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Quick Interest Checks

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Kuroyaearned bits
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
this was supposed to be my pet project after reach closed but then i fell into rl and it got pushed to the back burner for after my internship but i am free from my internship to make Questionable Decisions (tm). i say where this would be something still on the backburner since i just. would push it off.

pokemon mmo style. go into the digital pokeworld and catch pokemon and do quests to unlock the next area with more types to catch. come into the real world again on an isolated island (for closed alpha / beta testing of the vr element) where you can go to school and interact and also "summon" your pokemon to the real world kind of like the old hgss mechanic (or the new let's go mechanic) where they're nearby, only it's a bit more like digimon in that they can interact with the environment around you and you can change which one you summon (so i guess a bit of ranger or conquest draws too).

systems fun: no bans or rares! eventual catchable legendaries through quests! no abilities or exp or levels! permanent mega evolution option! no z-moves! possible member modding for mon! evolve through number of battles! 3 randomized starters from a type with an option for reroll! ability to import parts of a team from other sites! simple fight system! basic move setup a la pokemon go! post-based trainer leveling to make flexible team limits!

............ look man i've had almost two years to ruminate slowly on this after two years of running pokesites, i have learned from my mistakes but not from my lack of decent reliable staff
last edit on Aug 14, 2018 13:39:23 GMT by Kuroya

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Deletedearned bits
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In order for someone to consider themselves certified to legally capture Pokèmon, they need to attend the Pokèmon Academia. A person can enroll once they've completed high school (Around the age of eighteen, or older) and choose Pokèmon Academia as their college, and will be given their starter Pokèmon upon enrolling. Depending on the classes they take, they learn useful information regarding Pokèmon care and battling - and everything they need to learn for the journey ahead.

At the school, they can study to become trainers, breeders, rangers, coordinators, gym leaders, professors, etc. Once they've completed their schooling and have graduated, they're certified and can call themselves a trainer, a breeder, a gym leader, etc - all depending on what specialty they choose to study.

The main focus of the site would be the school, but I'd also like there to be room for older characters or those who have graduated, so people could still write trainers, gym leaders, elite four, coordinators, etc, etc, who have already finished their schooling at Pokèmon Academia.

And yes, people can decide whether they want to play human or Pokèmon characters, be it wild or tame ones.

It'll be a statless Pokèmon roleplay, which means that it wouldn't use the leveling system in the traditional sense seen in games. Which probably leaves you wondering, how exactly do my Pokèmon grow stronger? How does it evolve?

LEVEL: Think of a Pokèmon's level as part of its age: A Pokèmon cannot be used for battle until it has officially reached puberty, which happens around the time the Pokèmon is one year old. One year old Pokèmon are new to the game and still needs a lot of training and experience. The older your Pokèmon is, the more experience and the better it will be at fighting. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that a five year old Pokèmon will get its ass beat by a seven year old.

If you work with your Pokèmon through in-character threads, train it and help it grow stronger - it will become stronger. This might take days, weeks or even months, depending on how much work you put into it. Effort creates reward.

EVOLUTION: How and when will your Pokèmon evolve? It comes down to the effort you've put into training your Pokèmon and what kind of Pokèmon you've been training. You can also use evolution stones, but keep in mind that if you use this instead of letting your Pokèmon naturally evolve, your Pokèmon will be weaker.

A Pokèmon needs to have reached puberty before it's able to evolve.

OTHER MEANS: If training your Pokèmon through in-character means sound tedious, there's a different way you can ensure your Pokèmon growing stronger and eventually evolving and this is through earning site points.

BATTLING: Since stats doesn't exist on the site, players should pick the way they handle battles themselves. A dice system could be added, or people can write the battles out and decide the outcome between themselves.

MOVES: I'd like to keep things realistic, or rather, as realistic as possible: For example: It makes perfectly sense for any Pokèmon with teeth to be able to use the move "bite", or "growl", but a fire-based type using water-based moves wouldn't make much sense.
The same realism applies to HM moves. Naturally, any Pokèmon with wings would be able to use "fly", whereas, something like "surf" or "rock smash" would take more practice. Your Pokèmon is able to know an unlimited amount of moves, so it's not restricted to the four from the games. Pokèmon can also learn new moves through threads and battles: For example, like what Ash's Pikachu did when learning how to use "iron tail".

