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henryearned bits
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Just watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind for the first time yesterday... I still feel like laying down on the floor and staring into space for a long time. That hits hard. I think the importance of memory is aaaaalways gonna get me.

This is one of my favorite movies in the world, and I always get so excited when I see someone else has seen it.

I put it on once every year or so and it never fails to make me cry. “Each prayer accepted, each wish resigned.” Watching Joel desperately cling to every memory of Clementine right up until the end. They talk to each other in dreamscapes that looks like the end of the world…bookstores with blank books, disappearing winter beaches. Fate brings them back together nevertheless.

My personal answer for the prompt: just finished The Godfather II. I get it now, I get why everyone loves these movies so much.
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henryearned bits
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Learning that taking a break from roleplay does not mean not writing at all. I took a few years’ break between sites and continued to write on my own. This has made me feel much more artistically secure when coming back into the hobby. I’m generally grateful for long breaks between sites now.

And also just—living a life, connecting with loved ones more, keeping a little diary, eating better, light exercise. All those things old people tell us to do and we shrug off until we realize they’re kinda right. Add therapy to that too, since older people tend to not include that in their bullet points of unwarranted advice.

I know what kind of artist I am now because my non-art life is tended to more attentively than when I was in university, and that artistic security is something I’m grateful for.
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henryearned bits
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“He’s awoken by the crash of broken crockery hurled into the forests. Bottles whirling, full and empty, detonating all around. Hands that smell of a heavy night. Now what, he says from his bed. Now what. The woman who gave birth to me and never lets me rest. The woman who made me has lost it completely and come to corner me from her night.”

Tender, by Ariana Harwicz.

I really didn’t like this book when I read it two years ago, but I still think about it a lot? So I’ll give it some credit. I don’t think this writer has ever written anything about motherhood that wasn’t deeply twisted. Reading her work is like watching an arthouse horror movie in both the best and the worst ways possible.
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henryearned bits
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Reply box is the best way to get it down and out without thinking about quality, but I’ve historically had some kind of Markdown editor to save my posts (and my partner’s posts). They’re faster than rich text editors, in my opinion, and the files are smaller.

Obsidian’s a good one I picked up from work and I tend to use that. You can pick a bunch of themes for it and it’s very flexible and easy to use. Joplin is a great one too. Both are free.

I’ve also tried writing posts in my phone’s email app and sending it to myself. :) Old person habits. Writing on my phone is also one way I can get a post done fast too.
last edit on Jun 8, 2024 1:28:50 GMT by henry
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henryearned bits
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and lastly, i do agree with you to some degree that members share some responsibility in creating a good community. i'm not arguing against that. i'm only saying that if the environment becomes toxic, than it's up to the admins to fix the community and not to lash out and antagonize their members ;)

"Some degree" is where I completely disagree.

No: admins should not lash out and antagonize their members. But how do admins fix a community if members don't also reciprocate their efforts? And how can we promote self-reflection, but only inasmuch as we can ultimately blame a toxic or otherwise unsuccessful site onto admins?

Perhaps this is a reason why this conversation comes back so often-online communities are more interested in blaming others before we reflect our own behaviors, and this cycle is again perpetuated. I once more cite capsella's earlier post, indicating how easy it is to form a toxic clique from just a friend group, but also how easy it is to avoid such an outcome.

I didn't think that collective responsibility--exercised by admins unto members, as well as members towards one another and admins by extension--came with exceptions and ultimatums. I had a friend describe to me that staffing work is ultimately thankless. With that in mind, how can we look at one another's vast experiences with toxic, exclusive, and emotionally taxing communities by the RPC and otherwise, and say--"Well if the admins were simply better at their job (the one that they aren't being paid for), then none of this would have happened"?

That kind of conclusion closes off so many possibilities for self-reflection, self-improvement, and community-wide change.

