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illidan mainearned bits
illidan main
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Yeah that's a great point Light! I think you can do slice of life on pretty much any site. I wonder what's the distinct difference between a site labelled slice of life oppose to one that isn't. Is it the events that pose some threats to people that makes it different or something else? You really brought up a great point! :)
I've personally always viewed this as being a matter of intention & focus

A site with a major over arching plot and factions intends to be a plot driven action including story with events and plot influence and things determined by character interactions etc etc.it's more like a story book or an action movie and the intent from the beginning is to pass through Plot check points and play out the story as participants in it.

Slice of life is more about a setting and general interactions resulting in something far more laid back. The goal is to have a nice general setting for characters to established in but no over arching canon story, it's more about the blending of every day adventures and shenanigans with the occasional "but what if this happened?!?" Thrown in to help keep it spicy. They also tend to rely more heavily on member driven plots to make stuff happen than staff driven.

A fantasy site where vampires and werewolves hate each other and have been warring for centuries, the war is hitting a boiling point and about to bleed into human society upsetting the cosmic balance between the special and the not, how will you survive when the world starts to fall apart?!?!


A fantasy site where non humans coexist with humanity, magic and gods are abundant and well received. Peace is the common state of mind and the world can't wait to hear your story.

The latter is most likely to be labeled slice of life because while a werewolf pack and a vamp coven might be fighting in it the intention of the site is not to focus on them specifically, just to let them exist.

A fantasy site where they are the focus may have slice of life elements or characters in it but they are not its main focus, just something that isn't entirely shunned because there's no reason for it to be pushed out when it's just kinda there.

Eta: to be a good girl and obey the rules of the thread..... Kinda feeling a semi modern fantasy setting again. Just a little bit. Miss playing my unruly demons/vamps
If that's how you view slice of life, then uh, I might know a place lol.

Anyway I want someone to run a League of Legends RP so I don't have to do it myself.

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4,368written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
re: the slice of life pokemon thing

i've said it before, i'll say it again. what you're really looking for with that is something more along the lines of a site inspired by detective pikachu - aka a site that's not oriented around the traditional pokemon trainer journey the way a lot of pokemon sites are at their core, even when they make some efforts to distance themselves from it (which is largely because just... sites pulling heavily from the main games are always gonna have that limitation just because imo that's a very integral part of the games so you have to make a conscious effort to disconnect away from it, the same way you would a harry potter site that isn't based around hogwarts or some similar kind of school).

because honestly, all i want in life is just. a mid-sized semi-realistic city where i can be a normal person except pokemon are also there. bonus points if there's some elements from pokemon conquest because i love the idea of a super limited team size, evolutions based on your affinity to your pokemon, and especially the warlords aspect for some neat flavor to boot in a kind of harry-potter-purebloods way.
last edit on Dec 15, 2019 23:37:21 GMT by Kuroya

5written posts
spectreearned bits
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I think it's certainly possible to have both the journey and the slice of life all in one! Only thing is, you'd have to have a significant enough member base to support that. Moderators generally cater to the majority, and people role playing slice of life probably wouldn't get fed much of anything in terms of site-wide events the way people playing as traveling trainers and coordinators are. But to cater to both, you'd have to have a pretty significantly sized staff team, since, well. Most Pokemon site mechanics can get super cumbersome if you don't give much leeway, and have the potential to fall pray to exploitation by those people who are there for the game aspects over socially interacting much with anyone if you do.

And by that point, it's like frying burgers in a coffee shop. if you have to do all the legwork to feed yourself while staff is serving up content catering to the main demographic... sure, some other people might see what you're doing and want in on it, but unless one of the baristas comes out as a fry cook and serves you too, you were probably just better off going to a diner somewhere. 

(also pokemon conquest is baller and I'm frankly shocked that I haven't seen any sites based on it tbh)
last edit on Dec 16, 2019 2:42:35 GMT by spectre
6written posts
solearned bits
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Anyway I want someone to run a League of Legends RP so I don't have to do it myself.

