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Post a Random Thought

all hail Garfield and the Holy Lasagna
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dijit.exeearned bits
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no talk me angy
a part of me is dying with this online music university stuff. but at the same time, I'm saving myself from a life crisis because I can use my notes :eyes:

however, I did a big stupid and uh, went to copy one of my Music History assignments to turn in. It's like- 12 pages of fill in the blanks. Turns out it's double sided and I'm a dumbass, so gotta do it again.

also pls, school give me back my weekends.
last edit on Apr 24, 2020 23:02:51 GMT by dijit.exe
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Deletedearned bits
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I was going to say something but I need to ask , (mother and husband) how the hell did you not know you turned the hot water off? There is two of you standing there? I'm curious on what their thought process was on this. I'll take a guess, or if you don't want to share that is fine too, but it has peeked my interest greatly.
last edit on Apr 25, 2020 0:08:01 GMT by Deleted
internally screaming
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stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
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Apr 25, 2020 0:07:14 GMT @spiritfoxxy said:
I was going to say something but I need to ask , (mother and husband) how the hell did you not know you turned the hot water off? There is two of you standing there? I'm curious on what their thought process was on this. I'll take a guess, or if you don't want to share that is fine too, but it has peeked my interest greatly.

Sure - so basically, we live in an old as sin house. So, the circuit breaker (fuse box) is upside down and not everything is labeled correctly. So, someone used the blender and it flipped the switch in the kitchen. The kitchen switch isn't labelled so they were messing around since the switch didn't actually flip to the off position cause it's old. We have one switch that is unoccupied so they turned that one back off, but they didn't realize they turned off the hot water heater, not the one that was actually unoccupied.

So - we've correctly labeled them now so I hope it doesn't happen again, lol.

It was just - they both thought /I/ was in there so I would have known or something. I was on the other side of the house when they were flipping switches, I had no idea.
all hail Garfield and the Holy Lasagna
403written posts
dijit.exeearned bits
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no talk me angy
Its 3am, and I startled myself woke up after remembering one of my many many embarrassing life moments..

If that doesn’t doesnt count as a nightmare, or instills fear into you, idk what will.

last edit on Apr 25, 2020 7:57:14 GMT by dijit.exe
257written posts
styrofoam eaterearned bits
styrofoam eater
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i like the cronch
Sometimes I still think of an RP community that I left. It wasn't toxic or anything but it made me super uncomfortable and just the mention of it makes me anxious, even though I haven't been a part of it for months. Is that normal? :/
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Gingerearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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I sent somebody a pm of 4k words.. how. does this happen?! just. how. it. I'm sorry world.before anyone assumed anything, just conversation. Completely normal conversations. [goes into a corner to rot with a very very long scroll to write will on]
last edit on Apr 25, 2020 16:19:08 GMT by Ginger
127written posts
vvvaporwavesearned bits
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[mitski voice] nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody
styrofoam eater Avatar
Sometimes I still think of an RP community that I left. It wasn't toxic or anything but it made me super uncomfortable and just the mention of it makes me anxious, even though I haven't been a part of it for months. Is that normal? :/

i say yes. some communities just have a vibe that makes people uncomfortable and more often than not, there's good reason for it. where there's smoke, there's usually a fire imo and i trust my own instincts and gut feelings 9 times out of 10.

also: just because a community isn't outright or obviously "toxic", doesn't mean that there aren't other ways to make people feel uncomfortable, excluded, etc. and the worst part abt the internet is that you never know if those actions are intentional or accidental.
last edit on Apr 25, 2020 17:15:07 GMT by vvvaporwaves
404written posts
scyllaearned bits
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styrofoam eater Avatar
Sometimes I still think of an RP community that I left. It wasn't toxic or anything but it made me super uncomfortable and just the mention of it makes me anxious, even though I haven't been a part of it for months. Is that normal? :/
I’ve left two communities now. One, I can’t even look at their affiliate button without feeling panicked/upset. The second, I still poke my head in, but the reason I left rears it’s head and I start feeling so, so, so very sad. 

I think it’s normal when you think you’re there to build friendships but you’re just another in a long list of people they’ve pushed out the revolving door of plot devices they’ve used up.
257written posts
styrofoam eaterearned bits
styrofoam eater
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i like the cronch
Ty guys ;;

The main thing that's inspired me to start RPs is to provide... like... a safe haven I guess in rp communities which have reputations for being toxic (i.e., naruto, etc), and I suppose this has inspired me to do the same thing but in the community I'm eeeeeeehh about.
all hail Garfield and the Holy Lasagna
403written posts
dijit.exeearned bits
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no talk me angy
ye know, sometimes i get the urge ninja join an rp site’s discord just to worship an admin for their skin making. And then just.. steal a friend request and run away.

Is that?? Legal??
29written posts
Devaearned bits
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And I hope that wherever life has taken you, that you're happy.
dijit.exe Avatar
ye know, sometimes i get the urge ninja join an rp site’s discord just to worship an admin for their skin making. And then just.. steal a friend request and run away.

Is that?? Legal??

if the only thing ur stealing is friendship then 100% yes its legal
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