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aliasSel, sella!
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Just watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind for the first time yesterday... I still feel like laying down on the floor and staring into space for a long time. That hits hard. I think the importance of memory is aaaaalways gonna get me.
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.
aliasSel, sella!
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patch notes 0.00001 (I'm mostly just spitballing, and like keeping people updated! Feel free to read if you like rambling.)

Setting up a simple, optional (would be used in smaller 'job/bounty' type threads, as well as heavily plot-intensive) stat system; a point-buy based loosely around DND stats (modified for the setting, think Kids on Bikes' brains, brawn, fight, flight, charm and grit), which would give certain flat bonuses to rolls surrounding a specific character aspect. Shouldn't be game-breaking, but gives you the option to let people know what your character's good at right away.

✿ Working on site scope. This is intended to be a site for 1-2 characters per person, at least to begin with! I'm a dog-ass (by my own admission) coder, but I'm looking into making a small chibi and/or pixel skeleton to try and provide some small art assets for everyone's characters. (for the sake of utility (could put so many of these little guys on a site map) and for fun (making tierlist memes with everyone's ocs is truly some of the most fun I've had on Discord rp ever)). I'll try and provide some update pictures within a little bit!

✿ Writing out and including some explanations/guides for beginners to forum rp! This a project largely to help some Discord RP friends come jump into the forum sphere with me, so the aim is to try and bridge that gap in the RPC! I'll likely be keeping wanted ads and plotters/plotting threads on Discord, with the meat of the rp happening onsite.

✿ Baby Sims will no longer become stuck on a Sim's hand while driving a car.

✿ Working on NPC intros and some fun ways to get people familiar with the few non-playable characters that'd be well-known on the site! Our two hosts are already solidified; your brazen daytime host, and your darling nighttime host!
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.
aliasSel, sella!
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capsellaearned bits
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Oh! This is also re: the what's on your mind thread (sorry it's a little unrelated) (truly am just bouncing between one thread and the other), but there's something I've seen on RL sites before, where admins/staff members set certain 'admin/office hours'; usually I think around one to two hrs or so a few days a week/sometimes on the weekend, after the work day? Where moderation requests, admin tickets, profile approvals, etc, are all handled, so it's not seeping into too much of their free time, and I've definitely been keeping that tabbed in my notes as something that might help me stave off burnout.

Obviously, depending on the level of work or the size of the site, it might not be entirely feasible, but it's a really interesting concept, and it's something I was definitely looking at like 'if I have a specific time I can turn the Admin Hat on, it might help me take it off so I can enjoy what I'm working on, too'. The last place I heavily moderated for was chatbox-based w/ a younger/less mature ('please dear god stop spamming someone else's ip address in the cbox') memberbase, and I felt like I had to be available 24/7 to look out for bad actors... but I do think forum rp being a bit slower lends itself a little well to being able to resist the urge to be available at all times.
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.
aliasSel, sella!
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should i go on a wagyu tour in kyoto

Now you're making me hungry... you definitely should, though! I was in Japan a couple years ago, and the food I had in Kyoto was some of the best I had over my entire trip.
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.
aliasSel, sella!
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Honestly, yeah, I figured a lot of people really enjoyed being the lorekeeper & worldbuilding/lorecrafting first! I have work experience in administration outside of rp (love sorting files into their own place, very relaxing, very therapeutic) but it’s nice to find that a bunch of other people enjoy it, too! Sorting… I feel like a kid sticking a squarw peg into a square hole

That being said, I do think it’s easier to find bots and automate systems that can replace that sort of thing nowadays. There was an IRL site I took a look at for a little bit that was incredibly automated in this regard; automated face claims, reserves, and extensions, automated sorting, bots that would collect profiles ready for approval and then automatically introduce them once they were given the go by admins; it was super cool, but definitely not the style of bot work I could probably keep up with!
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.
aliasSel, sella!
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I definitely agree about staffing anxiety! I'm preparing to run something small over Discord for a few friends of mine who aren't in the forum RP circle to warm myself up, and it's already starting to get a little nervewracking, but I think it's important to understand that it's probably not an uncommon problem. (Former tanxiety haver to DRK player here!)

Throughout the entire process, people are going to get nervous; whether it's you, a staff member, a longtime player who's worried about their place in their community, or a new member who desperately wants to fit in.

I think I might be in the minority when saying that my favorite thing about staffing sites/roleplays has always been pretty mundane admin stuff... conducting sweeps, reviewing and sorting profiles, updating claims, etc. ; the idea of running a site story is what's been giving me the most worries! But I have a lot of trust in the people I'm running this little game for, and I think it's important to establish that with a future site memberbase, too. Even where I might miss something or fumble a step, I'd like to believe we all have someone in our corner.
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.
aliasSel, sella!
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you make a great point honestly!! i can be nostalgic about plotters all i want, but i actually really like discord's forum channels specifically for plotting. they're so versatile, and it's always a treat when people pretty them up with ASCII art and stuff.

