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go-to character 'types' to rp!

aliassel, sell
pronounsany are ok
57written posts
capsellaearned bits
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capsella Avatar
As it says on the tin! I know a lot of people have a super well-rounded cast of characters, but are there any types you tend to default to when joining a new site, or who you've got a couple more in your roster than anyone else?

I think I definitely have a couple in mind, but I was curious about everyone else's...

- Coming with super obvious themes/metaphors! I usually default to giving them animals they're based on/modeled after (recovering furry) (ffxiv dawntrail probably made me one again, though), but I have a group of 4 I've been wanting to RP who're based on card suits, too!
- Musicians... I've rped an awkward amount of classical pianists, for someone who can't really play a single instrument well.
- Gender non-conforming / gets a little silly with it gender presentation-wise. Non-binary + agender characters & butch women are usually my go-to! I think growing up as a little awkward lesbian in cargo shorts & cutting my hair short (...& to shreds) myself in the mirror every couple weeks has made it so I struggle writing super masculine men or super feminine women, lol.
- ...Related to the above, I've always got someone on the roster with an embarrassingly bad haircut, even if a FC can't really show it all too well.

I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out if you need anything.
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ireneearned bits
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you want it darker, we kill the flame

Prefacing this to say that I usually write women, so let's see...

- A soft-hearted, sheltered lady of sorts, whether that is an heiress or royalty. Gentle and kind, with an almost otherworldly innocence that is interpreted as docile protector. She does not come off as strong or secure, clever, or in any way academic. 100% Conservative and has a limited, practical knowledge, a small worldview, and meek character. Not suffering financially. Most likely to have internalized -isms of sorts
- A restless daydreamer for a public servant, with canny, shrewd attention span; misses nothing and wants everything. Expressive. Easy to underestimate, given her general noisiness, chattiness, and aura of delight: one would rarely guess her repertoire of accomplishments. Makes empathy her house of worship, condemns violent rhetoric by nurturing hope.
- A charming, young man, capable of being terrible. An (overly) romantic with idealistic sandbox dreams of revolution to the total cost of a crusade. A soldier that was made disenchanted by the Establishment he had served. Puts the Rage in Courage: locked, loaded, and too much of a good thing. Steadily being cannibalized by his own quest.

Lately, been craving to write a Prodigal Prince of sorts, sorta like Prince Aegon Targaryen from House of the Dragon :-*
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henryearned bits
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Don’t talk to me
I used to love writing only men. But sitting around on my own these days have led me to writing about women more. In fact, most of my men are a little bit one-note now, which makes me a little nervous hahah. But I like pushing the definitions of masculinity a bit. If I write a very masculine, male character, he exemplifies the qualities of masculinity I either like or find interesting to explore. I like writing good husbands that may or may not be good people. I like writing young men with good hearts that end up being very alone.

The women I write tend to be suited more as NPCs, in a weird way. I like cruel, self-destructive women. Cruel to themselves, or cruel to others. I struggle a lot in both RL and animanga RPCs because I don't enjoy the conventional beauty standards defined by the most accessible/recognizable faceclaims in either place. The women I write tend to be older, and if not that then gender non-conforming or tomboyish, or some combination of the two. I love writing mothers, or characters that serve a maternal role. Women who are violent or singularly minded, who believe the ends justify the means. When I want to chill out from all that crazy emotion, I have angry, selfish young women that are impulsive and immature and generally dislikable.

When writing alone, I'm interested now in writing good husbands that love their cruel, self-destructive, singularly-minded wives...I like making my characters very bisexual, and if I write them in relationships with the opposite gender, I like playing with and subverting tropes regarding them. I also write a lot of lesbians. I generally write mlm ships with close friends.

Most of all, I find that I really enjoy writing characters that refuse to reveal their thoughts to me. Sometimes I'm forced to write their actions, describe their tone of voice, their expressions, the way they carry themselves, and make their thoughts felt by the reader, rather than say what they are.

capsella Avatar
- Coming with super obvious themes/metaphors! I usually default to giving them animals they're based on/modeled after (recovering furry) (ffxiv dawntrail probably made me one again, though), but I have a group of 4 I've been wanting to RP who're based on card suits, too!
- Musicians... I've rped an awkward amount of classical pianists, for someone who can't really play a single instrument well.

These are super cool...I've always wanted to write characters based off of themes/metaphors but I always make it too convoluted! Sometimes if I'm reading a book I like, or watching a movie, I might just take a character there and morph them into my OC.

