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aliasSel, sella!
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capsellaearned bits
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- What if vivinos’ alien stage was also disco elysium and also fahrenheit 451 and ALSO splatoon (real) (not clickbait) (might sound crazy, but bro trust me)
- Set in a slightly darker, more brutalist setting with parallels to 1970s/1980s eastern europe. After a mysterious war/conflict/world-changing event, the world’s gone ‘devoid of color’. After a period of hopelessness, known as the ‘grey era’ (these terms aren’t final or set in stone, I’m just eating dinner right now), color was ‘returned to the world’ in the form of two (maybe one) (could also be a group) (not clickbait also) mysterious and faceless radio hosts, complete with a fucked-up cult of personality, who’ve quickly risen to power as the city’s future, their self-proclaimed last hope.
- Underneath their leadership, the city’s flourished from the outside looking in, especially the nightlife/entertainment spheres. Where one cult of personality prevails at the top, smaller ones thrive at the roots, and there’s even more reward- and risk- associated with stepping into the spotlight. We’ve become the new religion, but if you don’t give the audience what they want, you’ll serve better as a martyr. Do you dare seek to question the new saviors, who’ve finally given our people something to believe in?
- Might contain some advanced technology, but nothing fantastical, and nothing magical. Probably reminiscent of some older sci-fi classics. We’re not going into outer space, but expect a little more advanced tech than what we currently use, just flavored to be a little bulky and less sleek & shiny to fit the aesthetic/vibe. Think the Aerospray PG from Splatoon 1/2.

Sounds jumbled up but ie. low-tech sci-fi setting set in a postwar/recession era and what happens when you embolden a cult of personality. Become a megalomaniac. Take a stand against your faceless overlords. Grab a bagel and have lunch, when you've got some free time. Potentially entertainment industry-focused, but I think there's definitely other angles to take here to feel more balanced. Have been thinking about rping alien stage for awhile and then came out of the box with a site that is like, 10% alien stage at best right now but we'll get there when we get there
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.
aliasSel, sella!
32written posts
capsellaearned bits
New Member
capsella Avatar
Hi! Sorry if I’m a little crusty typing this! It’s been a little while.

I’m interested in setting up a public site (and have been checking out some of the tutorials here!), but I had a quick question to get myself started.

I haven’t done proper admin work for a site since the forum era (showing my age), and was curious as to, between proboards and jcink, which forum hosts might be easier to set up a beginner site on. I’m definitely not trying to code a masterpiece of a skin and add a ton of different toggles right away, but I’d like to try and create a nice base to log some basic stuff (rules, a couple bits of worldbuilding I’m still working on, etc.)!

I know it might not be a big difference/too complicated to pick just one, so I might be asking into the void, but I wanted to see if anyone had advice.
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.