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how do you proofread?

Stardust in me
aliasEm, Dragon
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rabbitearsearned bits
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I only really proofread if I'm posting mobile, and even then it's a pretty lax process. Mostly I catch typos layer on.
I do use Grammarly on my computer, so it catches most of my mistakes.
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lovelornearned bits
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shamefully i do not proofread my rp posts but i DO proofread rp apps and fics that i write (only if freeform apps, because otherwise form apps don't tend to give me a lot to edit). its a multistep process depending on how good i care about it being that starts with, of course, actually finishing the piece

immediately after i go in and skim the piece and fix the obvious things like spelling, grammar, typos etc. if i see potential edits that can be made while i do this i do them 2 but then like i dont go out of my way 2 find things i can improve, just do them where i see them.

after that i go in and read the whole thing again and start from the beginning to the end to study the flow like are the transitions clean enough? is one part of the overall piece longer than the rest? i edit for flow and pacing, adding and removing scenes as necessary

after that i go in and change things for tone, phrasing, flow, etc. do i overuse this word, is there a better metaphor, wouldn't this part sound better if i rephrased it, all of that. and then after these i submit

for posts in general though i dont tend to proofread and only do that if there's a lot happening/combat so i can just make sure i responded to everything and in order if so, and smooth out typos & other errors if i catch them mid writing