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gamer confessions

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17written posts
HPCearned bits
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These days I'm more interested in "chill" games like Stardew Valley as opposed to something more action packed like GTA, multiplayer and single player. Albeit I do still play shooting and fighting games both in single player and multiplayer, I feel like the stress is just cranked down by 1,000 when I play something more chill and not bored by it if I play for a lengthy amount of time.
take it easy.
534written posts
caeearned bits
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let's live our lives heroically / let's live our lives with style
it's so cool to me that there are bosses in elden ring who your summons will straight up run from/cower before/refuse to fight. and by 'cool' i mean devastating to my sense of peace,
the eldritch truth
1,102written posts
Phantasmearned bits
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i need those fucking mods

give me song of ice and fire in ck3

no, i dont give a shit that it isn't your job

harsh truth and whatnot but most mod projects suffer from a crippling lack of focus

of course nothing will come out for years when all 10 people are working on their own little thing
792written posts
illidan mainearned bits
illidan main
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lowkey hate when ppl shit on bethesda devs for "well the modders did such a better job!" yeah cool the modders who work in their spare time, who have no deadlines, who don't really have to do jack shit but edit someone else's code and not build it from the ground up, and who are allowed to pursue whatever they want with no overhead.

like sure yeah bethesda games are buggy messes, but coding a game of that size is fucking hard and these game have shipment deadlines. and y'all know you're gonna bitch and piss and moan the minute the game gets delayed to fix bugs.

swear to god bethesda haters know very little about actual game development and just think things should magically come together.

i mean it could be worse. these fucks could be EA and kill mod support for their games on the regular. but like, i'm sorry the game that you could put 100s of hours into didn't have closure to bumfuck mcscrungles or whatever. totally lazy of the devs to not develop their hundred-hour-game more, they need to finish the game perfectly with no flaws and no bugs and still give you hundreds of hours of open world content and also release annually because the Customers Demand It.

also gonna bring up that a common criticism i see of the recent obsidian titles is "they're too short!!!" and that's funny because i thought you guys wanted quality products released on time. you can't have thousand-hour epics like Skyrim without giving up some things in exchange. you just can't. well, you could, but only as a Live Service game such as an MMO, or if we abolished capitalism and games were allowed to be solely art and not a product, but you know.
last edit on Mar 20, 2022 22:42:13 GMT by illidan main

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phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,360written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
time to wheeze as my lopsided gatcha luck kicks in

my free ten roll on the nearl banner? nearl + flametail came home. the free daily roll? blemishine.

rotating banner? i've done 60+ rolls, gotten 5+ five stars, and chiave has refused to come home to be a chaos gay :|

frog on the floor
aliasfreiheit, microwaved burrito
1,539written posts
pharaoh leapearned bits
pharaoh leap
pharaoh leap Avatar
i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.
Holy moly, Kuroya. o__o I got Nearl on the free single pull (done before the free ten, so very first roll), and I just about cried happy tears. Nearl was one of, if not my first five star(s), and the first to max potential, so I was really bummed that the future roadmap of operators I gotta splurge for made it so I'd only feel comfortable doing the guaranteed free 24 pulls. Now, I can just coast for the rest of the event and wait in peace for Ling~!

I'm so used to bulldozing my way through the main stages day one for maximum efficiency on the grind, but hot darn, they weren't kidding when they said this event had more words than the average novel. Only about halfway through and I've had to stop for the sake of charging my phone battery twice. Here for it, though. Gimme the horse lore. *grabby hands*
take it easy.
534written posts
caeearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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let's live our lives heroically / let's live our lives with style
people always praise ffxiv for its ~amazing storyline~ but i found it to be pretty boring up until stormblood (certain parts of it anyway -- namely anytime yotsuyu/zenos/asahi were on screen) + shadowbringers tbh. i ended up not even finishing ew because it made me zzz
last edit on May 9, 2022 20:04:23 GMT by cae