppei genshin impact... yeah..............................

God, i did not realize teppei end is death. I thought he just pass out or something. It was only after i re-watch the scene on youtube tht i realize my man is dead 😭
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i remember teppei as a cheap throwaway character because one look, and you'll notice his ambition far exceeds his character design or the lack thereof orz thanks to the fact that he keeps sticking to you, it tends to mean something so... played through the quest going like ;'D "ur gonna die arent cha" 

in regards to npcs though, ying er... stands out. eh...? :sweats:
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