...Hehe. Oh these are really cute

\` ,\
__,.-" =__)
." )
,_/ , \/\_
\_| )_-\ \_-`
bun `-----` `--`

edit: I have fucked up the bunny

I do think being online definitely contributes to this, too, though; I agree. I've witnessed similar issues in hobby circles (thought I think I've always been a little shyer... so the RPC is probably where I have the most experience of being caught in the middle. It's a lot harder to come to terms with your own words and actions than it is to look in at something)... in some ways, it's nice to be able to log off. It's nice to be able to think 'this environment I've built for myself isn't healthy. I'm going to try and move away to create something new*, so I can properly move on from the things people have said to hurt me, and reflect on the things I've said to other people on my own'. But it's so much easier to say something harsh, something cruel, something bitter from behind a screen, and behind closed doors. It's really easy, especially when someone's already done or said something to hurt your feelings, to pour fuel onto the fire. I would've felt insanely guilty even saying that to my cat, so why am I saying it about another human...?

I think the least we can do, when it comes to new members, even people we don't instantly mesh well with, is just to think about them as if they were you joining; help them catch up on what's going on, try to extend a hand to include them if there's a site plot or storyline in the works, maybe offer them a thread starter when their first character's finished, if you have the time on your plate. I do think, if you're joining a site, it's important to take the initiative to plot yourself, but an established community will almost always be a bit intimidating to someone without a 'guy on the inside'. Sometimes you have the chance to be That Guy. Be the guy!
last edit on Jun 5, 2024 20:52:01 GMT by capsella
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.
aliasSel, sella!
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Honestly, I miss plotters, too! I tried responding to a couple a long while ago, but it didn’t really work. It’s so much easier than jumping into someone else’s private messages, and it keeps plots public and easy for other people to build off of.

I like when plotting takes place on Discord, too, when it’s in channels accessible to new members who want to join/haven’t made a character yet, but I think initiatives that push people to take plotting and character discussion to private messages really have the potential to damage a public site. Not only is it hard to know who to reach out for to plot, and what sorts of relationships they’re looking for, it’s harder to gauge the current character relationships onsite re: something you’ve just jumped into. IMO, on Discord and on forums themselves, the more plotting/character development channels available to everyone, the better. It’s nice to learn about everyone’s characters when you’re new, and it gives you the chance to tell people about your own concept and let them come to you!

Selfishly, I think groups that drive people to take their plotting and chitchat somewhere more private have a tendency to encourage gossip, too. The more open a site is, on both staff’s part and the members’ part, the more people will feel comfortable talking things out instead of letting feelings fester. If I talk about something I’m frustrated with with one of my friends, and that becomes two, becomes three, becomes four, sometimes it’s not really a personal gripe, but something that just becomes mean. I’m really ashamed of some of the stuff I’ve said in the heat of the moment, because it’s something I so could’ve easily asked about three months earlier; a quick ‘hey, do you mind if we switch to this plot? I’m not super comfortable with the way things have gone’ could’ve solved so much, in such a happier and more enjoyable way. I think it’s so much easier to remember that what we say and do isn’t in a bubble when we’re all on the same page on a site and a server.

That’s mostly rambling, so feel free to glaze over some of that last part (I probably would, too) but ! More public plotting ! Public character talk channels where I can ask what everyone’s favorite food is! Or what they wear to bed! Or if they’re allergic to anything! It’s just so nice to be in the Know.
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.
aliasSel, sella!
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capsellaearned bits
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It’s rough out there ngl. I’m putting my whole heart and soul into something that I’m scared will flop. When you don’t have a built in group or rp friends, it’s taking a huge chance to make a site. Even to join one tbh. And there is a dearth of sites to choose from. I spent months looking before I caved and started building mine bc I wasn’t feeling the vibe or the content of current sites. It’s nothing personal at all, it’s just that I don’t want to join a site and end up that awkward island by himself in the corner.

So I feel the anxiety angle and the dissatisfaction with the current choices. All we can do is keep creating and hope something sticks!

Oh, man, I really do agree with the 'rp friends' bit. My own site aspirations are a bit of a pet project, more than something I expect to finish any time soon for the sake of a 'home' for myself, but I agree that I don't really have a super big community of core friends who do play-by-post anymore. I have friends who play on discord, but it's not really the same.

I'm a little shy by nature, and I'm criminally bad at keeping in touch. I think there are people I wish I'd messaged and tried to make friends with in DMs/more closely while I could, but it's really easy to feel like the outsider. In that sense, I think I do understand and 'get' people who ghost sites. Sometimes it's easier to run away when you don't really feel like you belong. It's a big leap to take, especially when you aren't coming in with a friend or a connection.

In a happier sense, though, (sorry for whatever that was up there!) I really like small-knit communities, too! I think I (as a roleplayer/writer) do tend to look more at activity over how big a memberbase is. If a member base is small, but they're posting pretty consistently (3-4 posts a day on the whole site is enough to me, usually), it's just as inviting as a big member base that's racking up the same amount of posts per day. People, at their core, really care about reliability; it's just that I think it's harder and harder to find those reliable spaces when you're too scared to take the first jump. I'm scared, too.
last edit on Jun 3, 2024 16:57:29 GMT by capsella
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.
aliasSel, sella!
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Yes! Scrolling down to a 'recent posts' area and seeing so many people posting on the same day. I think it's a strange, looping cycle. People who are looking for that big, active, diamond in the rough community aren't as willing to take chances on brand new sites, and so they won't ever build to be the big communities that are being searched for.

