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24written posts
deenaearned bits
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deena Avatar
my highest EVER would have to be around like 350-370 iirc, it was somewhere around that range since another character i had is also in said range. currently? as of me replying, 63. i never really paid much attention to the amount of posts i made, i was too busy enjoying the vibes and having a jolly time.  :))
24written posts
deenaearned bits
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eulalie Avatar
I have three days before I can post it. But CTTW going down is going to be a sad, sad day on February 9th. What a good resource that will be missed. 

man salutes cctw as it goes down

cttw played a large role in finding the friends that i still talk to this very day before i switched to animanga, so it rly sucks to see it go ))):
24written posts
deenaearned bits
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deena Avatar
ok hopefully this isn't necroposting or w/e you call it bc this is kinda an interesting question to me.

i say that bc i actually started out with warrior cats as like my first ever official roleplay debut on proboards, then i ventured onto rl fcs. just a few years later as i've grown up, i tried out animanga and since then i've only been doing animanga 90% of the time.

(what i'm about to say is from my experience and my experience only)

being that i've been in both communities for the longest and while both are totes awesome and candid for the most part, i'd say with animanga i feel like i can relate more with members within the community. at least, with the sites i've been on that are animanga. we have similar interests in the games and anime we consume from the sites i was on and i was able to kind of be myself if that makes any sense?? don't get me wrong, the rl sites i was on were super friendly and pleasant to be around, but i have noticed the way in how they banter was different than compared to animanga. animanga isn't afraid to get a little silly and obnoxious whereas rl is about the same in silliness but it's more mellow. nothing wrong with it, ofc, but it was like i had to tip toe around so i don't make anyone uncomfy and whatnot, which is not what we do in this household :triumph:

so ya, tldr the communities of rl that i've been in are like close family to me whereas communities of animanga that i've been in are like best friends you've knew since kindergarten and continue to jam out and vibe for over a decade, never losing any contact.