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How much do you edit your Avs/Hovers?

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aliasthomas, breezescodes
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a lot depending. i'm rlly picky w/ composition and color balance. i often feel like i'm compromising because i can't quite achieve the balance i want w/ my current skills. but i've spent hours just making sure the light/darkness balance was good enough in the background
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Only cropping and resizing. Maybe a little sharpening if it is pixelating a little or blurry to make it more clear. Otherwise I just don’t want to be bothered. I want to write more than photo edit for avatars and covers. If I want to photo edit I do site images and signatures.
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I feel like the odd person out now because I edit the pictures I use, typically with color masks for eyes or adding little details as well as adding artistic bits. That's before cropping and resizing the images.
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aliasCel, Nightlock
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extremely. i'm stupid picky with graphics and want them to look aesthetically cohesive with the other crops i pick for a character, complimentary to the post template & wherever else i'd use the image (ex. post template, profileand the vibes of the character or their storyline (ex. 1 and 2 for a "doomed by the narrative tragic anti-villain", 1 for a "doctor and champion of life but with angel of death vibes" archetype, 1 for a "perfect noble son at the expense of his own personal identity" archetype, 1 for a "life of the party trickster with an endge of unhinged extremism" archetype) + the site setting and tone (ex. 1 and 2 for a dragon age site, so i wanted a more muted and subdued palette, kinda giving "parchment-y" energy).

i rlly wish i was kidding LMAO. i have so many psd files saved in my laptop for so many characters and crops. i usually like editing and finding the Best vibe for an image too, so its usually a win-win. usually. other times i cry and regret ever having photoshop.
last edit on Jun 28, 2024 6:28:18 GMT by CEL

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way too much, probably... I always have to lower the contrast, up the saturation, play with the colors, and then sharpen the absolute shit out of it. tends to look best on graphics that already have white backgrounds.

I also spend way too much time on trying to get the correct crop composition...

can't wait until no fc sites become more mainstream so the compulsion to create specific kinds of graphics have less of a chokehold on me
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“It depends”, honestly!! The Dungeon Meshi mangacaps I have been using on PP since I joined have almost no alternations besides cropping, and I like to keep it simple like that. Sometimes I make gif slideshows when say, I’m on Discord and I cannot decide between one avatar so I just go “all of them”, or edit avatars somewhat for a joke or because it’d fit my theme better. I have a heavy preference for mangacaps whenever using art that’s not my own, or cat pictures or video game screenshots...

But that’s not RP and I’m rambling on like usual!!

I can sometimes edit my art a lot, especially ones I crop from larger pieces that I didn’t draw specifically to be some kind of avatar. Some edits similar to ones mentioned here, also mess around with gradient maps (sometimes I draw in monotones and then just colour my art using maps), and sometimes I do some finishing touches/edits to resized images. A lot of detail can be lost on a resized image, but it’s also a lot easier to edit small images, so some of my avatars are a bit different than my og art.

Oh and I love posterization, the look of it and also how it can reduce the filesize of images. There’s some neat things you can do with it to add a more varied set of colours to images. I might write something about this and the methods I use one of these days, it’s neat.

Also I gotta say...cropping is hard, in general, just getting it /right/ is something I don't feel like I have the hang of
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