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Army-Crushing Star
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All my attempts to rp end in failure, so now I'm a solo act.
flem Avatar
a harry potter rp that focuses on adult life in the wizarding world like minsitry jobs and whatnot.

I'd love something like this; I tend to make adult witches, but it's hard for me to do them justice on most HP sites. That and the allure of being Hogwarts centric (for me) has waned over the years.
Army-Crushing Star
274written posts
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All my attempts to rp end in failure, so now I'm a solo act.
ravyn โญ‘ Avatar
i'm at that point in the weird mood i've been in where i can't find anything to watch/listen to while i work, and now i'm just sitting here staring at the screen while i try and figure out what to put on. someone give me suggestions plz

idk how you feel about podcasts, but there are some very engaging audio dramas out there. One of my favorites is The Wooden Overcoats, a British comedy about two rival funeral homes on a tiny island town. If you fancy nonfiction, there's Lore, an eerie podcast that recounts strange tales through history: changelings, urban legends, possessed dolls, etc.
Army-Crushing Star
274written posts
Benetnaschearned bits
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Benetnasch Avatar
All my attempts to rp end in failure, so now I'm a solo act.
Mรกscara de Tigre Avatar

RIGHT BACK AT YOU. I was singing this to myself at work the other day but couldn't remember who sung it. Also while I'm here: I Love Your Smile by Shanice
Army-Crushing Star
274written posts
Benetnaschearned bits
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Benetnasch Avatar
All my attempts to rp end in failure, so now I'm a solo act.
I love seafood: shrimp, lobster, crab, squid, salmon, mullet (my fave fish), etc., though I always get sick if I eat oysters and mussels. Aside from that, I am also a huge fan of tortellini w/ pesto or vodka sauce, tho it's the kind of thing I only treat myself to once every blue moon. Like boiled peanuts, which I prefer to make when they're in season cause the canned version cannot compare.

And spicy good. I want to try my hand at brewing ginger, and maybe spicier gingersnaps. The homemade variety is better than store bought, but I still want that extra bite, ya know?
Army-Crushing Star
274written posts
Benetnaschearned bits
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Benetnasch Avatar
All my attempts to rp end in failure, so now I'm a solo act.
I'm pining over my beloved rn, so I'm craving romance but like...human/monster. Stuff like The Shape of Water and The Fly, but gay like The Hunger. I'll write it if I have to.
Army-Crushing Star
274written posts
Benetnaschearned bits
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Benetnasch Avatar
All my attempts to rp end in failure, so now I'm a solo act.
SMT5 and Octopath almost said Octopimp Traveler. I don't have a Switch yet, but I'm also in no rush.

Also, in terms of books, patiently waiting for the Alice Isn't Dead novel. Might actually preorder before it drops. It's one of my favorite audio dramas.
last edit on Jul 20, 2018 13:34:46 GMT by Benetnasch
Army-Crushing Star
274written posts
Benetnaschearned bits
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Benetnasch Avatar
All my attempts to rp end in failure, so now I'm a solo act.
Working (FAP2 @ Walmart), constantly fussing over short stories I want to submit for publishing, gaming (mostly single player, like rpgs and visual novels) and sometimes multiplayer, like 100% OJ, League of Legends, Town of Salem, and FFXIV. Depending on the game, I'm almost always listening to a podcast, mostly audio dramas (sooo good), but also nonfiction like true crime, history, folkLore, mental health, real play (Like Critical Role, Brute Force, Cthulhu & Friends) etc. I could also go on and on about music but I'll save that for later.

I consumed a gross amount of literature before college tbh my biggest achievement was reading the most books in my school in 3rd grade, but as an adult it takes me forever to get through one book? I recently got over my distrust of audiobooks, which I'd eat up like candy if I could afford to. I love a good story, no matter the format. I like tabletops too, Shadowrun being my fave. Currently playing a long running Dragon Age game with one group, and a Final Fantasy Pathfinder game w/ another.

I also spend a lot of time making "beermoney" by doing a bunch of odd tasks online, some of which pay really, really well. Most of it is fun and kinda educational? Like research studies.

But most importantly: I devote a lot of my free time to my gf. We try for a movie night once a week, or I'll screenshare myself making terrible decisions in VNs and hitting all the death flags for the sake of achievements. Half the time we talk about the cute shit our cats do shutupbenet hahaa...

And on top of all this I manage to sleep. I'm an early bird, chirp chirp.
Army-Crushing Star
274written posts
Benetnaschearned bits
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Benetnasch Avatar
All my attempts to rp end in failure, so now I'm a solo act.
ophiuchus Avatar
Benetnasch Avatar
Shadowrun or just cyberpunk in general.
i'm actually about to become involved in my first shadowrun session, made custom because a lot of the source material can get....yikes. so we're editing it, and i'm looking forward to seeing what our DM comes up with!

I remember our DM tweaking a few things but yeah, I feel you. SR is the first time I played smth other than a rogue (Face Mage). I also recommend downloading Chummer5, if you haven't already. It's a character generator that makes the process a lot easier. Has a dice roller and lets you keep track of Nyuen, karma, etc., in one spot.

Gonzo Avatar
a persona or shin megami tensei au or even just inspired rp; preferably something like devil survivor, smt 1, soul hackers, or persona 3 (the best one don't @ me)

P3 was my first and fave I'd kill for a DeSu or Soul Hackers rp.
last edit on Jul 3, 2018 19:28:34 GMT by Benetnasch