POKÈMON LIFESPAN: A Pokèmon reaches puberty at the age of one (1) - which makes it able to reproduce and fight, but still need world experience in order to fully mature. At age five (5) a Pokèmon is officially considered to be an adult.
Pokèmon generally share the lifespan of a regular human, though this varies from Pokèmon to Pokèmon. Wild Pokèmon tend to live longer than tame ones.

Legendary Pokèmon are considered to be immortal because of the celestial energy coursing through their bodies.
Pokèmon of the ghost type don't die of old age the same fashion other Pokèmon would. Instead, they start fading away once they've reached the end of their natural lifespan.

STARTER POKÈMON: I feel like there's three ways to go about this:
A) People can freely pick between all the available starter Pokèmon.
B) The staff uses a random generator to pick one of the available starter Pokèmon for each new character.
C) People can freely pick between three random generated available starter Pokèmon.

LEGENDARY POKÈMON: Legendary Pokèmon cannot be played nor caught, unless there is a specific event run by a staff member designed for it.

Feel free to shoot me a PM or hit me up on discord (Melusine#3037).
pronounsShe / her
39written posts
Bunnyearned bits
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You got the best of me.
I was thinking of making a Fire Emblem rp JCINK site. I've been a fan of the franchise for many years and it's one of my favorites. For those that don't know, the franchise is basically medieval fantasy chess. It will be more character/story based, so if someone wanted to have an experienced warrior would totally be okay! 

I've been debating if I would make it based off an existing world in Fire Emblem, or create my own. Thanks for reading!!
1,103written posts
lightearned bits
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light Avatar
non-canon / alternate universe: kingdom hearts roleplay; obviously, when i say non-canon, i don't mean king mickey and the other characters don't exist. but, sora, aqua, riku and the gang are pretty much next to nonexistent/whereas disney characters and final fantasy characters of the like are unplayable. strictly original character only. of course the xiii organisation are still alive, well, and active. you could say they're sealed away at this time for -insert reasons unknown-, meaning in this world they're not known about, or rather, in this current timeline they're nothing but a rumor--myth. stories of a warrior that wielded a key like blade and locked the thirteen shadows within a place--believed to be a myth--called the castle that never was.

though there are only certain worlds unlocked. everyone is born upon twilight town or treasure island where, there, parents usually tell their children fairy tales of other worlds existing and that a powerful warrior, alongside his friends, fought against the darkness. but as the castle--or rater the world--that never was remains but a folktale, a sudden scream is heard at the town square or the center of treasure island's shore: a body is found.

the body is ravaged where, upon it, strange black markings begin to develop. eventually the body awakens and has now become, what i'd like to call, a heart eater basically the heart eater's are like, in a sense, ghouls ( if you've read rosario + vampire, think tsukune aono during his transition into a vampire as the series progressed where he was borderline human but borderline vampire all the same ). a heart eater is a terminology upon the site created by a group, name is a work in progress, called the 8 precepts of death ( boku no hero, ikr? ) or the seven generations of god.

the reason i think the seven generations of god may fair is because their goal is to bring back to life the original creator of the first keyblade, or rather the one who unlocked the universe, said to slumber in the realm of darkness or, better yet, the end of the world. kingdom hearts isn't their goal, it's to awaken the original creator in order to destroy--in a sense--kingdom hearts. so they possess several goals. one of them being to either kill, find, or incapacitate the princesses of heart, killing of course (depending on whether these are canon positions or not) will be optional, due to various reasons icly and oocly; perhaps half canon position and the other half npc disney princesses. but, anyway, they not only need to gather the seven princess but the heart of the world(s). yes, the worlds themselves possess hearts that only a specific person is capable of accessing.

i was thinking, based upon how long one is on the site, that--depending on the number of worlds we unlock via story--i was thinking of having a player character, once per story/important event, be the key to opening unlocking that specific world's heart due to meeting certain requirements (to which whatever they may even be). but, yeah, anyway. that's the gist of the 1st arc anyway/baddies.

