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Coding Confessions

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
aliasthat bitch.
pronouns"that bitch" still works tbh (any OK!)
551written posts
selkieearned bits
Part of the Furniture
selkie Avatar
a verb in perfect view.
>be me
>working on [REDACTED]
>also bad at JS, but slowly getting into the "can google jquery solution and use the stackoverflow result successfully" range rather than the "completely clueless range"
>"ok this should just be a simple "if X, do Y" script, ez pz
>9 0 M I N U T E S P A S S
>give up
>ask for help on support forum
>get a fix within 7 minutes
weeping omens advertisement

all my proboards templates require the style tags plugin!
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
Deleted Avatar
selkie Avatar
>be me
>working on [REDACTED]
>also bad at JS, but slowly getting into the "can google jquery solution and use the stackoverflow result successfully" range rather than the "completely clueless range"
>"ok this should just be a simple "if X, do Y" script, ez pz
>9 0 M I N U T E S P A S S
>give up
>ask for help on support forum
>get a fix within 7 minutes

Me but with anything coding related because I'm a smooth brain monkey.
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
Deleted Avatar
  1. skinning the board statistics isn't bringing me any joy. i want to punt it so bad.
  2. i'll obviously have to learn graphics/editing soon, or what i do will forever look basic...
  3. i'm not looking forward to converting my backend-influenced class names to proper frontend naming conventions. bad idea, that one.
  4. my current skin looks okay-ish for now, but i hope i'll still like it after i wake up tomorrow. already beginning to scowl at it tbh (y)
  5. i have no idea what i'm going to use this skin for because i'm definitely not opening a site(no energy. no time. no no.) but i don't want to stop either so... yep..

on a less whiny, happier note, i think i got over my fear of frontend!!! i used to run far when my work suggested i touch the webpage. now i look forward to it a bit and even took one frontend task for myself hoping i'll learn something new. yay to character personal development?

i'll try to type less next time. (*゚ー゚)ゞ
214written posts
✦ MADearned bits
Full Member
✦ MAD Avatar

I've been working on this skin so it will be responsive. I was wracking my brain over the fact that it wasn't looking as it should on mobile (even with mobile mode off). After days of trying, I gave up and turned mobile mode back on. It's so much easier to style mobile mode than to start from scratch... but now I might be going a little overboard testing how far I can take the mobile mode skinning. XD

221written posts
sielearned bits
Full Member
siel Avatar

okay my confession is i code for a living now (what living though like i need a new job and it's so hard to find HALP) but i legit learned javascript just to lord it over people on RP forums. you may proceed to egg me now
370written posts
elliearned bits
Senior Member
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siel Avatar
okay my confession is i code for a living now (what living though like i need a new job and it's so hard to find HALP) but i legit learned javascript just to lord it over people on RP forums. you may proceed to egg me now

low-key same. it's a chaotic type of power.
After over 17 years, I've decided to move on from ProBoards. If you need to contact me, find me on my website.
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
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✦ MAD Avatar

I've been working on this skin so it will be responsive. I was wracking my brain over the fact that it wasn't looking as it should on mobile (even with mobile mode off). After days of trying, I gave up and turned mobile mode back on. It's so much easier to style mobile mode than to start from scratch... but now I might be going a little overboard testing how far I can take the mobile mode skinning. XD

? what responsive design? watch me as i go width: 900px!!

