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What are some things you do outside of RP?

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Deletedearned bits
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if we're being perfectly frank, outside of work and rp like 90% of my time goes towards playing warframe with the boyfriend.

probably too much time goes into it really.

I enjoy art in many formats and have the garden, I try to slip other projects in here and there but lately I've had the issue with too much i want to do and not enough organizing how to go about it so i can actually get any done. i just need to sit and pick on one so that i can work on it and move to the next.

Honestly I'm currently torn between tearing up a part of the lawn to put some stepping stones in and use as a small patio type thing and painting the new closet thing I have upstairs with fun little doodles. o3o

oh and currently reading End of Watch by Stephen King
last edit on Jul 3, 2018 22:07:57 GMT by Deleted
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Kitten4uearned bits
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I've been having to have more of a life outside of RP lately because I'm not in enough threads right now.

I mean...

Besides RP there is also RP. I play some tabletop stuff with my husband and we're both really into designing systems for them. We have a big tabletop RPG project going on that you might have seen posted on Wicked Wonderland, but he wants to make some more big changes to it, so we're holding off on doing too much advertising again until he does that. It hasn't gotten much attention yet, so this seems like a good time for it. I'll probably make a thread about it here again once we're ready. :3

Professionally, I work in software development. I did quality assurance until recently, though because I was one of the few people that could actually program on the test team that more meant I was maintaining and writing automated tests than clicking buttons and making sure everything worked. I'd love to put the QA side of my brain back to work reviewing sites or anything else. I swear I'm better at it than some of my comments in the staff Discord makes it look. I just didn't want to go full perfectionist mode because I didn't want to delay opening for minor things. I swear I'd normally notice that the chatbox rules are placeholder I promise. ;_; The company I work for restructured recently, so now I'm developing internal tools and doing data analytics. It's pretty okay. The tool we use for internal stuff is just an absolute nightmare to develop in though. If PB CSS looks complicated to you then I'm pretty sure this would make you cry. It makes me cry sometimes.

My other hobbies are basically art and video games. The kinds of art I make varies wildly. I like making skins and combining my code ability with my art ability. I like image and photo manipulation. I like digital painting. So I do everything. I'm hoping to get into making templates and stuff here too, but I've been lazy about it. I need to finish this painting I'm working on for a site event, but I think once I do that you can expect to see me spamming some stuff here.

For video games, I play mostly JRPGs, but recently have gotten into competitive team games. I too play Overwatch where I mostly play support (Mercy is my favorite), but I've been enjoying new Symmetra as well. I'm Kitten4u#1993 and I'm rated like mid plat if anyone wants to play. I've also been getting into League of Legends, but I haven't been playing that long enough to really have a main yet because there's a ton of champions. I've just been spamming Sona for the time being while I get used to the game. I don't have enough champions unlocked to play ranked yet, but if anyone wants to play normals or ARAM with me I am HurrayForApathy.
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circaearned bits
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what did you see in that dream..? besides young legs...
i... i co-run an internet radio show that i might start hosting on again. i also am in the midst of creating a podcast (though i’ve been talking about this for months now, i’m just too lazy to execute). i’m also heavily considering starting a brand and also thinking of streaming games on twitch or something. i have a regular job too, it pretty much revolves around selling whole foods. hehe.

and i’m deeply addicted to mobile legends: bang bang. and i don’t know how to stop playing. randoms are still the bane of my existence.
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Deletedearned bits
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-Bicyling (if it's not too hot, usually do every day in the spring until mid June)
-Swimming (if it's not too cold, do every day from june-sept)
-Artsy stuff when I'm not being lazy
-Gaming, movie/anime marathoning
-Reading (usually fall-winter, weirdly enough; also love audio books)
-Occasionally collect (pottery, dead butterflies I randomly find I never keep them, though, interesting minerals, dried plants, artsy plates, peculiar items, bells, etc.)
-Daydreaming, lazing, lounging
-Perfecting my omelet craftI'm totally boss at omelets now
-Learning various things. Started learning coding, now going to try to get into languages
-Lovingly trolling good people like my family
coffee break...
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Togaskoearned bits
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Im not a very active person. But when im not rp'ing Im watching movies and anime. And trying to work over the whole nervousness of actually becoming a fanfic writer because its what I've wanted to do forever, but so many ideas in my head battle for my attention that I end up putting it off til another time. All. The. Time.

But that aside. Theres also job hunting over this summer and school in the fall that will be things i ain't really looking forwards to doing that take priority over rp and stuff.
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Relicearned bits
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I spend majority of my time on forums really, very little actually RPing and more doing more behind the scenes updates and mechanics -- such as creating new quests, features, or contests.

Outside of forums though I mostly play video games in my free time. No specific type really, but I luv goin' for achievements haha ^^; Otherwise I'm pretty boring. Just started a 2 year program for web dev so I don't have much in the way of free time outside of my forums ;D
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Radioearned bits
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I run little adopt shops on a dragon game I play where I do cute little owls, emblems, and bakery items for people. I'm still learning all sorts of things from my little shops, but its really fun and great practice!

Otherwise, I run a DnD campaign every week (currently trying to aim for two times a week) and work on my writing.

Also playing Monster Hunter games, Pokemon, Stardew Valley, etc.
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nox, the HR department
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I run little adopt shops on a dragon game I play where I do cute little owls, emblems, and bakery items for people. I'm still learning all sorts of things from my little shops, but its really fun and great practice!