Like...there are, at time of writing, over 100 pages in the staffing confessions thread. Zero's post in particular cites how difficult it is to balance administration demands and member expectations with enjoying the world they even created:

But slowly, over time, you find that instead of role-playing, you’ve become a 24/7 help desk, putting on a customer service face, trying to settle disputes and questions, dealing with assholes who don’t care about your well-being or boundaries, who get mad at you if you’re not progressing the site plot like you’re being paid to handhold their experience, and it’s like ‘fuck, why am I even running this world when I don’t get to write in it?’

This post, as well as the existence of such a long-running thread only goes to show that curating and fixing a community while maintaining individual boundaries is difficult. We can agree that a number of situations in this thread would be improved if only we worked, as a community, to improve ourselves. This is beyond opening plots and letting people join in. It's observing the things that go unsaid--the example I had earlier of everyone welcoming a member in gen chat and ultimately turning against her by gossiping and making fun of her behind closed doors--and bringing them to light.

I can't help but feel that we are doing our fellow community members a disservice when we say that a community's health depends ultimately on site creators and not equally on our own efforts to foster healthy relationships and environments with each other. Particularly when it comes to monitoring our own behaviors and making sure we are promoting an inclusive community.
last edit on Jun 6, 2024 13:18:17 GMT by henry
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henryearned bits
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we rehash the 'are cliques bad' argument every other month and nothing comes out of it except telling ppl to do better. reach out, plot more, etc. but maybe we should all do some self reflection and consider whether we're embodying the change we want to be, or just waiting for other people to do so.

Yeah for sure. Like I said, it’s a collective responsibility for all involved, admins and members, to improve. I think, by deflecting so much onto admins, it ironically takes away from self-reflection, no? Even very good admins of carefully curated sites can be taken advantage of and ultimately ruined by groups of entitled, self-serving members. And if they operate as an exclusive pack, then that’s a clique. Converse situation certainly also happens as well, though certainly not any more or less. In some cases, it is the admins’ fault, but for any community—roleplay, online, even IRL—it’s not fair to say that the admins or organizers alone are always at fault. People can be unpredictable, deceitful, and ultimately very cruel.

I mean, it also makes sense why people would bring this kind of topic up repeatedly. It happens everywhere! Members start wondering if they’re one of the “bad guys” (or insist they’re the good ones), while others were hurt by exclusive behaviors and have strong opinions on what they wish could be different. The best we can do is admit that, as part of an online community, all of us are capable of making a toxic environment (as described by capsella in an earlier post), so we should check ourselves and our behaviors, and own up to our shortcomings, so that we can improve. That’s not something only admins are responsible for. :)

If it’s a conversation that, at minimum, has to happen over and over for anything to change, then it’s a good way to remind us to do self-reflection, regardless of who we are, and I think there’s nothing harmful about it.
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henryearned bits
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I really like both, funny enough. It depends entirely on the aesthetic of the site and the overarching plot.

Sites where I joined RL faceclaims were very minimal in design. They also didn't expect us to use lots of gifs. I actually hate being on RL sites that implicitly emphasize the use of gifs, haha--I tend to select actors and models that are little known and don't have gifs at the ready. For a while, I primarily did RL faceclaims because most of the media I prefer is RL--Asian dramas + films (all over Asia, not just limited to the East Asian sphere either), and Asian models (there's so many!).

Only recently have I returned to animanga, and that is primarily because of the huge influx of high quality faceclaims now available as a result of so many gacha games. There are so many to pick from, and even if you can't find all the fanart you want, sometimes their default art is sufficient. I actually didn't do animanga for a while because I'm just not into animanga anymore, not the trendier ones anyway.

For me personally it's just a matter of what's convenient at the moment, what kinds of stories are currently, popular, and if a site premise interests me. Lately there are more rpgs in the animanga scene and I have enjoyed that more, but I have also joined RL rpgs in the past.

being that i've been in both communities for the longest and while both are totes awesome and candid for the most part, i'd say with animanga i feel like i can relate more with members within the community.