... i'll either pay for it in the future or i won't, but for now I'll need to grapple with learning design elements first ;; paying for all the times i scoffed at art classes back in school though, oofs. i now have 0 creativity skills. 

another confession: rubber ducking works. 

it really does. 

don't be like me.

last edit on Feb 2, 2021 14:48:07 GMT by Deleted
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
aliasthat bitch.
pronouns"that bitch" still works tbh (any OK!)
551written posts
selkieearned bits
Part of the Furniture
selkie Avatar
a verb in perfect view.
learning jquery was actually the worst decision i've ever made b/c now all of the ideas i used to have which were limited by the fact that you needed a bby knowledge of JS to get working is now possible and now i am icarus flying a rocket at light speed directly into the sun
weeping omens advertisement

all my proboards templates require the style tags plugin!
370written posts
elliearned bits
Senior Member
elli Avatar
selkie Avatar
learning jquery was actually the worst decision i've ever made b/c now all of the ideas i used to have which were limited by the fact that you needed a bby knowledge of JS to get working is now possible and now i am icarus flying a rocket at light speed directly into the sun
fly, icarus, fly!

and for the sake of knowledge, vanilla javascript can now do pretty much everything jquery can, just as easily and often faster. so you don't need to rely on jquery if you don't want to.
After over 17 years, I've decided to move on from ProBoards. If you need to contact me, find me on my website.
frog on the floor
aliasfreiheit, microwaved burrito
1,539written posts
pharaoh leapearned bits
pharaoh leap
pharaoh leap Avatar
i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.
selkie Avatar
learning jquery was actually the worst decision i've ever made b/c now all of the ideas i used to have which were limited by the fact that you needed a bby knowledge of JS to get working is now possible and now i am icarus flying a rocket at light speed directly into the sun

May I ask where/how you're learning Jquery? :O For years now, I've had just basic enough understanding to beat existing scripts into the shape I wanted for whatever it was I was trying to do, but I eventually want to be able to write it/understand it myself... I just... haven't figured out where to start with that.

(Super excited to see what you do with it, though~! Your work is always so imaginative and cute. <3333)
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
aliasthat bitch.
pronouns"that bitch" still works tbh (any OK!)
551written posts
selkieearned bits
Part of the Furniture
selkie Avatar
a verb in perfect view.
pharaoh leap Avatar
May I ask where/how you're learning Jquery? :O For years now, I've had just basic enough understanding to beat existing scripts into the shape I wanted for whatever it was I was trying to do, but I eventually want to be able to write it/understand it myself... I just... haven't figured out where to start with that.

(Super excited to see what you do with it, though~! Your work is always so imaginative and cute. <3333)

unfortunately i am learning jquery the exact same awful terrible way i learned html/css which is by having awful terrible ideas and proceeding to spend more time attempting to hack shit together based on my nonexistent knowledge than i probably would if i just. took a class.

i guess the way i've started writing my own stuff is just...asking jquery to do favors for me that i can't do in html/css. like "hey jquery! if this element contains this specific word, add this class to it!" or "hey jquery! can you insert the text of this custom profile field into this div class?" suuuper basic stuff, either one liners or tiny little if-then statements, but i think it's helping a lot in keepin' stuff clean(Tm).

in terms of getting to the point of being able to do that...idk i did a lot of googling and eventually the format was familiar enough to me that i was willing to attempt to write some of my own stuff and thats that tbh. the thing that really like about jquery is that it's very user friendly, so a lot of the actions are crazy simple to use. that's all the advice i've got at the moment lmAO trying not to be the blind leading the blind atm  but i think my basic advice would be "if a solution to an html/css problem requires js, pursue that rather than dropping the idea." files leap compliment away in my spare serotonin jar 

elli Avatar
and for the sake of knowledge, vanilla javascript can now do pretty much everything jquery can, just as easily and often faster. so you don't need to rely on jquery if you don't want to.

HHHH honestly i'd love to not be chained to a library but vanilla javascript's \\.///>$$$>?><<>]??[?+(<)+[ is too much for the trio of my braincells

one day i will feel ms. vanilla js's embrace.............one day..................

coding confessions: now that i actually have learned proper css tabs and js tabs......js tabs > css tabs, all the way. and that's coming from my dumb ass. i'm over <label>s ok thanks for coming to my ted talk
last edit on Feb 5, 2021 6:12:59 GMT by selkie
weeping omens advertisement

all my proboards templates require the style tags plugin!
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