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Am I the only one like this ?

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nezuearned bits
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So, idk if its just me and my expectations or what but anytime I'm on a site that I don't have daily stuff to reply to I slowly lose interest in the site and it usually gets to the point that when I finally do get a reply I just don't have the muse to respond with since I lost interest.
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
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ditto become human
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maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
You’re definitely not the only one. Not from my personal exp or anyone i know, but from some other folks i get similar vibes from. I don’t really know why it’s that way for you but i think the forum rp format may not be best-suited for how your brain rolls. I like forum rp bc it allows for more complex plotting and development that can involve a wider cast. It has multiple personal journeys that ripple to eaxh other. I enjoy seeing the cause and effect and the miracle of what unknown comes out. I also like the pacing; and i am a fast poster but i like how overall, forum posting is a gradual, steady work i can feel accomplished.

So if that doesnt vibe with you, could be worth trying out other formats. Discord rp, perhaps?

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
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nezuearned bits
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i like the story telling bit, its just that I make time daily to rp and its depressing as hell to get tagged for a reply pump that reply out in 30 mins then wait 2 days for a response, discord rp is way too much like XAT rp back in the day no continuity and peoples writing skills are usually basic or sub par.. I work from home so i can crank out 10-20 posts a day, im just wondering why I do not find people like me in the forum community.
aliaspor, sef, jdawg
pronounsshe | her
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porsefearned bits
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i don't think you're alone. the reason i had to step away from public rp is because the people i found myself on the site(s) with posted daily & some expected high turnaround too.

some advice to counteract your dilemma is that i suggest joining multiple sites at once or participating in a lot of threads on the site(s) you're on with different people. it might seem chaotic but if you can organize it in a way that works for you, i believe it would give you the posting volume per day that you desire.
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nezuearned bits
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i don't think you're alone. the reason i had to step away from public rp is because the people i found myself on the site(s) with posted daily & some expected high turnaround too.

some advice to counteract your dilemma is that i suggest joining multiple sites at once or participating in a lot of threads on the site(s) you're on with different people. it might seem chaotic but if you can organize it in a way that works for you, i believe it would give you the posting volume per day that you desire.
thanks for the advice i might just do that !
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aliasJen, DeJener8
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I work from home so i can crank out 10-20 posts a day, im just wondering why I do not find people like me in the forum community.

As gently as possible, I think you just answered your own question.

Especially as the forum rp community gets older, most people have jobs, school, or other responsibilities that make it so they can't spend extended hours at a time doing hobby stuff online. Additionally, I've noticed a lot of neurodivergency in the rp community, a common side effect of which is reduced or inconsistent energy level. All of this is to say that people who can lightning post 10+ times a day are few and far between, and among the few people I've seen who ever lightning post, the majority of them only do it with their favorite ship partner and nobody else.

If you want daily posting I would either (as has already been said) try to make connections with a lot of people, but understanding that people have pretty variable schedules so there's no guarantee that all of your thread partners won't have a bad day (or just go on vacation) all at the same time; or else specifically look for sites with high activity requirements which will naturally weed out the slow posters.
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
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ditto become human
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maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
You’re definitely not the only one who can do that many posts in a day. I can, and many people i’ve met can too. But responsibilities and time aside, sometimes it’s a matter of choice. I like forum rping bc i can do it on and off. I don’t always wanna post.

No particular suggestion here since it’s been given already. I can only offer the thought that you probably just haven’t ran into the right people or community with the same energy as you
last edit on Sept 7, 2024 7:10:16 GMT by ditto become human

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
235written posts
travellerearned bits
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I'd be happy to go multiple posts per day if the vibes are good and I'm not on a low spoon day.

Likewise, if I only get to post once a week or less, I quickly start losing interest. Especially when I see my thread partner post elsewhere; I know we're not supposed to judge people based on their activity elsewhere because of various reasons, but despite my logical mind saying there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for why I'm not getting posts to the thread, I still feel neglected and start telling myself it's because I suck.