I love writing characters that are musically inclined too, especially towards classical music... most of mine are pianists or violinists as well. :)

last edit on Jul 27, 2024 22:07:09 GMT by henry
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
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ditto become human
Part of the Furniture
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maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
- ngc’s !!! 🗣️
- aces 👾
- muscular women 💪🏼
- autism

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
pronounsshe, her
209written posts
clefairy 🌙earned bits
clefairy 🌙
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clefairy 🌙 Avatar
Overly emotional and idealistic but also weirdly repressed and detached girl. Probably immensely insecure about who and where she is, and maybe wealthy.

I also like people who yearn so 50/50 she has a crush on someone who will never return it.

I rarely play dudes but if I do they're waifu bait.
249written posts
scarletearned bits
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scarlet Avatar
Innocents forced to reconcile with evil in the world, and faced with how that evil changes them.

Romantics who exist in spite of a reality that mocks them with cruelty, determined to see light in the darkness.

Cynics who refuse to believe in the existence of love and goodness, because it would mean being vulnerable again.

Vengeful, spiteful characters who can't let go of how they've been wronged, and can't stop destroying themselves and everything around them.

Long-suffering martyrs betrayed by their own cause, but who remain stalwart beacons of righteousness in spite of that betrayal.
the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
791written posts
CELearned bits
Part of the Furniture
CEL Avatar
oh, i leave quite an impression; five feet, to be exact.
in a really simple and one-note term: stubborn. stubborn with their values, stubborn with their beliefs, stubborn with their causes, stubborn with their wants. characters who, when told that they are wrong, that they can't do something, that a situation is impossible — respond, unapologetically with "fuck you, i will". i love writing them fail; i love writing them cling with every ounce of their being to something that will destroy them in the long run; i love writing their decisions biting them in the ass; i love writing them sacrifice; i love writing them succeed, against all odds. most of all, i love writing them having to grapple with what happens when they're proven so terribly, horribly wrong. the sunk-cost fallacy is SUCH a fun thing to play with for me, and it gives me a lot of opportunity to see how that'll impact my characters and what they're gonna do about it. characters who toe the line between "selfish" and "self-sacrificial" with a knack for controversial choices that would likely result in who even knows how explosive of twitter discourse.

for a less pretentious answer:
‐ characters who are an absolute hot mess disaster of a human being. awful people made of more vices than virtues, self-loathing sad people who can't help but do more things wrong than do things right. 
- pragmatic women who are either desperately ambitious or desperately yearning to survive, bar none. women who have had to make difficult choices and roll with the punches, separating their personal feelings for what needs be done. women with a myriad of regrets but can't afford to process them as regret, not as long as something needs be done. women who desperately want to be good, but for some reason they can't — they don't think they'll ever be able to reach that Good they want to be.
- doomed by the narrative twinks. usually brooding, stoic, and serious. usually quietly idealistic, in love with the possibility of making the world better, whatever the cost, but they have to be in an unforgiving setting for this to work for me. men who are made so wholly undone by love — of a place, of a person, of a people, of a cause, etc. 
- fiercely, fiercely independent characters who want to demand change, pave the path for it in whatever way they have to. characters who are more prepared to die than they are to live, who imagine sunrises they'll never see, or believe they'll never see. characters who try to do the good thing, the right thing, the morally Correct thing for them, only for that to be disastrous, but fuck, is it the only thing they have left to believe in. but the good thing they see may not be the collective Good Thing as a whole.
- loyalist cynics with bloody hands; willing to be the bad guy, do the awful thing, do the morally reprehensible thing, because someone needs to do it. soldiers who have made themselves weapons, with nowhere else to go, no sense of self beyond a corrupt or cannibalizing system that has no love for them at all.

coming soon.
aliasvelk, cyan
59written posts
safi'jiivaearned bits
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sometimes, things that are edgy are cool
anima blair, complete with a crippling addiction to commissions of her, and also andras fekete, temulin borjigin, elizabeth delacroix...

in more specific:
> people who are motived by goals and want to achieve things
> people who are stubborn and deadset on their ideals
> masc women and femme men, the bisexual special
> people who are doomed by the narrative
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
887written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
- if they're not all delulu whats the point uwu.
- this is less 'character types' but i tend to gravitate to using female fcs for masc characters and male fcs for fem characters because what is a god-complex except a gender-ambiguous hoe.
last edit on Jul 28, 2024 15:09:53 GMT by bc