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Because you are all this bunny thinks about!~ <3

Short post! Verrrrrry short! >.<

But a LOT is done! Finished all the rules, workings, etc; and just creating categories, boards, and location stuff. 

-Still thinking about hiring staff...or needing them? Unsure! 0_0

-Doing some revisions for the sake of balancing.

-Current Project: still thinking about templates. 

-To-Do: Finish posting locations. Post templates. Finish entering plug-ins.

Summary: Almost there with the basics! Hang tight, please! D=
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Still thinking about you, cuties!~ <3

OM-BUNNY! There was SOOOOOO much! DX

This bunny posted all the material from the system to the sorted moves. This bunny sees now why GameFreak cut a number of these attacks out of the Pokemon video game by the time Gen 8 came around! x_x Still, almost all of them are there! Not only that, but posted the system with it! Been giving everyone that is close and talking to this bunny a glimpse to see if it is fine. All the rules are almost done! Aesthetics, templates, and all those other cutsite things will be next!

-Moves are sorted and done.

-Worked out Rank Claims. Interesting positions up for grabs when things open up!

-Current Project: Thinking about templates. Want to RP and have fun, but do not want the forum to be too "showy." x_x

-To-Do: Finish rules and explanations. Should be done within the next two weeks.

-Plots! Plots! Plo-Plo-Plo-...Oh! Done! Nice stories to write!

-Staff Search. Still a thing, but not in any rush. Quite frankly, this bunny is impressed with what has been completed so far on his own. 

Summary: Got a lot done this weekend! Hopefully, things will be ready by next month! Toodles! <3
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i dont have screens but my super power is rolling multiple rare rates but at the cost of never the one i want (':
Say it louder please so that Diluc can get the message!

This bunny hates rolling Diluc every time for a rare! This bunny wants a Qiqi or more Mona! T_T
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this thread gives me life u dont underSTAND how much I loved conquest as a kid

This bunny is HAPPY to hear that! Hopefully it is everything you love and you do not mind this bunny's mediocre forum building skills since this bunny is working very hard to make sure everything gives freedom, is not bound by icky stats, and is very story based which will encourage everyone to flex those creative muscles!


Easter is here early!~ <3

More things accomplished! More things this bunny has accomplished!

Been working very hard on the weekends and sometimes at nights! Have begin posting materials such as the rules and how things are MUCH different from the video games in order to make sure that people understand it is story driven. There are still some rewards in terms of story progression and contribution, but this bunny is working hard to make sure the central motivation is the same. 

-Categorized every last move for the severity system! Pokemon did not make sense with a lot of things (Ember = Burn and Fire Blast = same Burn?) so this bunny made it so that the moves themselves are giving more life than just a video game mechanic and have their own expression.

-TM/TR System have been completed in more detail! Pokemon are able to logically use other moves since Video Game System did not express this well either (Ghastly knows how to Punch?!).

-Current Project: Posting lore mechanics! Everything is typed out, yet, this bunny just has to get around to posting it while also typing out some corrections.

-To-Do: Pokemon Classifying: Some Pokemon will be native to some areas while others will be native to certain houses. This is to give importance to the Pokemon just as there are to the techniques.

-To-Do: Extra Forms/Techs (Z-Moves, Mega Pokemon, Dynamax, etc.) let you all know, Dynamax Pokemon will NOT be a player controlled element. We will probably use them as a concept for a story element, but beyond that, nothing else. However, Mega Pokemon will be a thing as well as Z-Moves (in their own way). We are trying to incorporate as many elements of Pokemon that people love, but trying to show respect to the Sengoku Period and its experience.

-To-Do: Pokemon Recruiting/Catching: Ransei does not use "Catching" Pokemon and using RNG elements would push it to gaming instead of elements of writing. This bunny is trying VERY HARD to find a system that encourages you to have fun writing and not make it a chore to catch Pokemon like a game, so please be patient. When it is done, this bunny hopes it is golden! Have a rough draft of a concept right now, but still not sure! Working out the kinks!

-Plots! Plots! Plo-Plo-Plo-Plotsss!!! This bunny has come up with a number of plots! Hopefully you will love them, especially the plot to kick things off! Looking forward to seeing anyone who may come and experience our wonderful forum and its story!