Like, the last site I had fun at went tits up, and I've kinda drifted away from roleplay again as a result despite trying, so I've let thread partners down too by flaking.
"Someone's got to die today and you have got the final say. You? Or your crew?"
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scaramoucheearned bits
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Nah my rp partner and I tend to feel this way too when too much time is between posts. Most days I will want to post at least daily to a number of threads. But sometimes I’m sick (rn) or busy and a couple days do slip by without a post. I like to have a mix of slow and fast partners but sometimes slow is too slow. Like if it’s a consistent single post once a month… then getting through a plot together is gonna be impossible for me. That’s too slow.
pronounsshe / her
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Ven ☆earned bits
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got a secret, can you keep it?
after stepping away from a frenetic, frantic community where posts are expected at the minimum on a daily basis and I can no longer keep up due to the demands that work needs f me?

sometimes you just have to find the right place for you. currently writing elsewhere, where taking your time is very much appreciated, sure there are daily posters, but there are also those who only have the mental spoons to post a few times a week and let the rest of the week stew for how to tackle replies when they come.

maybe you need a consistent 1x1 partner who can write with you to quench the thirst for replying quickly? just my two cents though
the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
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oh, i leave quite an impression; five feet, to be exact.
nezu Avatar
Im kinda dealing with that right now, they owe me posts but are actively posting in other areas... its like im an after thought
initially i wasn't gonna post here since i think everyone else who posted before me already listed my sentiments, but as someone who has Been In These Specific Shoes(TM) (feeling like a consistent after thought in the rp relationships she cultivated, only exacerbated by people gaining other priorities in posts and/or flocking to other individuals instead -- seriously, if you look at my old posts here i was an emo bitch about it LOL), it's completely understandable to feel that way, and i think that a lot of people in the general rp community have these kind of feelings, at least a little deep inside. what matters is how you take it, respond to it, and what you choose to do with the time and energy you have.

end of day, rp is a social hobby, and depending on how much you pour into it, the connections, reception, and experiences you glean from it will do a lot to how you feel about it, people in the community, and even beyond. ven's got a really strong point imho: a lot of the time, what matters is finding the right circle and/or partner for you — preferably people who match your interests, beliefs, plotting style, etc. or people who are willing to work with your style, brand, or approach, hand-in-hand. it doesn't have to be a 1:1 match; it's what you and your partner are willing to compromise on, discuss, work with, and play off. me and my closest rp partner here of 7+ years don't have 1:1 exactly similar preferences and plotting approaches (heck, a lot of the time we actually have clashing ones and that usually means we have to rewire, rediscuss, or set the record straight a lot LOL), but ye, if there's a willingness to accept, cooperate, and play off each other - i think that can prove pivotal in rp interest and/or muse.

ofc it's easy to say "find the right place / partner for you" and it's rare as hell to rlly get that, me and my mine took who-knows-how-many experiences (good and bad alike) with each other to really reach where we're at now, but the trying does a lot. join multiple sites, take risks and take wanted ads, make wanted ads, reach out to people, plot outside your comfort zone, pitch ideas that are purely self-indulgent and see if someone bites, etc. etc. it's gonna be a hit-or-miss all of the time, but when things hit? it'll hit good, and that's what matters. not only will all of that help in maintaining the momentum you want / works for you, but it lets you meet more and more people. and sure, like more than half of them will be a miss (maybe even give longterm grief that leaves you jaded and bitter and having aged older than you really are), but you'll get somewhere good if you're willing to keep trying. i think a lot of people can understand and/or see that, and make their own decisions on if they want to do the same if you approach, play off each other, verbalize when concerns arise, understand, and move with that.

tl;dr compromise where you can with people, interact and be ready to speak up to make things work (if you want to make things work, that is, i'm a firm believer that healthy confrontation is such a mandatory ingredient in longterm and strong relationships, both in rp and out of it) but never settle for less than what can give you joy.
last edit on Sept 18, 2024 15:51:38 GMT by CEL

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