Otherwise, I run a DnD campaign every week (currently trying to aim for two times a week) and work on my writing.

Also playing Monster Hunter games, Pokemon, Stardew Valley, etc.
omfg... that shop sounds amazing.....................

are you new to running DnD? I can offer advice or even be a hub to share stories with!!!

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Radioearned bits
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nox, the HR department Avatar
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I run little adopt shops on a dragon game I play where I do cute little owls, emblems, and bakery items for people. I'm still learning all sorts of things from my little shops, but its really fun and great practice!

Otherwise, I run a DnD campaign every week (currently trying to aim for two times a week) and work on my writing.

Also playing Monster Hunter games, Pokemon, Stardew Valley, etc.
omfg... that shop sounds amazing.....................

are you new to running DnD? I can offer advice or even be a hub to share stories with!!!

I am pretty new to running DnD! This is my first big campaign with a big overarching plot and everything. I would greatly appreciate any advice, or even some fun stories!
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Deletedearned bits
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I run a D&D campaign, I play in two others. 

I play video games, mostly single-player, although I have been known to engage in the suicidal tendency that is League of Legends. 

I spent a majority of my free time reading or killing time on Youtube. 

Any other ounce of free time I spend telling my girlfriend how cute she is. 
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apathyearned bits
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ahh. recently moved to japan for work. so i'm hoping to explore this place a bit more and definitely climb mt. fuji. study japanese, work on my BA, play overwatch & rainbow six siege religiously, go to the gym, read comic books. i'm a huge shit poster in any discord i am in(victory..ers can confirm).

i also got into dnd really heavily since the beginning of 2018, even went out and had custom made spell cards designed and they sit in a nice little binder all holographic and stuff. timezones make it hard to find a roll20 game, and language barrier make it hard to a find rl game rip.

i'd love to better myself and learn how you all gorgeous people make equally gorgeous art but i'm afraid i'll burn myself out aaa.

i'm also obsessed with anything gordon ramsay?? i want to cook better orz.
last edit on Jul 17, 2018 7:24:10 GMT by apathy
Army-Crushing Star
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Benetnaschearned bits
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All my attempts to rp end in failure, so now I'm a solo act.
Working (FAP2 @ Walmart), constantly fussing over short stories I want to submit for publishing, gaming (mostly single player, like rpgs and visual novels) and sometimes multiplayer, like 100% OJ, League of Legends, Town of Salem, and FFXIV. Depending on the game, I'm almost always listening to a podcast, mostly audio dramas (sooo good), but also nonfiction like true crime, history, folkLore, mental health, real play (Like Critical Role, Brute Force, Cthulhu & Friends) etc. I could also go on and on about music but I'll save that for later.

I consumed a gross amount of literature before college tbh my biggest achievement was reading the most books in my school in 3rd grade, but as an adult it takes me forever to get through one book? I recently got over my distrust of audiobooks, which I'd eat up like candy if I could afford to. I love a good story, no matter the format. I like tabletops too, Shadowrun being my fave. Currently playing a long running Dragon Age game with one group, and a Final Fantasy Pathfinder game w/ another.

I also spend a lot of time making "beermoney" by doing a bunch of odd tasks online, some of which pay really, really well. Most of it is fun and kinda educational? Like research studies.

But most importantly: I devote a lot of my free time to my gf. We try for a movie night once a week, or I'll screenshare myself making terrible decisions in VNs and hitting all the death flags for the sake of achievements. Half the time we talk about the cute shit our cats do shutupbenet hahaa...

And on top of all this I manage to sleep. I'm an early bird, chirp chirp.
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meggersearned bits
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I've been doing a lot and will be doing a lot. I've just gotten back into role-playing after a 2 year on/off break too.

Currently my job is in maintenance for aircraft, so I only have like 3 hours of messing around before sleeping (because I'll need it for my job oof). I play games and currently it's fortnite but I've heard monster hunter world is coming out on pc, so that'll be something for me to look forward to. I'm also into drawing, but I only do it if I'm in the mood which has been rare.

MMMMM, I use to be into making skins for PB...now I'm at a stalemate. I really need to get back into reading so that's what I'll be doing in a bit.
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Máscara de Tigre
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It all starts with this... a jewel containing the ultimate power!
Been drawing since I was a kid, but I peaked when I learned how to draw side-profile in middle school, so I'm not really very good. Still fun to do though. I read almost exclusively non-fiction books, and started dedicating at least 15 uninterrupted minutes of my mornings, or right before I go to bed, to getting caught up on my to-read list. I've dabbled with tabletop roleplaying, literally only having two sessions of D&D under my belt, but would love to get into it more.

My number one passion is video games. Playing them mostly, as my friend and I make let's plays, but also thinking too much about them publicly on the internet, by which I mean I fancy myself a video essayist who talks about games. Just released a new one too. So that's nice.
last edit on Aug 18, 2018 23:43:18 GMT by Máscara de Tigre
aliasmori, manon, saki
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𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚒earned bits
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i know you see yourself as a fighter. well, i see myself as one, too.

i wish i made better use of my free time outside of roleplay, but at the moment if i am not writing, i am working. my job shouldn't be as demanding as it currently is, and that on its own is causing tons of issues. but, yeah. i am mostly working. i try to buy new books to spark my love of reading again, but lately it's been difficult to focus? it was always my number one thing before, though, so i'm hoping i can get back to it. and, you know, find a way to do outside things without feeling like i'm dying? one can hope.

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