Obviously it's not something really feasible, since I'm pretty sure we all have different tastes when it comes to writing, but I wonder what would happen if everyone here linked up and promised to join the same site at once...
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.
aliasSel, sella!
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a graphic for the 'turpentine' interest check, consisting of a sepia-tinted print.


since the great war, we'd lost all hope. a single city, standing alone amongst rubble and ruin, blood staining our palms and fog clouding our eyes.

we'd resigned all our wishes for a brighter future, given into the darkness, forever.

one day, that all changed.

when the radio turned on, in every house and every home, to the words of our saviors. a mysterious, soothing presence, which brought color back to the skies, a single flame amidst our chests.

we received a new purpose. to prove ourselves useful, to shine with a radiance they'll approve of, to garner approval, fame, splendor.

we all know the price, after all, for dulling that starlight.

author's notes that immediately make this ic way less cool because i ramble: original, messier interest check is linked here. this is my first time hosting a forum since my days, and is a pet project i'm currently working on completely solo. if you're interested in helping out, feel free to send a friend request to @capsellas on discord, but i may be a little slow (bones are creaking)!!

the current vision's a dystopian dieselpunk-esque (it's being workshopped,) rp set in an environment inspired by mid-to-late 20th century eastern europe, ruled by two mysterious radio hosts running a cult of personality. membergroups and factions based on colors and art concepts- the two claim to be bringing color and life back to the city, but what happens to the unlucky few who don't shine underneath their spotlight...?
last edit on May 30, 2024 20:32:56 GMT by capsella
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.
aliasSel, sella!
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Tbh I would prefer proboards just for being able to like 👍 posts and the layout of pms and the ability to catch up on posts with a recent post listing. But the tos scares me. Otherwise I would be building my site in proboards.

To answer though: from my obsessive research before building my site, I think your best bet will end up being Jcink.
I think there's recent posts/the active topics tab on Jcink, if you're curious about catching up on posts! But it's definitely not as extensive as Proboards' is...

I do agree about the TOS, though! I'm not planning on including R18 content on my site, but I think Jcink prem. might help with age-restricting it, since I'd like it to be 18+, and it'll definitely include some violent content down the line.

I think we might be on a really similar page, though, re: building brand new sites... if I ever encounter some tips and tricks, I'll shoot them your way, too! I've spent... so much time hanging out on the Jcink admin panel today. It's kinda fun lol
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.
aliasSel, sella!
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capsellaearned bits
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Thank you so much! I'm currently playing around with a free skin on the jcink control panel, to try and get the hang of it. It's definitely a little overwhelming (and will probably be for both platforms!), but I already think I'm getting the hang of some of the panels/learning to edit some skin features!
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.
aliasSel, sella!
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capsellaearned bits
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- What if vivinos’ alien stage was also disco elysium and also fahrenheit 451 and ALSO splatoon (real) (not clickbait) (might sound crazy, but bro trust me)
- Set in a slightly darker, more brutalist setting with parallels to 1970s/1980s eastern europe. After a mysterious war/conflict/world-changing event, the world’s gone ‘devoid of color’. After a period of hopelessness, known as the ‘grey era’ (these terms aren’t final or set in stone, I’m just eating dinner right now), color was ‘returned to the world’ in the form of two (maybe one) (could also be a group) (not clickbait also) mysterious and faceless radio hosts, complete with a fucked-up cult of personality, who’ve quickly risen to power as the city’s future, their self-proclaimed last hope.
- Underneath their leadership, the city’s flourished from the outside looking in, especially the nightlife/entertainment spheres. Where one cult of personality prevails at the top, smaller ones thrive at the roots, and there’s even more reward- and risk- associated with stepping into the spotlight. We’ve become the new religion, but if you don’t give the audience what they want, you’ll serve better as a martyr. Do you dare seek to question the new saviors, who’ve finally given our people something to believe in?
- Might contain some advanced technology, but nothing fantastical, and nothing magical. Probably reminiscent of some older sci-fi classics. We’re not going into outer space, but expect a little more advanced tech than what we currently use, just flavored to be a little bulky and less sleek & shiny to fit the aesthetic/vibe. Think the Aerospray PG from Splatoon 1/2.

Sounds jumbled up but ie. low-tech sci-fi setting set in a postwar/recession era and what happens when you embolden a cult of personality. Become a megalomaniac. Take a stand against your faceless overlords. Grab a bagel and have lunch, when you've got some free time. Potentially entertainment industry-focused, but I think there's definitely other angles to take here to feel more balanced. Have been thinking about rping alien stage for awhile and then came out of the box with a site that is like, 10% alien stage at best right now but we'll get there when we get there
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out of you need anything.