next is the system. i was thinking, due to the fact keyblade wielders will be a thing, that one won't be able to start out with a keyblade just yet--though it won't take long either. rather, they possess the capability to utilize skills and magic due to hearing a voice within their hearts of sorts. people who do not possess a keyblade yet are revered as locks or the locked one, which are names for potential wielders of the keyblade. but, anyway, the seven generations of god may not be canon characters but important npc villains; though, think espada from the bleach series, heart eaters are like subordinates to them. and just like the locked ones, heart eaters are also in the developing stage of becoming full-fledged fractures. fractures are pretty much, maybe, the final stage of a heart eater (after going through the other stage, should there be any because this is all just possibilities at the moment). fractures will be people who are capable of being saved, but it depends upon you, the creator, on what you want. fractures are like the fractions of the seven generations of god. possessing special forms, or weaponry, based upon the person of the seven generations of god that they've chosen to be infected by/serve under.

at the moment this is all still a big work in progress, but that's the gist of what i thought of so far for an original, but also alternate universe, kingdom hearts roleplay. in conclusion, i sUcK don't judge me. p.s. yes, we have missions. even the simple ones are highly important. like research on the princesses of heart, the one who unlocked the universe, pretty much every little detail/action you, the member, conducts is important.

last edit on Aug 16, 2018 19:21:34 GMT by light
35written posts
chirpearned bits
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decay will feed the bloom
It's a game series that I love and I've seen some other interest for it, so I'm interested in making a borderlands roleplay. tbh I already started building it.

I won't write it out explicitly in case anyone hasn't finished the second game yet, but for those of you who do know how it ends, it leaves a LOT of room for expanding on. So I'm thinking the site takes place 5 years after the events of the second game. Characters could be vault hunters, working for a mega-corp like Atlas or Dahl or Maliwan etc, a gun-maker, a doctor, you name it. You can go and have crazy adventures and kill skags and spiderants out in the wilderness, or you could just set up a shop and make cash selling shields to those people instead. Or maybe you're a bandit and just want to live out a wild west fantasy in the dusts.

There'd be site events, the freedom to create your own character class, and maybe some basic systems in place, but that part I'm still figuring out. There's other planets in the Borderlands universe ofc, but because most of them are nothing but a name, I want to keep things to Pandora. Pandora is massive anyways, and since it's 5 years later, I figure there's some new towns/cities/settlements popping up. 

I also want to keep the canons in the game for various purposes - eg, Catch-A-Ride - but they wouldn't be playable.

And for those who haven't played the second game, I'll have a brief history and TLDR; of the story so far, the major players, monsters, etc. The Borderlands wiki is also a great resource.

Personally I don't think you need to have played the game in order to enjoy a roleplay based on it. Think distant future wasteland planet with mega-corps and weapons manufacturers vying for control, despite there being no government or organization really to speak of. It's survival of the fittest, and besides all the camps of bandits and various old robots that try to kill everything they see, there's also incredibly violent wildlife. But Borderlands is not about the edgy or the dark or the serious - it's about the laughs. The humor in the game is one of the best things about it. So I want to keep that at the forefront. It's not really the place for super serious or dark plots. If you want that though, go for it. 

"Another word of wisdom from Radio Pandora: Even when there’s a fool in your crosshairs and murder on your mind, just remember – it costs ya nothin’ to be kind."
last edit on Aug 17, 2018 16:20:35 GMT by chirp
117written posts
Crownauticearned bits
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swinging swinging in this world dyed in so many colours ~ ♪
chirp Avatar
It's a game series that I love and I've seen some other interest for it, so I'm interested in making a borderlands roleplay. tbh I already started building it.

sign me tf up my dude jfc, i wish i could like this more -- i was playing the game with my gf a lot and i absolutely love the story and gameplay. Give me more of the deets lmao. 
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Deletedearned bits
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Persona 5:

Based around the ending, a proboards page that has various ongoing stories all set after the games end, with various stories to be set up based around ending types;
1) True Ending: American AU idea set with Lovecraftian and Purgatory themes.
2) True Ending: Slice of Life set story
3) Bad Ending: AU set to take down the story's true villain.