I keep wanting to do a more light hearted AU where it's just back to the old League lore of having the Summoners and the fights being "guys please only fight here instead of nearly tearing the world apart with magic again" bloodsports. Scandals of saying a certain champion is too powerful so there's magical restrictions put on them. In world arguments of people writing fanfiction shipping a champion with a popular summoner. Negotiating contracts to be part of the League but you're not paying me enough and why did you allow that person from Demacia/Noxus/Bilgewater in?!

yeah yeah i know it wouldn't work with a lot of the new champion lore but still, lots of hijinks to be had
799written posts
illidan mainearned bits
illidan main
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spectre Avatar
I think it's certainly possible to have both the journey and the slice of life all in one! Only thing is, you'd have to have a significant enough member base to support that. Moderators generally cater to the majority, and people role playing slice of life probably wouldn't get fed much of anything in terms of site-wide events the way people playing as traveling trainers and coordinators are. But to cater to both, you'd have to have a pretty significantly sized staff team, since, well. Most Pokemon site mechanics can get super cumbersome if you don't give much leeway, and have the potential to fall pray to exploitation by those people who are there for the game aspects over socially interacting much with anyone if you do.

And by that point, it's like frying burgers in a coffee shop. if you have to do all the legwork to feed yourself while staff is serving up content catering to the main demographic... sure, some other people might see what you're doing and want in on it, but unless one of the baristas comes out as a fry cook and serves you too, you were probably just better off going to a diner somewhere. 

(also pokemon conquest is baller and I'm frankly shocked that I haven't seen any sites based on it tbh)
Eh I disagree. If you run the site loose enough, you can have both. Like, if you're statless and don't do hard systems and don't limit what Pokemon people can have or play, it becomes easier to just make a RP that feels like you're in the Pokemon world rather than the Pokemon games. It helps if you don't make DMing threads Staff Only, or if you don't require that every aspect of a route journey be played. My issue with a lot of hard system Pokemon sites is that they do feel more like a game than a RP, and it does feel pointless to have characters that don't revolve around battling or contests. But if you take out the game aspects, you can have both.

Trust me. I know what I'm talking about. I run the site that is both.

sol Avatar
illidan main Avatar
Anyway I want someone to run a League of Legends RP so I don't have to do it myself.
I keep wanting to do a more light hearted AU where it's just back to the old League lore of having the Summoners and the fights being "guys please only fight here instead of nearly tearing the world apart with magic again" bloodsports. Scandals of saying a certain champion is too powerful so there's magical restrictions put on them. In world arguments of people writing fanfiction shipping a champion with a popular summoner. Negotiating contracts to be part of the League but you're not paying me enough and why did you allow that person from Demacia/Noxus/Bilgewater in?!

yeah yeah i know it wouldn't work with a lot of the new champion lore but still, lots of hijinks to be had

Honestly I prefer the newer lore and the potential it brings, but I would still probably join an old-lore based site because I like the old lore too.
last edit on Dec 16, 2019 6:21:36 GMT by illidan main

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12written posts
beeearned bits
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two things:

1. bioshock, but before the fall of rapture. maybe going au/no canons so it's not exactly playing out how the games did.

2. outer worlds because that shit was hilarious but it most likely wouldn't translate to rp well but that doesn't stop me from wanting it.
3,084written posts
Kitten4uearned bits
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I'm realizing how much I miss giving dumb teenagers god-like power and watching everything explode. So the kind of site with some kind of superpowers/magic/technology/whatever where half the point is making something completely overpowered (but still fun to play with and against), and then giving it to young people (best if most of the PCs are under 18 and over like 13-14 or so) and watching shenanigans ensue. Setting doesn't really matter, I just want to blow some things up and have petty rivalries.
937written posts
gimmickearned bits
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All birds and men are sure to die but songs may live forever
Kitten4u Avatar
I'm realizing how much I miss giving dumb teenagers god-like power and watching everything explode. So the kind of site with some kind of superpowers/magic/technology/whatever where half the point is making something completely overpowered (but still fun to play with and against), and then giving it to young people (best if most of the PCs are under 18 and over like 13-14 or so) and watching shenanigans ensue. Setting doesn't really matter, I just want to blow some things up and have petty rivalries.
boku no hero lord of the flies
626written posts
Gingerearned bits
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Thanks to Harley Quinn show.... PANfandom/Multiverse..... But with Slice of life. Where Robin just talks on TV about his new "nemesis" or Quinn just trying to get media attention only to fail. You just have all these characters just forced to live together and All writing styles are not at all taking the site seriously, just Layback "Do whatever" type of writing.

last edit on Dec 23, 2019 3:20:29 GMT by Ginger
41written posts
ghostieearned bits
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Stardew Valley except people won't judge me when I look through the trash
PLEASE give me a stardew valley/harvest moon site. it is a need.
