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Coding Confessions

local boogeyman
aliasbex, jeepers cats
pronounsshe/her or any pronouns
802written posts
profit of doomearned bits
profit of doom
Part of the Furniture
profit of doom Avatar
they pull the axe out your face and say "was it the boogeyman?"
Neko Avatar
profit of doom Avatar
i'm trying 's approach to a color palette, which is fuck you it's blue and i don't think i've ever used this much color in my life and it's still............mostly just navy and gray LMAO

it's black but it's ok to be wrong :)
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
887written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
not me literally spending six hours last night changing my mind how i want to implement a fucking scroll to top/bottom button. indecision is a bastard especially when it’s 5am but by god you’re going to get this to work
last edit on Sept 1, 2023 17:44:44 GMT by bc
243written posts
Beetleearned bits
Full Member
Beetle Avatar
every time I go in to clean up my style sheets to make sure everything is easy to find and there's no duplicates I'm always amazed at how disorganized it is ; 3; every time i say i'll be more organized while writing it and every time it's a lie

Solar Waltz, an 18+ panfandom set in NYC
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
Deleted Avatar
arknight's fire in the sand event is... giving me so much coding muse... the ui... so clean... the subtle, business-worldbuilding...the grey1!! it's what i wanted to do last time but ofc they did it better.

... i wonder if i deleted it already 

my panopticon arpee muse to code/write is once again rising 

fighting my 4 other concept ideas 

none will win 

none will make it out of figma

local boogeyman
aliasbex, jeepers cats
pronounsshe/her or any pronouns
802written posts
profit of doomearned bits
profit of doom
Part of the Furniture
profit of doom Avatar
they pull the axe out your face and say "was it the boogeyman?"
> want to code
> open codepen, stare at it, slackjawed like a moron for an hour
> close it with nothing
> wash, rinse, repeat
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
1,533written posts
ditto become human
Part of the Furniture
ditto become human Avatar
maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
The skin i am working on rn is using the base design of a skin i made *checks board creation date* october 24 2017

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
Deleted Avatar

me when pushing to prod
or in this case just adjusting code to jcink 

counting my blessings that i don't have to fit it for legacy-code-incredibly-niche-dead-skill-that-can't-be-transferred-to-irl-skills pb style plugins 
that's it that's my gripe with pb

ok back to dying (is it just me or i can't seem to display my post in bbcode btw... it just crashes... i can't like posts/go to page 2 too unless i enter the url directly.. pb-why)
frog on the floor
aliasfreiheit, microwaved burrito
1,539written posts
pharaoh leapearned bits
pharaoh leap
pharaoh leap Avatar
i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.
Rewrote this ten times because I couldn't figure out how to make it not sound like bragging in a way, but if I'm incredibly vague then no one will know what I'm talking about and all ego is washed away, right? Right? Anyway, I have incredibly complicated feelings toward a specific trend in new skins - largely because I was talked out of using it well before it was a trend at all, and now I feel like it's 'too late' for me to use an idea I was once so excited for, because of the fear of it being taken as just another bout of trend surfing. ... Also residual fear for the reasons that talked me out of it in the first place, but. Mostly that... longingly staring through the coding community window, sdfkjlshfjkdshfjkdsh.
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
1,533written posts
ditto become human
Part of the Furniture
ditto become human Avatar
maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
pharaoh leap Avatar
Rewrote this ten times because I couldn't figure out how to make it not sound like bragging in a way, but if I'm incredibly vague then no one will know what I'm talking about and all ego is washed away, right? Right? Anyway, I have incredibly complicated feelings toward a specific trend in new skins - largely because I was talked out of using it well before it was a trend at all, and now I feel like it's 'too late' for me to use an idea I was once so excited for, because of the fear of it being taken as just another bout of trend surfing. ... Also residual fear for the reasons that talked me out of it in the first place, but. Mostly that... longingly staring through the coding community window, sdfkjlshfjkdshfjkdsh.

People will always have an opinion. While they’re spending their time judging, you’re creating! It’s clear who the winner is

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
pronounshe, him
561written posts
Sharpearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Sharp Avatar
pharaoh leap Avatar
Rewrote this ten times because I couldn't figure out how to make it not sound like bragging in a way, but if I'm incredibly vague then no one will know what I'm talking about and all ego is washed away, right? Right? Anyway, I have incredibly complicated feelings toward a specific trend in new skins - largely because I was talked out of using it well before it was a trend at all, and now I feel like it's 'too late' for me to use an idea I was once so excited for, because of the fear of it being taken as just another bout of trend surfing. ... Also residual fear for the reasons that talked me out of it in the first place, but. Mostly that... longingly staring through the coding community window, sdfkjlshfjkdshfjkdsh.

Any concept or design trend out there I'd bet a good amount of money you can pull it off better than anyone else in the community. Show 'em how it is done.
last edit on Oct 5, 2023 5:13:39 GMT by Sharp
346written posts
Mizoearned bits
Senior Member
Mizo Avatar
If you are reading this, I am beautiful.
pharaoh leap Avatar
Rewrote this ten times because I couldn't figure out how to make it not sound like bragging in a way, but if I'm incredibly vague then no one will know what I'm talking about and all ego is washed away, right? Right? Anyway, I have incredibly complicated feelings toward a specific trend in new skins - largely because I was talked out of using it well before it was a trend at all, and now I feel like it's 'too late' for me to use an idea I was once so excited for, because of the fear of it being taken as just another bout of trend surfing. ... Also residual fear for the reasons that talked me out of it in the first place, but. Mostly that... longingly staring through the coding community window, sdfkjlshfjkdshfjkdsh.

do whatever you want babe, there's no point in designing if you can't do what you enjoy.

+ The whole point of trends is to encourage people to be exposed to/try new things anyways.

aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
1,533written posts
ditto become human
Part of the Furniture
ditto become human Avatar
maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
this the wrong place but i need someone to confess

but how does anyone code in proboards without live preview or quick edit is there a cheat code i can use. i just want to see my info in the template because i'm obsessed with seeing my progress so far looking pretty in template

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
pronounshe, him
561written posts
Sharpearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Sharp Avatar
ditto become human Avatar
this the wrong place but i need someone to confess

but how does anyone code in proboards without live preview or quick edit is there a cheat code i can use. i just want to see my info in the template because i'm obsessed with seeing my progress so far looking pretty in template

I have my own forum with style tags installed and I just post and edit repeatedly.
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