I already have one of these stories set to start, but I could easily get the other two up, on top of any others that anyone wanted to do, such as Superhero AU's (using a power based on the persona that a character has, or a power based on a demon that a palace ruler has), fun small seasonal events (like time limited ones for holidays), ect.

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Lumiearned bits
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wordless spells like moths dancing on my tongue
picture this: a slice-of-life youtuber rp, where your character starts a channel on whatever it is that they're interested in or excel at—music, videogames, sports, traveling, crazy or not-so-crazy paranormal theories, you name it. maybe they've made it big, or maybe they've just started their channel and are in the process of gathering followers. it could be something very chill with the possibility of really short but wholesome posts, for people who don't have a lot of time to spare for deeply elaborate posts or for people who are tired of traditional storytelling. it could also turn toxic... i know trolls are fun to play.

you decide what you want to do and how you want to do it.

now, characters don't necessarily have to be social media celebrities in order to participate in this kind of rp. where there are youtubers, there must be followers who watch, comment, and share their videos. the site would focus on celebrity/follower relationships as much as relationships inside different groups of youtubers. maybe, if that's the development you want to give your character, they may be put into the youtube spotlight by interacting with popular content creators; or your character may be the silent supporter with whom the youtuber would not have attained the popularity they have.

events can be made to help characters interact even more. say there's a gaming convention, where reviewers and let'splayers get vip invitations but any other character gets to attend as a normal visitor. even if it's not within a character's budget to travel across the globe for a con, participation can be made through social media. there's an interesting duality in what can be done with a setting like this that needs to be exploited.
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Pearlescentearned bits
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When nothing goes right, go left.
I might as well put this here first to see if there's a couple of likes and what not on this before making this into a full thread with details.

But my idea and this has been in my head and worked with for about a year going on 2, is a Superhero/Superpower RP in which the characters can profoundly influence the world and setting. By that, I mean all the different sides can have a significant influence on the world around them and how that world views them via a favorability system.

By completing small "side quests" if you will, characters can slowly shift the influence of Heroes, Villains, Neutrals, what have you, and then the larger sitewide events can change a side's control. Favorability ratings will also affect how NPCs (like the Police, Newspaper, and Government; staff-controlled of course.) can treat them and characters affiliated with that side (for example: if Villains have more influence, the Police are less likely to go after them for their crimes or even help heroes take them down. Primarily, if you want villains to have more reign in the city, this takes place in, then go for it. If you want heroes to have more reign, then go for it.

The actions of characters could cause Villains to be highly scrutinized and sought out by authorities, or heroism could be made illegal a-la the Incredibles depending on what you do.

But yeah, that's the main thing with this one.
last edit on Aug 31, 2018 15:01:53 GMT by Pearlescent
626written posts
Gingerearned bits
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Anyone still use this? No? Yes? Oh well.

What about a Murdering themed site focused around "We Happy Few" Except Modern/ Future Apocalyptic Utopian world where everyone Depends on "Media Popularity" and their "Joy" to make themselves Rich/Famous/Happy...

Every character have a Joy stat that changes based on their thread experiences, you as a player can choose after each thread that character takes a joy for their next thread or not.

-- Taking Joy makes your character forget a couple events in a thread, or changes thread outcome in their memory, more likely to act with hive mind with other joy takers, more likely to enjoy nasty disgusting things [clueless to truth think matrix].

-- Not taking joy makes the character more likely to get sick, see how torn up the world is, and most likely to get attacked by NPCs.

Added: Another thing the Kids missing could actually be taken away from their families for experiments, or for other reasons.. maybe people take their joy to forget that they gave up their kids to peer pressure? 

I would say more but "spoilers" to the game....

I was thinking the lore for this Perfect utopia would be Assassin Creed  Organization Ruling/Fighting the World. Where there's a secret brotherhood Original Hidden Organization [Disarray] trying to free humans from their Joy, but the Templars  Powerful Company/Orgnaization [ Order ]control everything.

