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murkearned bits
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there are two that really get to me.

- when a guest/new member joins the cbox/discord and asks a question in regards to the site that is word for word in the rules/plot/other info threads. i get wanting to feel out the community before joining, i do not understand joining before reading anything informational. i get posing questions in regards to the information threads like 'why did you decide to use this location for the rp?' but not something as simple as 'can i use rl face claims?'

- when someone puts together an application that looks as though it has taken them a lot of time and effort to put together, with it being lengthy and it has thought out symbolism w/ew/e the member decides to put in. but you have to pend it. because it breaks site lore or guidelines or because the character is just simply too op. when you try to elaborate in the pending message that you're genuinely just trying to get the character up to fitting within guidelines and then the person just ghosts bc they got pended. ;-; just let me help you.

a hybrid of both: when people put a lot of time and effort into applications and it becomes increasingly clear that they didn't read any information beforehand due to the way they present information.

ik these sound specific but they aren't. ;; it just hurts me man.
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76written posts
murkearned bits
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i have a lot of opinions on this and most of them conflict pretty radically so i'll just write until i feel like i've outlined it.

i really do love wanted ads. i love taking the skeleton of a character and filling in everything else about them. i love being given this idea or a relationship and being tasked with the challenge of formatting another life around it -- it's like a puzzle to me, in that way. i find that some of my most intriguing characters are born of wanted ads. 

on the flip side i really dislike creating, managing, and pulling a character for others from wanted ads. i don't often put up ads for my own characters because i lack in good experiences from people taking my own ads. i'm a firm believer that characters should stand on their own as is, and so wanted ads created for the sake of propping up a character are something i frown upon. in addition to this i avoid ship ads like the plague, because a lot of the time i can't deal with the pressure of making a ship happen.

when i make ads i settle on a caricature and i try to leave it as broad as possible while still giving the details i desperately want. i find that the further removed i am from the character, the better the ad goes. over on ct i at one point roleplayed a character, his uncle, and his childhood best friend as well as adopted brother. the reasoning for this is because these three characters existed before CT in a private setting where overlapping relationships made sense. however in a forum setting it was restrictive and it kept me from exploring the relationship of the friends, and after a point i threw the character up as an ad. since then he has been taken and although he has the same name, he is not not the same character. do i struggle with this? yes, definitely; i had a very clear view of the character and i trusted someone to take this view and make it their own. i am more than happy with where it is, but i do find myself missing rping that character sometimes.

that isn't to be confused with me disliking the character now -- more that the relationship and the dynamic and even my own view on the character has changed due to someone else rping it.

i think in all situations you need to be prepared for your ad not being taken. if the ad isn't taken, are you crippled in rping the character? if the answer is yes, i would say to either trust that important figure with someone close to you or to perhaps make said character not as necessary.

i am also blessed with having a dedicated and lovely rp partner who hasn't given me a reason for want ads. our rping experience together has been about approaching each other with ideas that would be ads and filling them for each other. there is no pressure with trying ships with her, no pressure in character chemistry with her, and i know the writing chemistry will be fine.

tl;dr i love taking wanted ads, i dislike making wanted ads, and takes the majority of my would-be wanted ads anyway.
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76written posts
murkearned bits
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i'm an NA adc/mid mage main who just rly wants the adc meta to come back. l-lol. i don't rly do ranked bc 1) my position got gutted and 2) i can't stand ranked atmosphere but i play more normals than i'd care to admit.

my sn is thebiggestsucc although i don't rly log on to play unless someone invites me over discord anymore. :c
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76written posts
murkearned bits
Junior Member
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i would love help with leveling!! it's so grueling on a server that lacks road to 30. also i'm,, avidly against doing leveling roulette until i hit 30 for the healer queue lmao-

pls invite me to the cwls when we're next online at the same time ;u;
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76written posts
murkearned bits
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murk Avatar

rhett ulrich
an angry undead creature who's pretty much exasperated with the world at all times.
(cullen rutherford, dragon age)

kester grayson
a dragon ex-assassin who just rly wants to bake and reunite w/ his long lost lover.
(ignis scientia, final fantasy)
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76written posts
murkearned bits
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when all you want is find all of the rp ppl that play ffxiv and put an alt on their server so you can play with them

Then you realize what a fucking masochist you are because holy fuck you'll need to level those alts and realizing that is like death considering the like 150 quests between a realm reborn and heavensward @.@

i feel it. i was gonna make an alt for the aether data centre so that and i could play in a timezone better for us, but then i realised how much progress i'd lose on my main (all the classes i've levelled, the dragoon that i've started gearing for post-stormblood, my fenrir mount, etc). plus i'm super attached to her...

so i did a world transfer instead :'D

i made an alt and i want to die
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