I also agree too! I love the RL communities I've been in but I also connect with animanga communities more easily, even if my interests wind up being very different from other animanga community members.
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henryearned bits
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If I talk about something I’m frustrated with with one of my friends, and that becomes two, becomes three, becomes four, sometimes it’s not really a personal gripe, but something that just becomes mean. I’m really ashamed of some of the stuff I’ve said in the heat of the moment, because it’s something I so could’ve easily asked about three months earlier...

Exactly this. We are all very capable of creating negative environments, and it doesn't hurt to check ourselves and our friends to make sure we're not just spiraling and staying negative. Misery loves company, and a personal gripe really can just turn into something mean. I've been in a similar place myself--not just in the rpc, but really in the online world in general.

I think it’s so much easier to remember that what we say and do isn’t in a bubble when we’re all on the same page on a site and a server.

Agreed as well. This can be why some people decide to flake and ghost, or cite that they feel unwelcome. Sometimes, gen chat might seem really welcoming, but the real feelings people harbor about each other can be very distinctly felt by other members in question, even if they can't put a name to it or specify a reason. Site and server isn't always the bubble we think it is--our personal lives and social circles often overlap with our seemingly separate online communities, whether we want them to or not.
last edit on Jun 5, 2024 20:07:27 GMT by henry
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henryearned bits
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we all rp for fun. at least most of us do :3

But the problem is that a lot of people in the community have fun at their fellow players' expense. Unfortunately, it isn't unique to only the roleplay community, but to most online communities as a whole.

I agree wholeheartedly with the fact that admins set examples for a site, and that it is their responsibility. But it's not accurate to suggest that members who disrespect one another, or otherwise foster exclusivity amongst themselves is necessarily the fault of the admins. Like, as an example, it's easy for people to talk behind people's backs, or act really nice in DMs/discord server and then say another thing entirely in their private group chat. I was on a defunct multifandom rp some time ago--other members ostracized a single member because she wrote differently from them, but they never did it in the general channel. Neither she nor I were aware of the sentiment until those members successfully convinced the admins to throw her out, laughing at and ridiculing her as they did. I learned about the last part because I was the only one who reached out to her personally, after the fact.

We've all got stories like this, I'm sure of it. Some of us might have been victims of such behavior ourselves. And that's probably why this topic resonates with so many people.

In any case, that's what constitutes a clique. Like I said before, writing with a friend group =/= forming a clique--the latter of which is a group formed at the expense of other people. If people want to form a healthy community, then it is a collective responsibility, in which every single one of us takes part, admins and members included.

Emphasis on "if", of course. No one is inclined to do anything they don't want to do...but the community that forms as a result might not be completely inclusive.

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henryearned bits
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[attr="class","ayab-lyrics"]02. clean slate

[attr="class","ayab-tagged"]you don’t remember me, but i remember you.




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[attr="class","ayab-lyrics"]venerable queen

[attr="class","ayab-tagged"]writing relay


They spent Nina’s ninth birthday in their new home—a tiny cottage, which neighbored a field of sunflowers. Never before did they have farmers as neighbors. And never did they expect that farmers would ever be the proud owners of a field of sunflowers. The farmer’s wife offered to take their photo, so that she could send it to Nina’s grandmother, her mother, who could never believe such a thing. [break][break]

– Does it make them money?[break][break]

Her mother asked, incredulously. She lived halfway across the world, so their calls never lasted for very long before her mother had to sleep, and she had to go to work.[break][break]

– Well, I can’t really ask them that, mama. [break][break]

She laughs, and looks out at Nina, who was sitting on the balcony, looking out at the sunflowers. She did ask the farmers about the sunflowers, when they invited her and Nina over for an afternoon snack. Not about whether it made them money, but why they had decided on sunflowers, because it seemed so strange. Oh yes, the sunflowers. They sprouted up out of nowhere, actually. And over time, with some care, a dozen stray sunflowers bloomed into several dozen, and from those, an entire field. Bright, golden flowers, all facing the sun, all summer long. It was a strange and sudden development, but one that they welcomed openly. There is no greater feeling in the world, you know, taking care of something, and watching it grow. And the stray cats did like them quite a lot, the farmer added. They were very good at catching mice, so he and his wife were happy to have them as well. [break][break]

