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aliasSel, sella!
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capsellaearned bits
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Honestly, this is just because I was curious where people come from in terms of RP background/if they write anywhere other! I learned that some people use google docs (or sometimes email!) with individual writing partners, and I was curious to see where other people might find rp other than The Big Three (not exactly the big three, but probably the most popular here)!

I've been recently getting into group RP/character hosting on, which has been really fun, albeit a liiiittle disorganized... but basically every profile is entirely up to your customization/a 'freeform' which I'm super hype about... just me and my little guys
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.
aliasSel, sella!
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capsellaearned bits
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Try something new! Step out of your comfort zone. Absence makes the heart grow fonder... I think it's easy to throw yourself into one hobby or activity that you really, really love, but when it's all you've got, it can be suffocating... I've been getting active ever since the sun came out in the spring, and it's made writing/art, which used to be something I was already starting to tire out on, into something that felt like home when I finally came back to it. I'm deeefinitely not an active person (even now...), but picking up a hobby I wouldn't usually think of helped me feel both more well-rounded as a person, and made me feel even more refreshed when returning to something familiar.

Definitely agree with the fact that it's nice to just get outside in general, too, esp. because RP is such an 'online' hobby... bedrot is bad for the soul (love my blanket though)
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.
aliasSel, sella!
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capsellaearned bits
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Been itching to play a concept that I've already got images stashed away for + some vague freeform/history stuff (word vomit) pre-written out for... It's a little fun writing all this stuff out ahead of time! Once I find a place that fits, I'll basically have a profile almost completely finished... aside from tweaking lore aspects and maybe seeing if I can fit them into a wanted ad... life is good I love to write
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.
aliasSel, sella!
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capsellaearned bits
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Yeah, this looks amazing-- I'm definitely looking forward to beta testing news in the future!!

Huuuuge fan of the skin & the light/dark mode toggle... T.T Super small detail overall, but as a permanent light mode user, this is amazing to see upfront!!!
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.
aliasSel, sella!
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48hr maintenance is killing me… but since there’s plenty of people here who also play XIV, I did want to ask if you all had lore/information about the main character (or alts!) you play ingame… I have a separate alt for RP, but I never really came up with a WoL, so I’m curious!!

(My PC’s name is Cheese… blonde with big ol yellow eyes… and yellow freckles… because cheese… & I main DRK and black mage, but more importantly, CUL, for the Cheese Lore… I like making XIV OCs, but somehow I can never focus on an actual WOL)
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.
aliasSel, sella!
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capsellaearned bits
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Nooo... good luck playing whenever you have the time, though!! It's still exciting!

I've got my DRK prepped and ready for DT... time to hop on those tank queues. I never finished the Arkasodara questline, so at least I've got some good motivation for leveling Viper/Pictomancer, too!!

(so ready for everyone to hop into Eureka Orthos, too... deep dungeon time, hehe)
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.
aliasSel, sella!
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capsellaearned bits
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patch notes 0.00002 (I'm still alive! Consider this a... bi-weekly update? It's not that much!)

I think we should get rid of the five day workweek.

SIX STATS: SNEAK (evasion/dexterity), SWAY (charisma), SMASH (raw strength), SNOOP (investigation/perception on the go), SMARTS (intelligence/the raw facts), and STOCK (constitution/resilience). Characters begin with twelve points, and can place them anywhere they'd like, with the option of going into the negative for one stat to give an optional point to a different one. These points won't be gained as the site goes on, in order to accommodate new players, but can be re-specced in the wake of character development.

These will be used as modifiers in dice rolls surrounding jobs/missions and potential plot advancements! They shouldn't be the focus of the game, but should allow people to express and highlight their characters' strengths.

✿ Art's still a work-in-progress- I've been a little busy! Chief, I still think we should get rid of the five day workweek. The plan for the board itself is to largely utilize graphics from the public domain, this largely being art pulled from museums (and private collections)! It might look a bit out-of-place within animanga RP, but I'm pretty enthusiastic about it! I'm drawing something up myself re: NPCs, so that might be a little further in the future.

✿ Working on factionsCrime, including organized crime, definitely exists, and although having been driven underground as a result of the city's 'restoration', continues to sink their teeth into every facet of society. While 'true' revolutionaries lurk within the corners of crowded coffee shops, fresh university students and grizzled war veterans alike waiting to upend the status quo with bated breaths, most organized crime seems fairly complicit in taking advantage of change in leadership- for their own gain, of course.

✿ Minor setting edits. We've gotta learn how to write something other people can parse.

✿ Membergroups are in progress! I almost sorted people by art supply stores, but I feel like naming a membergroup 'Joann's Fabrics' is copyright central.

I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.
aliasSel, sella!
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"Doesn't have the same charm," she mumbles, the sparkle in her eyes accompanied by a snort. "I'll start sayin' I'm playing rounders when they've got a World Series worth watching."

( aka: I saw PP talking about twilight & thinking about the one supermassive black hole scene made me want to rp baseball talk... so here we are )
last edit on Jun 24, 2024 8:10:16 GMT by capsella
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.
aliasSel, sella!
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capsellaearned bits
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'Capsella' is the scientific name for the shepherd's-purse, my favorite flower! I'm pretty simple.

My current icon & hover are from an old mobile game called SINOALICE... not that old, in the grand scheme of things, but it shut down earlier this year, so it feels older to me than it should. I played it all the way up until EOS... and then realized that I probably shouldn't have sunk that much time into a mobile gacha game anyways.
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.
aliasSel, sella!
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capsellaearned bits
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Directly into the box, but I'm starting to think that I shouldn't... I totally lost a wip post for the writing relay because my internet crapped out T.T It's time to break out google docs again...
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.
aliasSel, sella!
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capsellaearned bits
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Honestly, I've been thinking about this a lot while I've been looking around for a forum to set up shop on... I think I do enjoy making new characters tailored to a story's setting, but I do have a couple OCs in my pocket that I like to use first, to help me get my footing; I often replay/re-app a particularly neurotic one whose nonsense makes for good thread starters and tends to shepherd along plotlines, to help me feel like I've got a foot in the door re: getting to know everyone else's characters.

I think there are some characters I'd like to play again sometime, but they're so setting-specific that it really depends on the site and the plot to fit them in... I have one whose character imagery (caspian tiger!) revolves really heavily around her relationship with Persian culture & being a member of the diaspora, and I'd feel like playing her in a world involving fantasy nations/countries wouldn't be honoring that part of her character and identity— and, similarly, some more fantastical characters that I couldn't really bring to a SOL small-town-in-the-midwest-us type of setting (unfortunately, I can't really drop harengons in the middle of nowhere, Wisconsin). But sometimes, when the shoe fits perfectly, I'm delighted. It's like a little treat...!
last edit on Jun 13, 2024 18:38:35 GMT by capsella
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.