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Post a Random Thought

internally screaming
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Nekoearned bits
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stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
dark balls of sight Avatar
well i didn't know we wanted ot do an animanga jcink for realsies!! hmu if you're still down? but maybe in a week. my dog's been confined a few days ago so i can only really commit once i know he's 100% fine. (he's improving and no complications but still i'm gonna wait)

No I understand you. I also hope your dog gets better. I'm going through to the vet for my baby Loki tomorrow and dread the vet visit. But anyone, and I do mean anyone here, is free to message me on Discord to talk about it. Promise y'all - I don't bite. ignore the fact that 90% of people say that then meet me personally and are realize they're afraid of a rbf rock.

also side note - I'm going to find the people that are in charge of the raffles that my husband keeps joining and throw a dinosaur at them.
13written posts
saintearned bits
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The fact of the matter is, no one wants to join the community rl or animanga simply cause forum rp is dying because expectations and timesink.

This stood out to me the most 'cause I've always heard friends who do Discord RPs (former forum rpers, I might add) tell me that forum rp is dying out, and I thought I could add in my two cents and try to make it short and sweet!

Imo I wouldn't say forum rp is dying per se, moreso less popular in recent years I'd say? That, and add in that pandemic we had that played a small role. It's just that there are much more accessible and convenient resources for roleplay, namely things like Tumblr and, without a single doubt, Discord RP. I would even go as far as to say that Discord RP plays a MASSIVE role in forum rp's decreased popularity. You can do literally everything in one RP server there. Talk to the community? Done. Roleplay? Done. Make your app? Done. Plot, whether it's in the server or through DMs? Done. Not even on a computer or laptop? No problem, you can do it all through your phone too!

But despite Discord RP's popularity being massive compared to forum rp, I doubt that we're a dying breed. Most of us started off with chat rps in general before we made our transition to forum rps, and I think the cycle will continue to repeat itself; a bunch of youngins coming from the land of chat rps, let it be Discord or otherwise, transitioning to the world of forum rp. I'm also pretty sure there's a few folks here who mentioned they were new to forum rp as well! Now that may not be a lot, but I think that kind of helps feed into my point a little, if that makes sense.

Now all of that said, I will say that with how far coding in general has came with forum rp in terms of aesthetics and structure, it can definitely be overwhelming to someone who absolutely has no idea how doHTML or basic coding works if they're dipping their toe into the genre for the first time.

EDIT: Forgot my TL;DR: forum rp, imo, is not dying, but just less popular for the time being.
last edit on Sept 30, 2023 4:25:21 GMT by saint
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Deletedearned bits
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Neko Avatar
When's the last time anyone who can code added a resource?


Unrelated aside, but I figured out how to totally overhaul jcink's UCP with your own webpage instead and also how to make the default member list just an actual member directory, like automatically per parent account. I've been tempted to write a ToDo about these, but then time + JavaScript knowledge is required and I'm not convinced most people will bother vs. the I time I spend writing a tutorial
internally screaming
1,833written posts
Nekoearned bits
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stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
saint Avatar
Neko Avatar
The fact of the matter is, no one wants to join the community rl or animanga simply cause forum rp is dying because expectations and timesink.

This stood out to me the most 'cause I've always heard friends who do Discord RPs (former forum rpers, I might add) tell me that forum rp is dying out, and I thought I could add in my two cents and try to make it short and sweet!

Imo I wouldn't say forum rp is dying per se, moreso less popular in recent years I'd say? That, and add in that pandemic we had that played a small role. It's just that there are much more accessible and convenient resources for roleplay, namely things like Tumblr and, without a single doubt, Discord RP. I would even go as far as to say that Discord RP plays a MASSIVE role in forum rp's decreased popularity. You can do literally everything in one RP server there. Talk to the community? Done. Roleplay? Done. Make your app? Done. Plot, whether it's in the server or through DMs? Done. Not even on a computer or laptop? No problem, you can do it all through your phone too!

But despite Discord RP's popularity being massive compared to forum rp, I doubt that we're a dying breed. Most of us started off with chat rps in general before we made our transition to forum rps, and I think the cycle will continue to repeat itself; a bunch of youngins coming from the land of chat rps, let it be Discord or otherwise, transitioning to the world of forum rp. I'm also pretty sure there's a few folks here who mentioned they were new to forum rp as well! Now that may not be a lot, but I think that kind of helps feed into my point a little, if that makes sense.

Now all of that said, I will say that with how far coding in general has came with forum rp in terms of aesthetics and structure, it can definitely be overwhelming to someone who absolutely has no idea how doHTML or basic coding works if they're dipping their toe into the genre for the first time.

EDIT: Forgot my TL;DR: forum rp, imo, is not dying, but just less popular for the time being.

I do agree that it's not dying, I was mostly using the words given to me to use the same baseline. As for me, I'm perfectly fine doing what I'm doing and marching on. I don't think we need to popularize animanga rp or anything of the sort. Same thing with let's say Warrior Cat rp's cause people still argue over traditional/nontraditional names so I'm pretty sure that's alive and well. My intent, no matter if it was poorly conveyed was the use of purely a jcink resource site. It's not like none of that can't be done here. This isn't a dismissal by any context, but a reality of the situation is there isn't a need to break into a market. The group is here, united. Pixel is my pride and joy, sure, but I also joined other resource sites as well. There's been what, 10 or so and only two are still around today and that's because they have some practical use over the other one.

