Asteria was never meant to fall.
And yet, for all the efforts of her greatest champions, when the archdemon Acheron rose against her in the Seventh Heavenly War, the creation goddess was finally laid low - but with her dying breath, she used the last of her strength to make one final wish: for her beloved land of Praeradetis to be blessed with new champions willing and able to defend her creation.
It's been fifty years since Asteria's prophecy, and Praeradetis had all but given up its faith in the fallen goddess, plagued as they were with Acheron's lingering influence, the corruption left in the land and the hearts of those who called it home - until the day that strange heroes began to appear in the ancient sanctums, each one bearing a mark of the gods, naming them Asteria's champions.
But in a world that has turned its back on prophecy and fate, that has learned to live without its champions, just how will you choose to write your story?
"Oh great," y'all say, shaking your heads, "Kuro's back with another thrice accursed animated panfandom". To which I say....
you're gosh darned right I am, because my heart and soul craves
the sweet release of death playing so many canons and I've been having such a bad time trying to find an animated panfandom to call home over the past year that it's probably about time I bit the bullet and just committed to making my own.
In all honesty, Vix is right now in the really early stages of development, but well... there are a few things I can guarantee:
1) It'll be hosted on Jcink - I don't know whether or not it'll be premium at the moment, but that's a problem for future me to figure out.
2) The site premise is, well, gonna be what I teased above - your generic "creation deity fights chaos deity in an endless war" plotline with the typical "deity figure summons characters from other worlds" hook with the minor twist that "chaos won and killed the creation deity long ago" and "listen we know you came here to save the world but we don't want or need your saving so you do you in your new world we guess."
3) Building off that, the site is gonna have a variety of subsettings for characters to be able to plop down in and vibe; I have all of them in the "concept art" stage of development (which I'll tease later on if there's some interest) but I will disclaim that while
most of them are more typical fantasy settings, there
will also be a modern era / light sci-fi city setting for our non-fantasy characters to center in.
4) Honestly, I wanna be a bit more chill about trusting members to handle their characters responsibly - I got better things to do than smack someone's hands for, idk, wanting to play Mokuba Kaiba as a 16 year old during the main series instead of a 12 year old or getting screwed over because the next Arknights patch revealed Silverash has a long-standing arranged marriage to Siege or wanting to play Sebastian Michaelis from Black Butler despite the baggage of his canon with Ciel. Do what you gotta do to make things work for you without hard nuking things for everyone else around you and, y'know, be chill with the fact that there may be consequences to your actions (aka don't pull a surprised pikachu if you make Sebastian and then he struggles to get threads or you can't get your platonic ad for Ciel taken).
5) I'm 90% sure I'm gonna let members be able to pick whether they wanna go with a typical freeform app format or if they'd rather do a more in-depth "aesthetic app" (essentially letting you pick your poison for the personality sliders + zodiacs + mbtis + etc with a simple synposis "summary" or the longer + unstructured freeform layout).
6) Activity is probs gonna be set up so that it's one post per month per character (maybe with the option of claiming a one-month "get out of jail free" for every x amount of characters to try to cover a sitch where you just get screwed over on a character) but reserves are gonna be handled more as giving members reserve slots (you get a few extra when you join that whittle down) and reserves get listed with the date they're filed, you get two weeks guaranteed from the time listed, and then after that either someone can ask staff to clear the reserve (if you've basically ghosted us for a while) or get your blessing to take it (if you're still actively around).
7) There's gonna be a light questing system, but right now, it's probably gonna be set up more as a way to get two characters interacting where they might not otherwise stick around over anything more involved. (I just don't have the time or energy to try to mod out even a couple of lighter story/lore development type quests.)
final thoughts
Honestly, I'm kind of excited for this project, and like... it's probably gonna happen even if I get no feedback just because I'm craving a good fantasy panfandom and I don't think I'm gonna get it unless I make it. But. Feedback + interest is definitely a strong motivator for me to try to build the site out a bit faster and I'm more likely to drop a few more teasers + such if the idea's got some solid traction behind it (and yes, likes are nice, but replies are much valued seratonin).
But also, that being said, I'm
definitely gonna be hyped to try to pick up some fellow staffers - I'm already nervously sweating at the thought of building out all of the lore + systems more or less on my own, and while I do have a friend who's said she'll help me out with the site, she also can't really step on as a full admin, so uh. Yeah. If this sounds like it's something you'd be interested in helping run, I'd love to reach out with you and chat!
Oh goodness, it's been a while since I've done one of these, time to yeet myself into the abyss from the sheer nerves-