-- Media
--- Pill Production
---- Other countries relations.
------- etc etc

With Assassin Creed artifacts hidden throughout the forum to make things a little interesting.

[ This world with the Joy could have people walk as if their Fashionable models wearing trashbags, or believe Neon lights are the sun, really anything.... The crappier and more hilarious this world, the better.

last edit on Sept 4, 2018 5:55:40 GMT by Ginger
aliaspor, sef, jdawg
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porsefearned bits
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chichi wo moge
a yu yu hakusho based roleplay that focuses on tournaments / battles as major plot movements. just kind of a fight heavy site but since i know i am not good at fighting roleplay and i want it to be easily accessible to those who are not as well:


> simple stat system that can be upgraded by exp you earn from rp / tournaments.

> actions in fights are determined by rolls. ( so like... a 1d20 for a punch. you roll a 2 but your str stat is 10 so 2+10=12. )

> those actions are written out by the player. the rolls just determine whether you hit or nah. though aside from fighting against an npc-- players can mutually agree to fight each other however they want tbh.

idk if this would be too complicated to set up but i feel like it wouldn't be that bad if i kept the rules more dnd with the stats and kept progression / upgrades preformed in a few steps / simple.

but yeah. it's just an interest check. so. like if you're interested. > A <
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malachyearned bits
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porsef Avatar
a yu yu hakusho based roleplay that focuses on tournaments / battles as major plot movements. just kind of a fight heavy site but since i know i am not good at fighting roleplay and i want it to be easily accessible to those who are not as well:


> simple stat system that can be upgraded by exp you earn from rp / tournaments.

> actions in fights are determined by rolls. ( so like... a 1d20 for a punch. you roll a 2 but your str stat is 10 so 2+10=12. )

> those actions are written out by the player. the rolls just determine whether you hit or nah. though aside from fighting against an npc-- players can mutually agree to fight each other however they want tbh.

idk if this would be too complicated to set up but i feel like it wouldn't be that bad if i kept the rules more dnd with the stats and kept progression / upgrades preformed in a few steps / simple.

but yeah. it's just an interest check. so. like if you're interested. > A <

Okay, that's weird. I was just thinking about YYH and how great it would be to roleplay out. I was specifically thinking about the world of YYH, but tournaments & battles definitely factor into that! (I mean, this is Togashi we're talking about.)

I think dice rolls are a great way to go about it. If the fights are that simple, you might not even need a staff member to NPC it, maybe just to lurk every once in a while to make sure things are fair. This would definitely lighten the staff's load while also freeing members up to create their own plots around the actual fight.
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Deletedearned bits
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I have already made it before but

I cannot stress how much I love fruits basket. It is such a good and nostalgic series, and I would one day like to re-visit making a roleplay based off of one of the best manga series and heartfelt anime of all time. I may re-open/refurbish my old site and make it happen when I have more time and ideas.

but just imagine.

- set in a small town in japan
- small festivals like the cherry blossom festival and star festival and the banquet
- characters with psychic powers/extraordinary abilities or talents
- characters who are cursed and can turn into an animal of the zodiac and communicate with their spirit animal
- characters who are or used to be in the yakuza
- characters who have tragic pasts or items that link together with other characters
- characters that know about the secret
- characters that don't know about the secret
- characters that are forced to have their memories erased because they found out about the secret
- characters that break the curse
- characters who are a part of the student council
- characters that are normal with average lives
- school days
- forbidden romances
- angst plots
- slice of life feels

all the greatness wrapped up in one package <3
last edit on Sept 8, 2018 14:16:30 GMT by Deleted
214written posts
✦ MADearned bits
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I have a bunch of roleplay ideas that are meant for a small group, but I’m not sure how people here would react to them. I was considering making a thread for each of the story ideas since they were once role plays back in the day, but I’m worried people would not want to join a small community rp. By small I mean around 10 to 5 people. Slots for characters are open for anyone to join. If a player leaves the slot opens for others to join if they’d like. I’m still very weary about how this could go, so tossing this here to see how many likes it might get. Afterwards I’ll see about posting each lil story idea.