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The Schediest of All
90written posts
Codingwayearned bits
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She'll tell you a fairy tale, or maybe she'll show your fate....
Magical girl (and boy) RP! I wanna see more henshin boys hehe
I am thinking of something more inspired by Magic Knight Rayearth, making it a bit more of magical x mecha x shoujo vibe~

9written posts
dellybirdearned bits
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ideas burning a hole in my brain
Ok, I keep having ideas for cute slice of life RPs lol.

Would anyone enjoy an Animal Crossing RP where you get to use the in-game villagers as face claims (keeping their name and general personality as well)? I love the designs of Animal Crossing villagers and some of them would do really well in an environment where they can have a fully unique personality and backstory.
547written posts
Ludoearned bits
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Ok, I keep having ideas for cute slice of life RPs lol.

Would anyone enjoy an Animal Crossing RP where you get to use the in-game villagers as face claims (keeping their name and general personality as well)? I love the designs of Animal Crossing villagers and some of them would do really well in an environment where they can have a fully unique personality and backstory.

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Ludoearned bits
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What about a not-hogwarts magic school based animation personified-ISH site, and when I say 'ish' I mean it'd be the same vibe of a spirits site, except you'd still be using the characters animated Canon look?

How to explain...

Basically if you wanted to play Sora you would still visually play Sora but his name and backstory would be different, he'd still retain most of his original personality, you'd just have to give him a new story.

Toying with an 'canon life feels like it was a dream' scenario, but I haven't decided why they're there or if there even is a why...Still heavily thinking about this one so who onows
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milkearned bits
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still lactose intolerant
I think this concept of Canon characters but in a au setting that isn't strictly a sandbox/panfandom multiverse, but a cohesive and somewhat more constant setting is an absolutely interesting concept! Plus, I will always say yes to high school/academy settings because I miss them so much. 

I feel like it would be a lot like a my hero site in concept, but a lot more freedom and general mix of personalities and characters. 
61written posts
erbalearned bits
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I know in general they kind of died out, but what about a demigod roleplay? But rather than anything based in the past, or like the percy jackson series (though they are definitely an inspiration) it would be an idea that could go either two major ways depending on what people prefer.

These two ways would be: One, a series of secret cities and demigods live in secret, kinda in like a world adjacent to our own? that would be filled with mythical creatures who have survived and built societies and progressed into the modern ages as well. Or Second, an idea based on the idea of Ragnarok wherein modern days godly heritage was kinda Locked? and then the end of the world has started, unlocking the godly powers and potential of all the demigods and the world is ending basically so it's kinda like your demigod is having the chance to claim their own greatness/power in this ending world and possibly a chance at godhood itself or the something along the lines.

If you're interested in both ideas just go ahead and like, but I'd love some feedback on the ideas and which one is the stronger of the two if people would want to do either.
The Schediest of All
90written posts
Codingwayearned bits
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She'll tell you a fairy tale, or maybe she'll show your fate....
A magi-cyberpunk themed dystopian panfandom!

The idea is the characters are all exquisitely genetically engineered clones of the characters we roleplay as. From genetically constructing every detail of their body and physical features, to making near perfect copies of the magical powers they wield (if they did wield one that is), and having their minds ‘download’ their canon memories. Just all this construction which would be obviously impossible for us haha.

When they wake up in the real world, they are only simply told they have been called forth from their world to help mankind from a certain doom (which I honestly don’t know what yet). But gradually, our characters will experience identity crises amongst other things when they learn they are actually clones from worlds which never even existed albeit only through fiction, and leading them to questioning what even their purpose is.

I wanted to try a different take on the panfandom genre where the characters aren’t called from another world but they never existed in the first place till they are made via clones.

Oh and, OCs ranging from original universe, fandom ocs to RP native ocs will be accepted and encouraged!
last edit on Sept 11, 2021 16:51:19 GMT by Codingway

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Deletedearned bits
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So last night, I had two problems. On one hand, I wanted to do a site idea – a “panfandom” for OCs instead of canon characters – but nothing beyond that. On the other hand, I had an idea for a dark fantasy/Gothic horror site, but I didn’t know how to make it distinct from the thousand other supernatural sites out there. The solution, in hindsight, was obvious: what if I combined the two?

If you’ve ever played anything set in the realm of Ravenloft (such as the D&D 5e module Curse of Strahd), then this premise should sound familiar. Essentially, your OCs from other sites get trapped in a Gothic horror realm like in Castlevania or MtG’s Innistrad set, and have to either learn how to survive or find a way out. Players can also play as natives of the realm, such as vampires, werewolves, or regular humans. Currently, I’m looking to include OCs from original sites, with OCs from fandom sites (such as Dragon Ball) up for debate.

This site will be hosted on Jcink Premium, and therefore will be 18+ only – I do love me the good Gothic horror flavor, and that’s the only way to make it authentic. I don’t mind shelling out for authenticity’s sake.

PM me on this site if you’re interested! I’ll begin site construction ASAP, but will not start shelling out actual money unless sufficient interest in this is generated. I’d also appreciate a skinner or misc. coder, although you’re under no obligation to be either of those things. Site is tentatively titled Bird of Doom.
last edit on Sept 21, 2021 11:53:24 GMT by Deleted
phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
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Kuroyaearned bits
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
been tinkering around with a soulmate concept fantasy animated panfandom for a lil bit now, and like. it was originally meant to be a private space for me + my friends to be able to vibe without feeling bad if we wanted to live in a corner with xyz ship and that's it for those characters or if we wanted to get a lil out there and make some ocs / ~problematic~ characters / characters just a lil too out there for a "normal" site (and because i just don't have the time + energy to run a public site anymore with my work schedule) or if we wanted to ignore the site story arc to just do our own thing or if we wanted to play a character but the app-writing juices just weren't flowing, but.

idk, i'm kind of toying with opening it up at least a lil bit to take in some outsiders if they're interested just to expand the community to make some new rp friends + to help people if they're struggling to find someone else interested in xyz plot / fandom that they're wanting to play around in.
last edit on Oct 2, 2021 15:54:26 GMT by Kuroya

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Deletedearned bits
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i wish i knew how to code/add skins to jcink.

just kind of want to make my own world and with my own races and plot....

but also want to find one that i enjoy that is similar to my vision.

i'm also still lowkey wanting to do that cat cafe rp based in the world of Calico lol.  
last edit on Oct 9, 2021 1:15:33 GMT by Deleted