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12written posts
Cloverearned bits
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Clover Avatar
So apparently bringing a sword to a food court is illegal now
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec elit justo, molestie et elit vitae, posuere elementum nisl. Nunc arcu enim, sodales quis porta ut, tempus nec leo. Suspendisse convallis ante sit amet velit fermentum, sed semper sapien scelerisque. Morbi et nisi euismod, rhoncus dolor id, egestas felis. Aliquam vitae gravida sapien. Aenean id mi gravida mauris auctor sodales. Praesent et placerat nunc, in rutrum arcu. Vivamus volutpat posuere lacinia. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur eleifend malesuada nulla, vitae suscipit leo sodales ut.

Cras molestie et ante vitae scelerisque. Integer molestie rutrum lacus at vestibulum. Suspendisse cursus sapien vel laoreet sagittis. Etiam eleifend, neque sit amet dignissim commodo, est enim blandit ipsum, vitae bibendum mauris felis elementum ex. Morbi elementum risus mauris, vel ullamcorper diam elementum ac. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus at ultrices mauris, at placerat ante. Etiam suscipit sem metus, non sagittis est cursus non.

last edit on Jul 14, 2019 11:03:43 GMT by Clover
12written posts
Cloverearned bits
New Member
Clover Avatar
So apparently bringing a sword to a food court is illegal now
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last edit on Jul 3, 2019 13:30:18 GMT by ulla
12written posts
Cloverearned bits
New Member
Clover Avatar
So apparently bringing a sword to a food court is illegal now
-slides in- HEY YO HMU WITH THIS GOOOD BNHA STUFF! Honestly I've been looking for a site like this, I love the BNHA world and everything you've written sounds so friggin cool asdfghjkl if you need help with any of it i'd be happy to help too
12written posts
Cloverearned bits
New Member
Clover Avatar
So apparently bringing a sword to a food court is illegal now
Hey everyone! Sorry it took so long for me to reply, I'm so glad there's interest for it!

So for pokeballs what I was thinking is they have a more 'primitive' version, basically stone fragments with runes on them that can safely store pokemon in a sort of pocket dimension. 

So far I'm thinking legendaries can't be caught as they are treated like gods in the setting, and maybe keep them as NPCs. I was entertaining the idea of letting them be playable later down the line but I've seen that go poorly on some other sites, so I'm not really keen on letting them be playable. I'd love some more opinions on this though!

The site will probs focus more on kingdom politics and general survival rather than a league sort of thing, though there will be tournaments and such between the kingdoms that people can enter.

And yes! People can fight alongside their pokemon, though this is generally in serious fights such as wars and things rather than friendly battling. 

Soorry, by original setting I meant a made-up region D: But I was thinking more Europen-ish medieval, should have been a bit more specific. Though honestly I'd be fine adding a lot of different medieval cultures, that could be super cool if I could integrate it right.

@noir Yeah, Rotom won't be available (unless I was brave enough to make it era-appropriate forms lol) and any other pokemon that wouldn't really make sense in the setting.

Thanks so much guys, if there's any ideas you think would be cool for this site feel free to post 'em! And if you'd like to be involved in staffing the site in anyway, PM me or hmu on Discord @ Clover#9088 <3
12written posts
Cloverearned bits
New Member
Clover Avatar
So apparently bringing a sword to a food court is illegal now
[attr="class","chastuff"]orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque egestas rutrum blandit. Mauris maximus, nulla vitae aliquet elementum, quam nulla fringilla diam, quis aliquet neque nisi ac magna. Nam accumsan malesuada sapien, in blandit leo maximus ac. Duis convallis, erat nec gravida pellentesque, sapien augue varius nisl, luctus imperdiet mi dui ac felis. Quisque sagittis scelerisque tincidunt. Vestibulum vitae tincidunt orci. Maecenas et sem in magna dictum sagittis facilisis dignissim odio. Pellentesque porttitor velit magna, sed ornare quam porta at.

Maecenas porttitor tellus eros. Etiam consectetur sollicitudin gravida. Integer viverra interdum vulputate. Nullam iaculis rhoncus odio eu facilisis. Vivamus in odio aliquam lorem imperdiet venenatis ac at nulla. Duis eu neque et odio molestie mollis vitae sagittis neque. Sed efficitur hendrerit nulla id lobortis. Donec a neque bibendum lacus semper ornare. Mauris quis tortor eget lectus hendrerit pellentesque ut ultrices mauris. Praesent eleifend magna sed justo ultrices, convallis vulputate ex mollis. Nulla faucibus quis odio non mollis. Etiam condimentum lacus eget dui posuere aliquet. Ut commodo ex nisi, ac venenatis neque aliquam eget. Morbi fringilla dignissim neque in pretium.

