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what are your ways to beat burnout?

the chalk prince
pronounsthey / them
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citrinitasearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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existential execution is just a fluke in evolution.
that title probably doesn't make sense but i am really interested in learning about everyone's methods. i realize there is a lot of factors that go into overcoming burnout, especially when that burnout is primarily driven by poor mental health, but i want to know if anyone has any methods to take baby steps forward? (aside from therapy, medication, social support)

though i won't go into detail about any of it, it seems like the entire world is on fire and literally no one is free from the chaos.

TO BE CLEAR i am not asking for advice on how to overcome mental health issues but rather how to slowly get back into the hobbies you lost to life going absolutely bananas? circumstances can be more than health related ones, they can be school related or work related, literally just something that you did and loved to do but now cannot bring yourself to even think about. tips, tricks, and methods on how to work your way back into the deep end of the pool, so to speak, are what i'm looking for.

aliaspor, sef, jdawg
pronounsshe | her
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porsefearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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chichi wo moge
i take a full step back from what i'm burnt out from because i don't bounce back as quick as other people. if the burnout is from work, i'll take a few days off. i spend that time away to focus on other things. whether that is self care or revisiting old interests/hobbies.

if it's just an acute case of burnout... i find bathing to be a good way to wind down. spending time outside of the house too. i love to kayak and swim in the nearby springs. even walking through my local wildlife preserve.

to get back into what i want to, it's a long process of figuring out what i like about it but what burnt me out in the first place and how to avoid that happening again. :thumbs_up:
aliasSel, sella!
33written posts
capsellaearned bits
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Try something new! Step out of your comfort zone. Absence makes the heart grow fonder... I think it's easy to throw yourself into one hobby or activity that you really, really love, but when it's all you've got, it can be suffocating... I've been getting active ever since the sun came out in the spring, and it's made writing/art, which used to be something I was already starting to tire out on, into something that felt like home when I finally came back to it. I'm deeefinitely not an active person (even now...), but picking up a hobby I wouldn't usually think of helped me feel both more well-rounded as a person, and made me feel even more refreshed when returning to something familiar.

Definitely agree with the fact that it's nice to just get outside in general, too, esp. because RP is such an 'online' hobby... bedrot is bad for the soul (love my blanket though)
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out if you need anything.
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