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Sites You Want To See

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A warring semi-medieval era site where they have all those castles and medieval looking architecture with a touch of modern due to holy artifacts they found with strange foreign power. Where the church protects people from demons that ravage the land and these artifacts are alive and choose a host to wield them to fight the demons.

maybe I'll work on it for lulz and as a time killer
last edit on Oct 13, 2018 12:55:20 GMT by Deleted
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an anime/manga harvest moon site with stardew valley influence? i've never actually played the games, but I love the rps based around their world. with magic grass and mages/wizards and merpeople and just regular humans, all of them just trying to survive in a small town setting that doesn't depend on technology. it's kinda a shame that all the anime/manga ones have went offline recently ;-/ 

i also really want an inuyasha/feudal era roleplay. I would make it myself, but i'm busy with life and managing my own site.

maybe a camp rp?

i also personally think it would be awesome to have a twilight rp, though that is mainly my inner 12-year-old talking.

and, a site that lasts more than two months in general....
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disney or literature personified site
or like a myths site (gods & monsters being reincarnated modern world???)
i see a few cropping up on rl every so often but i would love to see an animanga one tbh
 I second this
reincarnated monsters and gods would be awesome
and they probably don't even have to be the same gender as their predeccesor -- 
like how awesome would it be to have the incarnation of aphrodite in the modern world, who has this myserious ability of making people fall in love with him/her, and is like a perfect matchmaker, but can't find love his/herself?

or, like, the reincarnated zeus would be great at like everything almost and maybe would even have some kind of affinity to lightning, but doesn't know how to adult, control his/her own impulses, and is seriously lacking in judgement?
last edit on Oct 21, 2018 2:56:17 GMT by Deleted