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slyearned bits
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Zyzy Avatar
I think a superhero type site based in like Medieval times would be dope as fuck. Imagine characters kind of like from the Fate Series having weird mutations or crazy abilities that kind of result in them being outcast in their society.
This gives me a Marvel 1602 vibe and I want it
36written posts
slyearned bits
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Togasko Avatar
Zyzy Avatar
I'm honestly kinda shocked there aren't any good Avatar or Korra RPs around. Like seriously that is one of my favorite shows and the world is so well made that i don't know why no one has done it yet lol. 
There probably has been before my time. But the entire time I been part of this community, I cannot remember a Avatar/Korra site. I am sad theres not because i much want this!
Avatar/Korra sites have this mystical ability to end up as these niche sites that barely get any players despite the size of its fandom. I've seen them exist during my time but they always fall through the cracks. Even though this was a part of a different discussion, what said a little earlier about Naruto sites being too geographically large to easily role play in applies to Avatar sites as well because they have a knack of including all of the nations (you know, the entire world of the setting). That's why it baffles me that Korra fixes this problem by scaling things down with Republic City yet I still see Korra sites fail.

I do wish there was a site that would break this trend because it is a great setting that I would love to role play in.
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slyearned bits
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The talk about slice of life rps earlier made me wish there was an rp based on Clone High. Just the idea of rping as clones of historical figures trying to live their day to day lives is an interesting concept that could create some good stories.

M A E ! Avatar
i think something based off of re:creators would be really cool
Yes please! I second this because Re:Creators doesn't get enough love (I blame Anime Strike). It would practically be a panfandom site but without actual canons.
36written posts
slyearned bits
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So I've been meaning to post an introduction since day one of the new site but my work as a stagehand has kept me busy. Introductions can be painful to write so please bear with me while I slap something together.

First and foremost, you can call me Sly. I've went by a couple of other handles over the years but this one has stuck with me the longest (about four). If you think you might know me under a different name, odds are that you don't. I've been a socially awkward lurker for a very long time now. I'm 30 and started my journey into role playing about 14 years ago. Unfortunately I stopped shortly after graduating high school but returned five years ago for some unknown reason. I was just sitting in class on campus one day and had this sudden urge to role play. Admittedly, both life and work doesn't leave me as much time to actually role play as I would like but I'm stubborn damn it.

I love to role play in verbal form so making the jump to written form is no big shocker. I'm a tabletop nerd and can easily spend hours discussing the shenanigans that happens in games (feel free to share if you have any). I'm particular towards both D&D 5th edition and Powered by the Apocalypse but I'll play any system.

As for fandoms, I'm pretty big on Star Wars (I may have squeed in a public library when I saw a novel involving two of my favorite characters sitting on the recent additions shelf). Transmetropolitan by Warren Ellis is my favorite comic. The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury is one of my favorite books. I like sea shanties and heist movies. Is there anything else I should mention? I have two Japanese chin who are like family to me.  

I stated above that I'm a socially awkward lurker and that's something I want to try to fix. My goal here is to be more active in the community and this introduction is my first step in doing that.

CONFESSION: I happen to be a terrible procrastinator. Feel free to give me a nudge if you ever see me procrastinating.
last edit on Jul 7, 2018 0:52:01 GMT by sly