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do you like your irl name

aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
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ditto become human
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maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
i love my name bc it does feel ljke me though i at first djd t ljke how girly/feminine the nickname i had frlm it in college but it grew on me… well maybe i stopped caring cuz it’s easier to say it than the full name. But i still prefer to introduce myself with my nickname cuz it’s funny. My nickname is Binky. They used to call me Stinky Binky 😔

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
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aliasJen, DeJener8
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Jenesisearned bits
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No, it sucks.

It was an extremely common baby name when I was growing up so I never got to be the only #MYNAME in school classes, it has a bunch of different spellings so even though I use the most common one people keep getting it wrong, and if you dig deep into the etymology it derives from a fictional character whose only notable contribution to the lore is cheating on her husband. So needless to say, I'm not a fan.
aliassel, sell
pronounsany are ok
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capsellaearned bits
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I like it well enough! I had my name changed legally, but I ended up consulting with my parents (especially my mother, who had a larger hand in naming me) about names that they liked, or had considered naming me as a child, because I still wanted them to be involved— I really like thinking that my old name was a gift from them to me, and I wanted my new name to feel the same. It's not the ~coolest~ name, by any means, but it means a lot to me. (ton of work to change it everywhere, though, rip.)
last edit on Aug 22, 2024 19:04:23 GMT by capsella
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out if you need anything.
aliasmori, manon, saki
pronounsshe / her
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𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚒earned bits
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i know you see yourself as a fighter. well, i see myself as one, too.

i'm not in love with it, but i think it's alright. my only real qualm is that my mom went with another language's spelling of it to be ~different~ and now people who speak that language ask me all the time about the pronunciation. like, say it as basic as possible. my mom is just extra 🥹

local boogeyman
aliasbex, jeepers cats
pronounsshe/her or any pronouns
802written posts
profit of doomearned bits
profit of doom
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they pull the axe out your face and say "was it the boogeyman?"
i've never liked my name. my best friend keeps telling me that i can. just change it. but like. it's my name, whether i like it or not lmao
last edit on Aug 22, 2024 21:48:06 GMT by profit of doom
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hannyearned bits
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「我等の天下だ 神など要らない。」
i like my name well enough. simple and it translated easily when i moved to japan (they wanted to say hanna instead of hana but i told them the pronounciation is hana, so it just sounds like the japanese name) and besides, i use hanny irl more often nowadays lmao. hannah is for work and hanny is for everyone else. i liked it less when i was in school bc it was so common (in my year at secondary there was a hannah in every class, except one class where there was two of them)
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xenoearned bits
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recently learned that i am probably named after elvis presley's daughter (i don't have her first name but a similar one........ bc my older cousin is named ALISA marie). i like my name otherwise. compared to my siblings i have an extremely american name though, i'd love to legally change it to niloufar but i've already lived through a name change once in my life and it was pretty annoying, don't really wanna go through it again
last edit on Aug 22, 2024 23:10:06 GMT by xeno
aliasvelk, cyan
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safi'jiivaearned bits
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sometimes, things that are edgy are cool
it's pretty gender-neutral i guess so i like it. i used to hate it and wanted a more masculine name but im happy with it, it's whatever. in a parallel universe tho they would have called me georgina and i would have gone by george (and then jordi. bc i love that fuckin fish)
phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
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Kuroyaearned bits
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
not particularly but like. it's my name. what am i gonna do, change it? please. i'd just forget to answer to the new one.
last edit on Aug 23, 2024 11:55:19 GMT by Kuroya

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margaritaearned bits
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i do! my dad said it came to him in a dream, and he knew from that moment what they would name me (mom was okay with it too dw). it's got a long version and a short version, and the short version is gender neutral so like it ticks basically all the boxes for a great name :3
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aliasRinse, Oakey
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pancakehouseearned bits
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I didn't like it growing up. I'm named after a football team + it's a city name, so there's always the expected flack I get initially. Plus, it's coupled with a last name that no one pronounces correctly (even after being told how to pronounce it). But idk, I'm twenty-eight now and can't imagine being called anything else. And, as horrendous as my last name has been said all my life, now I wouldn't even change it if I got married lmao.

Still always cringe when I have to introduce myself to people tho. Or say my name out loud. Or hear other people say it out loud when addressing me. But I think that has less to do with the name itself and just.... addressing people by name is so uncomfy to me?? Why can't everyone just be "you" or "dude" or "babe"? I generally just wait until *eye contact* and skip actually addressing someone like 97% of the time lolol~

an original powers rp
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merriearned bits
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In theory, I have two separate names—my birth name and then the one I have legally. I'd say that my birth name was so long... my actual, legal, current name is pulled from my birth name. As a kid, I didn't like it for a long time because no one knew how to say it properly or just put me under specific pronunciations of similar names. Now, I don't mind it, and I appreciate it because I know the story of how the name came to be, but people mispronounce it (which I have a standard "joke" response for it), and I have family members who still spell it wrong.
internally screaming
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Nekoearned bits
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stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
I have a very 'girly' name I suppose. I don't really care about my name. My mother named me off a street sign going to the hospital. She had no attachment to the name and I don't care about it either. Rarely do people call me by it and always use nicknames or my screenname/pen name so I haven't had a need to care. I will say that my mother's original planned name died of the diabetus and that as weirdly spot on considering I'm dying of everything including the diabetes but. My last name though? Jesus christ I have a hyphenated name since I'm the last girl of my line, technically, and so I hyphenated it with my husband's multiple last names and I break literally every freaking system that needs it since my last name is so freaking long (no one can say it either so it's funny when my husband just has a fit)

In other news, my lack of care about my name has led to some fascinating nicknames since people just name me whatever. My bosses at work would just call me random names- where it got to the point where I just answer to everything- including also forgetting all these names and someone going 'crazy cat lady' and that made me look up. Heck, when I worked at a computer tech place everyone called me Mama Mac instead of my name including my bosses boss= all twice my age or more.

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