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apathyearned bits
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okay so i'm watching an anime called "No Game No Life" where everything in that world is decided on simple games.

what if there was like a rp like that but the simple games are where you actually have to like.. 1v1/2v2/3v3 them in a real game (chess, Overwatch, LoL, etc)

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Deletedearned bits
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alcove Avatar
an afterlife roleplay based on different mythology:
e.g. the greek Elysium, Asphodel Fields, Tartarus, Erebus, etc
the Norse Valhalla, Fólkvangr, Hel, and Helgafjell
the Egyptian The Field of Reeds

Not sure if this aligns with your thoughts, but it made me think it'd also be cool if it integrated different time periods.
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Deletedearned bits
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AICO Incarnation-esque dungeon diving roleplay. Maybe I'm a romantic but I love excavation and exploration stories. Basic premise is that part of Japan has been overrun by a mysterious organism, so people suit up and "dive" into those contaminated, dangerous areas to obtain resources and/or investigate the organism.

An inspired roleplay could be set shortly after Day Zero, so there are still survivors to save and a lot of technological breakthroughs to do! (Like figuring out what "monsters" exist and what weaponry is effective against them!)

Combined with the idea I posted earlier involving mecha and space ships, I feel we can create a roleplay that gives a sense of danger, mystery and romance (not the love kind) of exploring the world after it was abandoned by mankind.

Seriously. I just want that. I'd run it myself but I am horrid at bigger picture stuff. I'd be happy to render assistance in the creation and management of the site, though! Just need some help with putting it all together in a way that makes everyone else say, "YEAH!" as well.
last edit on Jul 22, 2018 0:56:41 GMT by Deleted
585written posts
nox, the HR department
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an afterlife roleplay based on different mythology:
e.g. the greek Elysium, Asphodel Fields, Tartarus, Erebus, etc
the Norse Valhalla, Fólkvangr, Hel, and Helgafjell
the Egyptian The Field of Reeds

going to slap a repost here because i DO have a afterlife-based roleplay basically done that needs help being launched due to not having enough time to sink the activity but like.. i can create handfuls of content, concepts and pay for things to get on their feet

Here's the plot.

Upon death, you receive a ticket on your wrist. If it is white, you are lead to Heaven or Rebirth. However, if it is black you are sent to Hell. You are one of the departed issued with a black ticket, cursed to remain in the Underworld as a Ghost.

Not all hope is lost. It is not eternal damnation that awaits, but a different set of dangers entirely. Reapers patrol the area to eliminate any Ghosts that step out of line. Even the refuge of Middle Towns -- where Reapers are prohibited to set foot inside -- is rife with its own problems, as though the exhaustion of living continues to haunt you after death.

There is a purpose to some Ghosts, who refuse the judgement handed to them. It is said that if you accumulate one hundred tickets, it will result in a white ticket, granting you passage to Heaven or Rebirth. Will you climb out of Hell, or will you be another of the daily departed?

40written posts
Zyzyearned bits
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an afterlife roleplay based on different mythology:
e.g. the greek Elysium, Asphodel Fields, Tartarus, Erebus, etc
the Norse Valhalla, Fólkvangr, Hel, and Helgafjell
the Egyptian The Field of Reeds

I'd also like to see this. Seeing Greek, Norse, Egyptian, and Japanese mythos all colliding. 
107written posts
♕ RISSYearned bits
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You think your instincts, are your weakness. But they are your strengths. Trust in them. ❞
so i had this idea a long time ago, but never ended up making it cause my sites always die. but i'd love to see a site centered around video games. like, have a "hub" area where the video game characters can interact and be friends and stuff. I kind of got the idea from an image i saw on pinterest which i will include. but it would also be interesting if the characters from different worlds could also move into other video game characters and sort of have a crossover with each other, kind of like wreck-it-ralph a bit!

6written posts
Radioearned bits
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 a little random, but --


either based on the 2000's animation, anime/manga based, or the new real life series coming this Fall, Idc

just need it

I would totally get on board with something like this. I LOVE Teen Titans and am so excited for all the new stuff about it (except Teen Titans GO! that can keep away from me). Honestly if anyone was interested in starting this up or helping out I would jump on board right away and either help plan it or run it. I think it would be super fun!
155written posts
alcoveearned bits
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ask not for whom the bell tolls
I recently read about star people.
Star people (also known as starseeds and sometimes indigo children) is a New Age belief and fringe theory. Introduced by Brad Steiger in his 1976 book Gods of Aquarius,[1] it argues that certain people originated as extraterrestrials and arrived on Earth through birth or as a walk-in to an existing human body. It is a variant of the belief in alien-human hybrids.[2] There are many different beliefs as to the origins of star people or starseeds.

Now I want a RP based around that.
last edit on Jul 24, 2018 12:48:24 GMT by alcove
90written posts
FINITEearned bits
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I recently read about star people.
Star people (also known as starseeds and sometimes indigo children) is a New Age belief and fringe theory. Introduced by Brad Steiger in his 1976 book Gods of Aquarius,[1] it argues that certain people originated as extraterrestrials and arrived on Earth through birth or as a walk-in to an existing human body. It is a variant of the belief in alien-human hybrids.[2] There are many different beliefs as to the origins of star people or starseeds.
Now I want a RP based around that.

that is so different from everything i was taught as an indigo child myself but i need this in my life