222written posts
Tell me which you dread more ; the echo or the answer?
- Character Growth - Something I like to focus on deeply with a character is how much they might grow as a person. As we all know, people grow and change their ideals over time and maybe, through roleplaying the character and getting more comfortable with them, you set your self into a path that is allowed to be diverged off of. That part is important to me because, even if my character doesn't have trauma I would like to see them work through, its interesting to see a character blossom and grow from what they were in the beginning. This helps me personally determine whether or not I can continue to play a character, especially if I grow bored or begin to lose muse at all. Do they have a future or will they stay stagnant?
- Switch up your writing style! - Not only does this keep things interesting and fun but it helps you explore different ways to write. Are you normally the type to wait for someone else to move along the plot in a thread? Take charge! Are you the type to describe the background and have your character speak normally? Describe their thoughts instead! Do the opposite of what you normally do, look up new words and experiment.