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go-to character 'types' to rp!

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crunchearned bits
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characters that are not "human."

not just in the way that you might think. while yes i do like going for physically monstrous freaky characters, i find a lot of dudes i end up playing are not entirely "human" in the sense that they rarely exist as people. their emotions, desires, likes, dislikes, little fluffy things are stunted or left hidden. they have a mission, an obsessive reason to exist, and they exist to symbolize an idea or a theme in its entirety - the manifestation of a brewing revolution, the manifestation of an in-setting religious philosophy (or just religion in general) in the form of a resolute zealot, the manifestation of themes like growing old or the loss of "magic" in the world in the form of a washed-up hero from the olden days. as pretentious as this sounds - they kind of end up feeling less like people and more like symbolic forces of nature that play an antagonistic or supporting role in other people's stories. killing them doesn't kill the idea they represent.

add on to the fact that on a pure aesthetic level, i like dudes without "human" features. like they're a weird mutant, or a robot, or they're always wearing a mask or a helmet, or they're a person who can transform into these things.

i love playing the fucked up evil guy that exists solely to impose character development on someone else cuz i know the "someone else" is usually a freak who is happy to oblige, but i have found that as a writer i should flesh out my characters more so they can stand on their own as actual people. i know i'm capable of doing it, i just don't do it in forum RP for whatever reason.
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Stallasearned bits
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I avoid characters with ample freedom. So I tend to play authority: law enforcement, religious order, councilmember, royal, soldier/army, etc.

- Tiger mom that loves her children in a way destructive to them, herself, and the world
- Violent, greasy, broody, yet somehow honorable man
- Normal, friendly, everyday dude just trying to go home at 5'oclock
- Comedic relief ojou-sama ice princess
- Death-wish depresso espresso types
- If I don't care about ships at all and I'm allowed to, I'll play a preteen brat

Actually like writing villains but do not believe there is a place for them on most sites anymore. Behavioral villains, not murderous ones (murder is widely accepted).
no angel
231written posts
ace.earned bits
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highly responsive to prayers
> two-faced, dual-nature characters
> guys who are brats/broken birds
> women who are brutes/evil

and, normally: loyalty to their creed/an unwillingness to take even one step back from whatever they've pledged themselves to/etc. etc. etc.
last edit on Jul 28, 2024 21:43:51 GMT by ace.
119written posts
merriearned bits
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- Someone who likes music and plays an instrument
- Happy-go-lucky types (probably because they contrast my personality lol) but terribly stubborn
- They fell first fast... (if they have a potential ship)

I have been trying to mix it up a bit, but I seem to default to those three "types" whether all fall into one character or are three separate characters.
last edit on Jul 28, 2024 22:14:22 GMT by merri
255written posts
The Lawearned bits
The Law
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Oh I got a few of my own.

* The everyman who's trying to survive a situation that's way beyond their pay grade, and often in the process finds themselves more courageous and resilient than they gave themselves credit for. I.e. They realised at some point they could've just walked away at any point and said it's "not their fight" or "it ain't worth dying for", but their decency wouldn't let them live with it if they did.

* Action girls who are also HUGE pop culture obsessed nerds. Often prone to making pop culture references ("Hey, did someone take the Necronomicon without saying Klaatu Barada Nikto!?" remains one of the favourite lines I've written in-RP), and spewing numerous lines of technology and/or gun porn.
346written posts
Mizoearned bits
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If you are reading this, I am beautiful.
○ Two faced Bitch that says one thing and does the complete opposite

○ Local Idiot that wants to be treated like an adult but isn't ready to act like one

○ Gremlin that only speaks in riddles & insults

○ Florida Man except he is a university student NPC that has extraordinary bad luck

○ Scammer on the run/phantom thief except they absolutely steal from the poor too

I always try to go for characters that are bound to repeatedly mess up and make a lot of mistakes-- I like humorous threads a lot. I think it makes introspection all the more meaningful with these characters (or else they can suffer the consequences)
last edit on Jul 29, 2024 0:04:52 GMT by Mizo

431written posts
Asuearned bits
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With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
- himbo trying their best, means well, but like Serena van der Woodsen, has a tendency to make a mess and not pick up the pieces. bonus points if we're playing the prodigal prince trope. hopelessly devoted to whoever their partner is.

- girlboss with expectations piled up upon them, their role is to have their shit together in the face of everything else not quite having their shit together

- hopeless romantic girl next door with an independent streak

- emotionally constipated

- emotionally diarrheal

- like no in between between these two

- chaos agents

- Paris Hilton. Bonus points when I get to write war general Paris Hilton.