-Staff Search - be honest...this bunny has been doing this alone and just getting opinions from friends. Will probably search for staff to help...or not. This bunny really just would like everyone to enjoy writing...but this bunny is not insane! Will need help approving profiles and writing when this bunny cannot to help with plot (Not to mention checks and balances).

Summary: Stuff is getting done and this bunny is excited! Hopefully, you will have a great story to enjoy!
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This bunny is kind of hoping Katekyo Hitman Reborn is somehow revived.

RP-wise or Manga series! Either way, this bunny wants some more Superpowered Mafia!~ DX
Love love love this. I started making a site with the idea that mafia groups take over cities around the world. The more you own, the better selection of box items you could purchase. Sadly I lost muse for it. is what I started. 
OMBunny! This bunny remembers this! T_T

It is too bad it did not pick up! This bunny loves Hitman Reborn, especially after the very last Manga Only arc! D=

Sorry that you lost muse for it! Hopefully this bunny will be tied over and severely tied over with his new desire! >=3
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Just Bouncing Around!~ <3

This bunny did things! <3

This week, did a LOT of heavy editing and did things done (due to being in the hospital with a laptop and nothing to do). This bunny ultimately finished a few things for systems that deviate away from the RPG aspect (as intended) and closer towards the RPing and story writing aspect! A few of these additions are something this bunny is excited about too, but getting some feedback while writing to make sure that this bunny is not going overboard! As for the additions, will lightly touch on them!

-Finished the clans central to the site! Of course, there will be room for Custom Clans as well. However, the basis of the site's lore and the lore explaining the mechanics is a done deal. This bunny is moving on to typing out some regulatory things!

-Unique TM/TR system complete! It is very much something this bunny is VERY happy about and gives a unique spin on learning moves. It also gives a shift in the dynamic for moves that are difficult to use in RP. One will be happy to know that this "should" not be a problem with how things are edited and working on.

-Current Project: Tier construction. To let one know without giving a lot of detail, this has a lot to do with the previous mentioned TM/TR system which gives a unique spin on move. This bunny has written in every last single move into an Excel Document and they will be examined, broken down, and then edited into the site along with guidelines with how they will fit into a purely writing-based forum that is moving away from the VG mechanics.

-Icky stuff! Rules and organization will be typed up within the coming month. First, this bunny has to work out the kinks of how things will work. Making good progress though and still taking input while things are shaping up. Hope there will be a period where a lot of progress can be made on downtime!

-Plots! Plots! Plo-Plo-Plo-Plotsss!!! There have been some GREAT ideas passed around between Usagi and friends! At the moment, there is a linear number of events that will be made, and some sub-events that will earn chance to get some very unique story mechanics! Right now, one plot in particular to begin our story is being heavily considered and the potential drama and synergy with the forum theme just makes this bunny oh-so-happy!~

Summary: Good progress and rough drafts! Usagi is a happy Bunny!
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A. Hiroyuki Sawano! Wings of Imagination was a character theme that just turned into passive idle music for work, car rides, and generally just sitting around with this bunny's headphones on and playing VGs.

B. This bunny feels like trying a new breakfast recipe. What's a favorite unique dish you like to have in the morning?
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Only because this bunny loves you!~ <3

Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! x_x

This bunny is still working on this between work and work and more work! Uh...since this bunny is the only one who is actively typing up everything with friends giving some advisement and some opinions, it has been a LOT of work, but this is what has been decided and added to:

-Seventeen clans (with the exemption of the Normal element) have been made to represent the elements of the PKMN World and they have been grouped into ten kingdoms (with some context to incite some rivalries and alliances of certain Kingdoms).

-Lore has been set and created! Now working on the background of all the clans and the traits of the seventeen unique clans and tryin

-Taken out as many "RPG" aspects as possible to emphasize and enhance creativity while pressing towards the investment of story elements.

-Modified Status Effects (because saying an Ember and Fire Blast causing the same "Burn" seemed ridiculous). Status Effects now are more subjective in their severity based on attacks.

-Z-Moves and Mega-Evolution has been heavily modified in order to be incorporated into the forum's lore and have an original function.

Summary: This bunny did things! <3