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jinsyteaearned bits
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jinsytea Avatar
There is no genie in a lamp here.
Unless prompted, not really? I used to because I wanted everybody I knew to roleplay with me! Haha! But over time, I withdrew and now I really just say that I write collaborations with a friend.

Especially since if you use the the term roleplay, idk why but most people immediately think sexual?

Also when I say I’m working on a website, it sounds more impressive. ;)
26written posts
jinsyteaearned bits
New Member
jinsytea Avatar
There is no genie in a lamp here.
Roleplay itself has been cathartic for me.

The people in it? Not so much. I have left the public scene for the most part. I lurk on resource sites sometimes but mostly just read. But I’ve been burned and hurt so many times by other roleplayers that at this point, saving the actual roleplay for my best friend only has been so much better for my mental state of being.

I don’t have to worry about posting something that could offend her as we’ve been friends for more than a decade now. We’re free to write whatever we please without judgement from other people (as we enjoy dark themes and plots involving things that would not be allowed in most circles, even 3-3-3 rated sites). I don’t have to worry that she’s talking crap behind my back because she’s not that kind of person. She doesn’t take off to resource sites and talk about me or say things she wouldn’t say to my face.

For a long time, I bent over backwards for other Rpers to my own detriment. And then when I started putting up boundaries, I was a witch and an ahole.

I love rp itself. But the way some people have treated me has made me especially wary now of joining any new communities. And I’ve definitely become completely disinterested in making new friends.

I miss the old days though. I miss making friends but I’m too old and tired to give of myself anymore.
26written posts
jinsyteaearned bits
New Member
jinsytea Avatar
There is no genie in a lamp here.
plum Avatar
Chibi Magician Avatar
Reverse 1999 characters, please accumulate fan art so I may use you as face claims. Thank you.
!!!! this!!!!!!! it has so many characters who could fit into different genres !!! need art now! 8D

I’m already using Medicine Pocket as one of my current mains. As long as I have an avatar and an icon, I don’t really need more than that, art wise.

But I admit I’d love to see more fan art just because I do love fan art.
26written posts
jinsyteaearned bits
New Member
jinsytea Avatar
There is no genie in a lamp here.
Darker Than Black - Cool premise, love the mechanics of the abilities, the lore. Just a super cool world.
Slayers - I still love this show and go back to it all the time. Super derpy, super fun. Just a good time.
Nabari no Ou - I don't know, I just really like super sad stuff.
Naruto - Probably my biggest and longest anime obsession so it would be terrible of me not to include it, even if I'm not as big a fan as I once was.
Fushigi Yugi - My best friend and I have a running gag with this anime. Also Tasuki was probably my first anime crush.
26written posts
jinsyteaearned bits
New Member
jinsytea Avatar
There is no genie in a lamp here.
Honestly it was mostly positive for me. I don’t drive so when everything started delivering, that was nice. Plus I liked going out to the store a lot more since they were mostly abandoned and there were no long lines. I felt safer the few times I did go outside because there was nobody on the streets.

A lot of the people around me caught Covid. Nobody had any serious consequences. I never caught it as far as I know. Every test I took was negative when ever my husband caught it. But I am fastidious about washing my hands and I became obsessed with spraying doorknobs, faucets, etc.

Tbh I preferred quarantine life.
26written posts
jinsyteaearned bits
New Member
jinsytea Avatar
There is no genie in a lamp here.
I was born and raised in Huntington Beach but moved to the desert in my teens. I’m not a fan of the desert and have spent most of my life trying to move back to the coast. But it’s just not livable at current wages so I guess I’m stuck in the armpit of Cali for at least the next ten years of my life.
26written posts
jinsyteaearned bits
New Member
jinsytea Avatar
There is no genie in a lamp here.
flem Avatar
either a persona or shin megami tensei rp heavily inspired by digital devil saga's concept of survival of the fittest with characters having to stave off the uncontrollable urge to consume as a result of the power they've inherited. the site would initially start before the apocalypse and progress towards a more nitty-gritty post-apocalyptic setting over the course of events. i'm more partial to it being smt over persona but i feel like that would make the execution much more of an undertaking when factoring in systems such as demon encounters, negotiation, and fusion. though it could be fun to have it function similar to a pokemon site.

I actually worked on a site similar to this but then it started to feel a lot more like Black Mirror The Videogame and less like the horror/digital apocalypse that I meant it to be.