Nina listened attentively, cradling a pair of kittens in her lap. [break][break]

– I just hope that Nina is happy.[break][break]

Nina was a transient, in every sense of the word. People never seemed to know what to do with her, and she never spoke, which made her even more removed from the world of the living than she already was. Her homeroom instructor—a young, nervous woman—had described Nina’s silence as reproachful, a sort of unwillingness to communicate. For Nina performed well in school, otherwise. Which meant that any perceived flaw in her behavior was perceived as intentional, or parental. [break][break]

But the cats never seemed to mind Nina’s quiet. They loved her daughter, in fact, and Nina seemed to love them just as well. She thought that there was only one or two, at first, until five differently-colored cats would follow Nina home in the evenings, and sit alongside her on the balcony, facing the sunflowers. [break][break]

– Of course she’s happy, darling! There is not a child in the world who wouldn’t be happy in the sun, with lots of fresh air. [break][break]

That was very true. Nina was spending a lot more time outside, now that they were settled. Her complexion had grown darker, and her cheeks and shoulders had grown more freckles. She was still the same quiet, unspeaking child, but there was a peace in her quiet that wasn’t present before. These days, when she put Nina to bed, she found that her daughter had grown more affectionate as well. She was hugging more, and she touched her mother’s hands, stroking the backs of them with a surprising tenderness. She laughed when Nina had done it the first time. Where did you learn such a thing? And Nina’s response was simply a tranquil smile, a gentle look. The cats, perhaps. She was certain that Nina was speaking to them, because she would sometimes catch a glimpse of Nina sitting outside with her head bowed towards the little group of cats that sat around her legs. The softness of her hands against their warm bodies, which rest on top of her thighs, sometimes even on her little belly. [break][break]

— Perhaps you’re right, mama. You should visit us some time, so that you can see the cats.[break][break]

— Cats! Your cats?[break][break]

It’s hard to explain to her mother, that the cats belonged more to Nina than herself. Mama, you’d never believe it. She has to peer out the window, because she doesn’t believe it either, sometimes. Nina with her saucers of cat food, held high over her curly head, while a veritable army of cats would dash across the grass and crowd around her feet. She’s like a little queen, mama. The venerable queen of the stray sunflower cats. The sun casts a little halo over the dark of her hair, which makes it look like she’s wearing a crown. And when she bends down to serve the cats their meal, she looks almost regal, so self-possessed and perfectly composed in her movements, as if she had always been meant for them.


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last edit on Jun 12, 2024 20:25:14 GMT by henry
34written posts
henryearned bits
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henry Avatar
Don’t talk to me
[attr="class","ayab-lyrics"]il miracolo

[attr="class","ayab-tagged"]for spring prompts, 2024


Milagre is the tear falling on the leaf. it trembles, escapes and falls: behold thousands of miraculous tears glistening on the grass.
Image Credit: James Jean
01. Conqueror[break]
02. Clean Slate[break]
03. Beloved[break]
04. Storm Warning[break]
05. So They Say[break]
06. How Have You Been?[break]
07. Dollhouse[break]
08. Call & Response[break]
09. To the Moon[break]
10. Risk[break]
11. Magnetic[break]
12. Forbidden[break]
13. Palace[break]
14. 1924[break]
15. From Afar[break]
16. Smoke & Mirrors[break]
17. White Sand[break]
18. Burn it Down[break]
19. Symmetry[break]
20. Going Nowhere[break]
21. Emptiness[break]
22. Gold[break]
23. Once More, With Feeling[break]
24. Heartbeat[break]
25. Creation[break]
26. Judgement Day[break]
27. Free Fall[break]
28. Hero[break]
29. Coming Home[break]
30. At World's End[break]


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last edit on Jun 4, 2024 22:43:33 GMT by henry