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Coding Confessions

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Deletedearned bits
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i just realized how different proboards coding is and hm. i'm now even more amazed? that the cool animation/toggles in the posties/galleries aren't javascript/jquery at all.

...half of me is also more horrified that it's all css/animations, though. horrified. very horrified. i don't think i want to dip my baby toes in that screeeam

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cinearned bits
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cin Avatar
If this is not love, what should we call it?
i have codes that are like 70-90% finished bc i'll literally forget what i was aiming for while coding it lmao. like it strays so far from the initial idea that 3 hrs in, i step back and im like :~) wait what is this supposed to be b/c i might be going for a thread template and it's now a tracker

sometimes i scrape and reuse the code so i guess something actually does come out of it

214written posts
✦ MADearned bits
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I think I'm gonna cry. I finally figured out what was stretching the page in mobile mode and breaking the skin. Jcink support is freakin amazing help.[break][break]Finally I'll be able to move on. Not much left. Just fill in the information after that.

last edit on Feb 13, 2021 18:36:14 GMT by ✦ MAD
phantom of the black parade
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4,357written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
listen this is probably more of a coding peeve than a coding confession, but i feel a minor burst of irritation every time i'm browsing a site with a beautiful skin that's too wide for my computer screen or just barely fits on it

i know wider skins / skins that take up the bulk of the screen / skins with heftier sidebars are the hot thing now, but please y'all, i'm begging you to remember not everyone runs with gigantic screens ;;;;;;;;;;

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Deletedearned bits
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self-doubt reared its ugly head in and that kind of killed progress a little bit(read: completely) on the skin i'm working on. like, i don't have a specific goal in mind for it anyway, so it's like... eh... what am i doing this/suffering for... i'll probably get through this after slacking for like 1 month maybe

but yes more of a peeve: vision problems adding extra(or non-existent) paddings that i don't notice until much later, but when i do i have to squint super hard or zoom in with Paint or smtg to see if it's really there. or 1 line of code becoming 2. glasses don't help so... aaa h3lp why am i in this field
214written posts
✦ MADearned bits
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✦ MAD Avatar

I was shown this wonderful resource to spot mistakes in your code. I had no idea this existed, but I intend to use the heck out of it. I'm pretty sure this will take me a few days to clean up, but it might fix loading issues, among other issues, that I've had with this skin.

370written posts
elliearned bits
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elli Avatar
I've been working on updating an old site. The original author was new to programming at the time (10 - 15 years ago) and it's a huge messy nest of PHP.

Logic is messy and inconsistent. He repeats the same things over and over and ov—and there are no global constants, so he references the same files using different paths.

All of his page routing is switch statements, which would be fine if he had used clear variable names for the pages??? Instead of numbers. Ah, yes, the "Account" page, number 38. I knew that.

There are multitudes of duplicate files, like conn.php and conn2.php, or big-long-fucking-file-name.php and big-long-fucking-file-name-2.php.bak

Folders are named like "mis," "ply," and "glb"...

The most offensive to me, stupidly, is how he's mixed tabs and spaces.

I just

last edit on Feb 18, 2021 1:02:43 GMT by elli
After over 17 years, I've decided to move on from ProBoards. If you need to contact me, find me on my website.
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Deletedearned bits
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i cringed while reading your post a few days back but it turns out... my sprint for my team this week is to fix exactly that...

broken php pages like view1.php, view3.php all the way until 7 i think?? granted it was built back in the day when tables were the best way for you to make a decent website(so says the HoD) but.

all the styles are inline.

there are no indents.

370written posts
elliearned bits
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amethy Avatar
broken php pages like view1.php, view3.php all the way until 7 i think?? granted it was built back in the day when tables were the best way for you to make a decent website(so says the HoD) but.

all the styles are inline.

there are no indents.

Noooo!! I'm so sorry. This is literally a nightmare.

I don't get paid much for the work I do for this guy — $14/hr. It's just something I do on the side to fuel my coffee problem lol
After over 17 years, I've decided to move on from ProBoards. If you need to contact me, find me on my website.
phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,357written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
finding out jcink's adding in the ability to export custom profile field values in the near future just made me swoon

imagine how much easier it'll be installing skins now that you won't have to deal with the walkthrough + potential reorganizing from that :eyes:

Rodent King
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Mouseearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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where fears and lies melt away.
Less of a confession and more a question for all the coders out there. Why do most of you use such small font sizes for your templates? Like I've noticed that a lot of them have 9px or even 10px for the posting text. It's weird to me, because 11px seems like the best size for things to be readable. Maybe 10px depending on the font being used. Is it just an aesthetics thing?
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
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bcearned bits
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Less of a confession and more a question for all the coders out there. Why do most of you use such small font sizes for your templates? Like I've noticed that a lot of them have 9px or even 10px for the posting text. It's weird to me, because 11px seems like the best size for things to be readable. Maybe 10px depending on the font being used. Is it just an aesthetics thing?

100% aesthetic, 100% fucking unreadable no i’m not salty.
10px is probably the minimum i go for posting text. anything lower is genuinely unreadable and it’s really not a good trend in my opinion, especially when its implemented on skins where really important info that needs to be conveyed is made difficult because of the text size.
last edit on Mar 4, 2021 17:46:42 GMT by bc
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