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deenaearned bits
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You had me at dragon ball. Let me know when the site opens. I'd be glad to join. Also what will the preexisting factions be? If you're comfortable with sharing that is.
so far, there will be five "main" factions; the red ribbon, the pto, a ruling namekian clan, the saiyan army, and a police force on earth! there's a slight consideration to adding more "main" factions for each planet, but custom factions will have just as much power and influence on the site
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deenaearned bits
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back when i was much younger, i was able to take on like 5-10 threads with ease the perks of having a lot of free time with not much other hobbies other than writing. but these days it's like 3-4. maybe 5-6 if i'm REAAAALLLLY super excited to play a character/if the plots are suepr intriguing enough to be 200% invested
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deenaearned bits
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(art credit: @fantasticyouth7 on twitter)

The Saiyan Army freed themselves from their colonizers, the Planet Trade Organization, who have enslaved and abused the race for their selfish and wicked causes. In retaliation, the Saiyan Army were resolute to seek revenge and invade Acrose, the home planet of where the Planet Trade Organization reside and rule.

Caught off guard from how strategic and redoubtable the Saiyan Army became since their liberation, the Planet Trade Organization sought out other planets to force their allegiance to the organization and fight for their planet. One of those planets was Namek, a former ally to both Acrose and the Planet Trade Organization after the aforementioned ceased the Saiyan Army’s attempt to conquer the planet prior to their enslavement from the organization out of desperation.

Earth, who remained peaceful from galactic harm, have been eyed on by the Saiyan Army to coerce the planet into helping them defeat the Planet Trade Organization and serve under the army as a “token of honor”. On edge, the planet becomes skeptical towards aliens and even wants to

In this universe, there is no such thing as being right or wrong. Not anymore. There are only those that are left.


Dragon Ball Rebellion is an upcoming Dragon Ball Z roleplay set in an alternative universe reinterpreted to dive into the more galactic diplomatic aspects of the universe, becoming more story-driven while still maintaining its core identity of combat and being able to grow your character’s strength. Players have the ability to control the site’s direction whether it’s through good or evil, faction or factionless!

  • Stats are light; there will be a total of 3 stats that'll be easy to track: Powerlevel, Health, and Dexterity, the last two derived based on powerlevel.
  • This will be on Jcink, though I'll throw up a vote on whether or not this site will be +18, allow mature content but also allow in those that are under 18, or just stay PG-13.
  • Factions will have more emphasis in not just the story of the site, but also on the site as a whole!
  • Players have the ability to create their own factions to have an impact on the site!
  • Politics will be more apparent; policies, laws, etc, will be set to add more to DBR as well as those that have the power to control these policies to change, add, remove, etc.
  • Obviously, animanga BUT western style cartoons are also allowed!
  • No canons, only OCs.
  • Quests will be added for each planet to gain power!
  • Available races to start with: Androids, Saiyans, Humans, Namekians, Changelings, Demons, and Hybrids. (This can change as some races will be unlocked through events)
  • Everything listed is subjected to change, including the general storyline listed above.

If you have any questions, feedback, or comments, feel free to drop them! If you'd like, feel free to PM or reply to get an invite into the server when it goes up so you can have a sneak preview of the site and even get a head start on making your character(s)!
last edit on Feb 14, 2024 4:03:29 GMT by deena
24written posts
deenaearned bits
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female path to nowhere fcs are great and very2 pretty but sadly, i am shit at playing female. bye bye female fcs ;;;
I am with you, but in reverse ; _;

So many pretty male characters but I feel like I haven't written a good male character in so long. So I collect them, stare longingly, and recommend 'em out to people who can use them more actively
it's so interesting, i also can't play male characters properly to save my life. in my case, i was a very uncultured youngin who always held that mentality of "i'm a girl, why would i play a guy? that's stupid lol" so i never bothered trying to play male characters. obviously i've outgrown that goofy mentality, but to this very day i can't play male characters well at all even though i really want to. they either get abandoned or scrapped all together. :sob:

also love the devi hover, she is bae
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deenaearned bits
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i don't really reuse characters as a whole all that often. i enjoy starting on a fresh slate since i can get new ideas going for plots. do i sometimes recycle certain parts like a personality trait or whatnot from saved characters i've made? sure. in a way though, they still have their own identity that's fresh from previously made characters.

ig the only time i actually recycle completely is if i'm just too damn lazy to make a new character lmao
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deenaearned bits
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i really want to start my own site. i know exactly what's going to be on it (for the most part lmao), i got the concept of it down, i know there's an audience for it of the sort, all of that good stuff, but i just feel super unmotivated about making it. :/
update: i now have the motivation :triumph:
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deenaearned bits
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i love relationship trackers because i just love describing the relations between my character and others, mainly in an ic sense. i enjoy my character just talking smack towards or admirably for another character. it's like they're writing a diary that only they, as a character, can read. it's also fun seeing other writer's reactions when i "talk" smack towards their characters. ofc, all fun and games ooc. :D
last edit on Feb 11, 2024 1:46:39 GMT by deena
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deenaearned bits
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sometimes i just wonder what would happen if an artist commissioned for a roleplayer, then the artist finds where the roleplayer was and finds out that roleplayer is doing a heavy smut thread.

i know it's nothing serious ofc but if that happens to me, as the roleplayer, i'm moving countries 💀
last edit on Feb 10, 2024 16:03:38 GMT by deena
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deenaearned bits
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lord the title is such a mouthful LOOL

at the moment i have tons of ideas (more than i expected) floating in my head and these two are the ones i kind of wanted to explore more on and i need some help deciding on what to settle with :eyes:

so basically these two ideas, as mentioned in the title, are:

1) au non canon dbz roleplay: it's exactly what you'd expect. this will be a dbz/s roleplay with no canons and completely original. stats will be lite as i'd want to focus more on the political aspects and how it impacts the world and the characters that live in it; dbz but more story oriented, if you will.

2) dbz centric non canon shounen multiverse: this one's a little confusing at first, but basically this idea is based around drawing inspiration from other shounen media such as naruto, bleach, one piece, etc, all while its core elements like lore are still founded on dbz (so dragon balls, races from the franchise, items such as scouters, etc, are all readily available). this means you can create almost any character desired that's inspired from not just shounen anime, but almost any anime you can think of and mesh them into newly made world! there will be no stats or any numbers to work with, characters can have almost any ability, and can be any race whether it's from a series or something completely original! of course, there will be heavy restrictions on what can and can't be played with races and abilities in general.

once i get enough votes on an idea, i'm more than happy to expand on either or and really get started in the process of building this site!
last edit on Feb 9, 2024 5:39:39 GMT by deena