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how i met my rp partner/s

aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
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bisexual and ptsd
Part of the Furniture
bisexual and ptsd Avatar
emotional over wallace event/alt
this was originally going to be sumthin like “how do you talk or get to know your rp partners so that we can copy tricks from each other” but i went the funny title route pls like and subscribe

You can still do that or be Nostalgia and yap abt how you approached your rp partner. Doesnt have to be like your bestie rp partner. Any writing homie (almost typod homo) maybe worth sharing

I got a bunch but one of my long time rp partner and friend, we actually ran into each other before with nothing in particular happening. We became really friends and partners in the site cbox talking about boobs

Look. He was like 13 and i was … idk i fkong forgot again how many years older than i am but probs 15?. AND I AM ACE plus i am a born boob owner so i can talk about this!! Also my character likes boobs. So there’s a… connection? Despite the very juvenile cringe talk, our rping wasnt anything sensual or edgy. We were just kids goofi g off and will definitely get banned not for being crude but for making others uncomfortable for being cringe

Edit: maybe worth adding for the funny but this friend of mine was my steven partner to my wallace (pokemon) for years so shoutout to past tanz and red, very srs steven and wallace partners, giggled over boobs
last edit on Jul 27, 2024 3:59:26 GMT by bisexual and ptsd

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
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scarletearned bits
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I'm kind of a snoop. When I join a community I see who's around and writing things I vibe with. I then reach out like, "Hey, you seem cool! I also like the things you like! Would you want to do a thread about XYZ?"

But when you stay one place long enough you lose that New Member Energy, and get tired and bad at being the one to reach out. At least that's been my experience. And then you wind up meeting people through Discord chatter and referrals.

I do really enjoy matchmaking my writing partners though, i.e., introducing writers I like to one another. It pleases me immensely to see those threads take off.
aliassel, sell
pronounsany are ok
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capsellaearned bits
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Gonna be suuuper mushy, but...

I've known two of my current RP partners- and my closest friends!- for a pretty long time; one for 4 years, and one for 2 years! We both met through mutual friends, albeit different ones, and even though I've grown a little distant from the people that introduced us, I'm still eternally grateful for them because of it. I have a lot of conflicting thoughts about RP as a concept and a community, from time to time, but these two are definitely my best friends, in and out of the hobby. I just met one of them in-person this summer— not to get embarrassed or shy, but I really love her- and I have plans to meet the other around December or so, once I've settled into my new workload.

For advice... don't be afraid to find things you connect with outside of RP. People aren't RPbots ; shared hobbies otherwise, favorite books or movies, small snippets about one another's lives, or just how you've been doing this past week really mean a lot. I think the best RP partners I've had were with people I'd want to be friends with off the internet, too.
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out if you need anything.
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hannyearned bits
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「我等の天下だ 神など要らない。」
i met my best friend and longtime rp partner (on and off bc we run in different sites rly but they're my best friend and even came to visit me during year abroad) lit. bc i randomly joined their site they opened way back when we were like 16 and they hired me to be the nice staffer. that's it. that's the tweet.

i genuinely can say the number of ppl ive connected w like how i connected w them i can only count on one hand. i love them to death. i want to write like them. but there's very few ppl i can say that i write a thread w them and our chars immediately just click in whatever way. sometimes more than what we thought. genuinely, just my best friend. could go months w/o chatting and come back and its like we never had that break. they have my entire heart.

ashes to ashes, dust to dust

aliasThe Moustachioed Greek
239written posts
Kostearned bits
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Ah, the dark ages when people RP'ed on Yugioh forums that just happened to have an RP section, face claims were non-existent, and communication happened via Skype. Few people have stuck around from that time, but those that have, I still keep regular contact with.