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[attr="class","chatitle"]title here
[attr="class","chastuff"]orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque egestas rutrum blandit. Mauris maximus, nulla vitae aliquet elementum, quam nulla fringilla diam, quis aliquet neque nisi ac magna. Nam accumsan malesuada sapien, in blandit leo maximus ac. Duis convallis, erat nec gravida pellentesque, sapien augue varius nisl, luctus imperdiet mi dui ac felis. Quisque sagittis scelerisque tincidunt. Vestibulum vitae tincidunt orci. Maecenas et sem in magna dictum sagittis facilisis dignissim odio. Pellentesque porttitor velit magna, sed ornare quam porta at.

[attr="class","chasub"]subtitle here
Maecenas porttitor tellus eros. Etiam consectetur sollicitudin gravida. Integer viverra interdum vulputate. Nullam iaculis rhoncus odio eu facilisis. Vivamus in odio aliquam lorem imperdiet venenatis ac at nulla. Duis eu neque et odio molestie mollis vitae sagittis neque. Sed efficitur hendrerit nulla id lobortis. Donec a neque bibendum lacus semper ornare. Mauris quis tortor eget lectus hendrerit pellentesque ut ultrices mauris. Praesent eleifend magna sed justo ultrices, convallis vulputate ex mollis. Nulla faucibus quis odio non mollis. Etiam condimentum lacus eget dui posuere aliquet. Ut commodo ex nisi, ac venenatis neque aliquam eget. Morbi fringilla dignissim neque in pretium.
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SERIES, firstname lastname | @character
SERIES, firstname lastname | @character
SERIES, firstname lastname | @character

SERIES, firstname lastname | @character
SERIES, firstname lastname | @character
SERIES, firstname lastname | @character

SERIES, firstname lastname | @character
SERIES, firstname lastname | @character
SERIES, firstname lastname | @character

SERIES, firstname lastname | @character
SERIES, firstname lastname | @character
SERIES, firstname lastname | @character

SERIES, firstname lastname | @character
SERIES, firstname lastname | @character
SERIES, firstname lastname | @character

SERIES, firstname lastname | @character
SERIES, firstname lastname | @character
SERIES, firstname lastname | @character

SERIES, firstname lastname | @character
SERIES, firstname lastname | @character
SERIES, firstname lastname | @character

SERIES, firstname lastname | @character
SERIES, firstname lastname | @character
SERIES, firstname lastname | @character

SERIES, firstname lastname | @character
SERIES, firstname lastname | @character
SERIES, firstname lastname | @character

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[attr="class","chatitle"]canon list
[attr="class","chacan"]CANON POSITION

[attr="class","chacan"]CANON POSITION

[attr="class","chacan"]CANON POSITION

[attr="class","chacan"]CANON POSITION

[newclass=.chaboxbo]padding:5px;border:#2C7CA0 1px solid;width:60px;height:60px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.chastuff]text-align:justify;font-family:trebuchet ms;font-size:11px;padding:10px;[/newclass]

[attr="class","chatitle"]who's who
[attr="class","chawho"]OOC NAME

[attr="class","chawho"]OOC NAME

[attr="class","chawho"]OOC NAME

[attr="class","chawho"]OOC NAME

[newclass=.chaboxbo]padding:5px;border:#2C7CA0 1px solid;width:60px;height:60px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.chastuff]text-align:justify;font-family:trebuchet ms;font-size:11px;padding:10px;[/newclass]
last edit on Jul 18, 2018 7:13:03 GMT by Clover
12written posts
Cloverearned bits
New Member
Clover Avatar
So apparently bringing a sword to a food court is illegal now
So I already have it in the making because I have a problem with making boards jfc but I wanted to see how many people would be interested in joining/running a pokemon rp set in a more medieval setting, with some darker themes? It's a bit of a revamp of an old pokemon site I had but had to shut down due to rl responsibilities at the time, but I really miss the system we had. I don't have a lot written down yet but here's the basics:

  • Original setting with various terrains, and the opportunity to discover more areas with progress.
  • Modded pokemon encounters with unique personalities and quirks, and the chance to get pokemon with various mutations (good and bad)
  • Optional missions and treasure hunts with rewards like rare items, pokemon or artifacts
  • Two kingdoms with ranks and hierarchy, actively effected by on-site events
  • Gritty scenarios like violent pokemon, rebels wars, disease, disasters, etc
  • Pokemon from all current regions, as well as 'native' pokemon from here i love the designs ok

If anyone would be willing to join/staff a site like this, or just think the idea's neat, please like or reply to this post! Suggestions and such are also welcome :)