86written posts
fawnearned bits
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  • emotionally constipated lesbian girl-boss dealing with comphet. azula, cersei clones.
  • bishounen young man who abuses his positions of power and has a nasty attitude. sprinkle sprinkle homoeroticism.
  • earnest, kind-hearted lover girl/boy who i’ll let martyr themselves if i ever completed a character arc.  
  • stoic law-abiding citizen who’s trying to find their heart. usually a soldier or cop or something.

last edit on Jul 30, 2024 4:38:46 GMT by fawn
14written posts
ghostfinchearned bits
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  • stoic, disciplined women (lawful alignments, typically have a starting motivation to find a macguffin, oft a family member)
  • silly boys
  • amnesiacs <3 my beloved
  • investigator/detective archetypes
  • characters with obsessive qualities, particularly that that helps them cope with grief (poorly)

been trying to branch out more but also... such comfort to me...
197written posts
inkearned bits
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I have very specific Types and I’m no longer ashamed to say that I just recycle them 45834805434 times with different face claims, backgrounds. Sometimes I do branch out but these experiments will typically be my 3rd or 4th character.

1. The Child Soldier. They’ve been put through the meat grinder for as long as they can remember, and they no longer have normal physiological/emotional responses to other people and events. They consider themselves meat (complimentary) and will not hesitate to throw brutality at a problem. Some Ink child soldiers adopt a moral code in order to reclaim some semblance of personhood. Other Ink child soldiers have come around to enjoy violence as their birthright. They still have goals. But they torture, pursue, and murder in order to let off steam. They don’t need a fancy justification to make someone bleed. If some hero doesn’t like it, then they better put their fists up. These characters may seem chaotic, but their lives were completely shaped by strict rules and punishments. Left on their own, Ink child soldiers generally seek death before they could dare dream of freedom. I really like giving my child soldiers actual IC authority so that I can create problems for other people. Child soldiers are pretty well-rounded stats-wise, except for a near-nonexistent charisma stat. Do NOT let them roll to persuade. Intimidate is OK.

2. The Redeemer. An idealistic scion who uses their resources and privileges to improve the lives of people around them. I’m very straightforward about their moral alignment. While they can have multiple motives, their primary driver should be goodness for its own sake. I bring redeemers to sites where 70% of the characters are really dark or self-centered. Some redeemers are chaotic and others are lawful. These characters may end up in a rebel faction if the canons are really outwardly (and consistently) corrupt, but sites generally don’t get that far. Redeemers have decent dexterity and high charisma stats. These are generally rogues, but they can also be mages on the right site.

3. The Ice Queen. An older canon who occupies a respected seat within an organization. They are shrewd and intelligent, and generally prioritizes the bigger picture above the immediate gains/losses. Some ice queens may start off idealistic, but all of them are firmly planted in realpolitik by the time the site begins. They are experienced statesmen who can work a crowd, placate an angry aristocrat, and manage a spy network. They are a mentor to several characters on the site, but they are more feared than loved. This is a character who may or may not realize that they are now upholding power for its own “necessary” sake. The Ice Queen has a high res stat, a high int stat, and a decent charisma stat. They rely on NPC underlings for self defense, even if they are trained in the martial arts. If the Ice Queen is a younger man, then there is a chance that he is also The False Earl. The Earl has stolen the seat from someone under mysterious circumstances, and they seem to be a responsible steward… for now.

4. The Iago. A highly competent advisor who either 1) primarily acts in favor of their own interests or 2) is an ass-kissing enabler who drives a more important character down a dark path. Iagos always seem to know how to say the right thing, and they tend to have a talent for making money, Iagos have high intelligence and charisma stats, but they have very low or nonexistent combat capabilities.

5. The Dragon. This character is selfish and likes to pillage for fun and riches. Unmoved by ethics systems beyond “survival of the fittest” and will laugh at any weakling who attempts to enforce their idealism. They don’t have much emotional depth beyond that. Really! Generally suited to being a warlord or a pirate. Even if affiliated with a “good” faction, they’ll prioritize jobs based on the payday. Throws great parties, though. Dragons have high strength and constitution stats. Some of them have surprisingly decent charisma, and they can easily sway weaker men and women into following them to battle.
last edit on Aug 2, 2024 6:21:32 GMT by ink
frog on the floor
aliasfreiheit, microwaved burrito
1,539written posts
pharaoh leapearned bits
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i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.
Nearly all my characters boil down to the same Vibe™, and I am ashamed for it, but:

Character without a sense of self-worth, wholly dedicated to a single goal (often a misguided attempt at doing 'the right thing') that either causes them to harm themselves and everyone/thing around them, or that they cannot help harming themselves/everyone/thing around them even if it is against their ultimate goal. Because of their lack of self-worth, they view the harm they cause as inevitable rather than something that can be worked through or past, and their only 'salvation' is attaining that one single goal... but of course, that goal is always going to be out of reach, either because it is impossible for anyone at all to achieve, or because the character cannot overcome the personal failings necessary to achieve it.
the waking storm
aliasLuxu, Galeforce, TenebraeQueene
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tenebraeearned bits
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i bit the tongue behind my teeth (it was never good enough for me)
i realize i enjoy playing villains! characters who are "not who they seem". but i also like morally gray characters who struggle with their dark past while doing good. i rarely play characters who are well-adjusted or truly happy. probably says something about me LOL but i love conflicted characters! whether good or evil, i love the concept of characters struggling with who they are and who they were.
last edit on Aug 18, 2024 22:48:31 GMT by tenebrae