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all hail Garfield and the Holy Lasagna
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dijit.exeearned bits
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no talk me angy
Neko Avatar
I will confess that more than once I have wanted to post in the counting thread the "stop, get some help" gif when you guys are on a roll.

I triple dog dare you. what cha' gonna do now??
internally screaming
1,821written posts
Nekoearned bits
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stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
dijit.exe Avatar
Neko Avatar
I will confess that more than once I have wanted to post in the counting thread the "stop, get some help" gif when you guys are on a roll.
I triple dog dare you. what cha' gonna do now??

the audacity -

but no seriously I have a bunch of gifs - I need to use them. In other news, my husband and mother were flipping out last night cause our hot water wasn't working. Mom's like near tears and husband is like pissed.

You know what's great.

these idiots turned the hot water off themselves and didn't know
352written posts
vonearned bits
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emoji is part of internet language now and like all visual communication, its meaning is up for you to understand depending on context.

the trick for me is i take people online at face value. It's gonna be too stressful for me otherwise to just ALWAYS be on-guard and critique each and every word and emojis people use.

The only time I basically care about /looking in-depth/ online is when it comes to someone intimate like my friends, etc. bc shit it can ruin ur relationships LMFAO!!

I also don't think emojis and online slangs differ much from how real people/friends interact you know? I have many friends who say they're fine but they're not, and their attitudes reflect online too, just with an added emoji this time.
last edit on Apr 24, 2020 18:39:10 GMT by von
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