The most responded to thread is post a random thought which can be done on any resource site, forum, discord, etc. I think it does fine for what the community needs right now. I am glad that we have a place for it. However as a "jcink animanga source" what does Pixel provide/doesn't provide that a jcink site could? A imaginary what if market that people have done multiple times? I don't think so. The relative ease of stitching in a screenshot + codepen may be annoying, sure. But it's easily done. As for Discord, I don't believe it can do all of these things for those who break the word count all the time. I want to put my 1k post of my cat introspection of the real danger of the Warrior Code - I cannot do these things reliably on Discord, therefore I find it useless for rp'ing context. I do talk to friends and all kinds of groups, so while I won't deny I'm not the target audience, yes, there are a lot of people who like the quick nature who would dislike the more narrative style.

Neko Avatar
When's the last time anyone who can code added a resource?

Do it, I love seeing it so I can learn from it and shake it like blocks in a jar repeatedly.
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Wraithearned bits
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There's hope beyond this lone abyss.
it's going to be quite hot tomorrow and I'm not okay with this. it's the first Saturday (in a long time) where I'm getting some actual peace & quiet & freedom and it's gonna scorch me? that's fair I can still celebrate it all by taking an extra nap and maybe think of ideas to for this new event :0

last edit on Sept 30, 2023 6:08:47 GMT by Wraith
Catscape Meow!
internally screaming
1,833written posts
Nekoearned bits
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stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
oxo Avatar
"event | autumn is in the air"


"We're looking for all kinds of resources this time-"

My untalented ass:

(I'm still gonna do it tho, mama needs that d i n e r o. Oh, and of course it will be fun. <3333 :^) )

If this goes well and I get some entries, no matter how small or whatever, I do have a gift surprise for everyone in December! And if you have anything else you would like to add for entries besides resources or graphics, please let me know I've been sitting on this event for a week and I can't think of anything else, help me.
796written posts
illidan mainearned bits
illidan main
Part of the Furniture
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tbh i maintain that a huge reason the RL community is bigger than the animanga one is that RL has better resources for finding FCs. most of my FC usage is RL for that reason.

like idk i prefer animanga from an aesthetic standpoint, but i can't deny that if two identical sites have an "fcs must be 18+" rule, and the only difference is what kind of FC they use, i'm joining the RL one every single time. it's less work on me to find a good FC when the FC directories for RL are sorted by age, gender, and race, and there are a million of them to choose from.
last edit on Sept 30, 2023 16:41:43 GMT by illidan main

avatar and hover by phobic art, commissioned for me
local boogeyman
aliasbex, jeepers cats
pronounsshe/her or any pronouns
812written posts
bexearned bits
Part of the Furniture
bex Avatar
they pull the axe out your face and say "was it the boogeyman?"
illidan main Avatar
tbh i maintain that a huge reason the RL community is bigger than the animanga one is that RL has better resources for finding FCs. most of my FC usage is RL for that reason.

like idk i prefer animanga from an aesthetic standpoint, but i can't deny that if two identical sites have an "fcs must be 18+" rule, and the only difference is what kind of FC they use, i'm joining the RL one every single time. it's less work on me to find a good FC when the FC directories for RL are sorted by age, gender, and race, and there are a million of them to choose from.
I maintain that a big part of the problem is that our community has a serious problem with sharing and gatekeeping, and the lack of reliable resources for fcs is a symptom of that problem. Everyone is expected to pay for everything or make it themselves, but not everyone has that ability. I have an immense icon collection that I’d love to share, but I get lambasted bc I don’t have sources for all of them bc they’re over 13 years old and I don’t want to be accused of stealing. In fact, I’ve been told by people here that if I can’t source said art that I should just not use it at all- which I think is ridiculous considering some of my resources are again, literally untraceable now. I’ve tried. But I have no problem with crediting art when I can!

But it’s just not always possible anymore if the artist has been ripped and it’s impossible to find the original artist. I’ve considered turning my collection of icons (and when I say a lot I mean like tens of thousands) into an archive for people to use freely; but I’m not sure I want to deal with being accused of theft bc I’m a collector, even if I don’t claim that the original works are mine. 
last edit on Sept 30, 2023 20:14:02 GMT by bex
585written posts
nox, the HR department
nox, the HR department Avatar
bex Avatar
illidan main Avatar
tbh i maintain that a huge reason the RL community is bigger than the animanga one is that RL has better resources for finding FCs. most of my FC usage is RL for that reason.

like idk i prefer animanga from an aesthetic standpoint, but i can't deny that if two identical sites have an "fcs must be 18+" rule, and the only difference is what kind of FC they use, i'm joining the RL one every single time. it's less work on me to find a good FC when the FC directories for RL are sorted by age, gender, and race, and there are a million of them to choose from.
I maintain that a big part of the problem is that our community has a serious problem with sharing and gatekeeping, and the lack of reliable resources for fcs is a symptom of that problem. Everyone is expected to pay for everything or make it themselves, but not everyone has that ability. I have an immense icon collection that I’d love to share, but I get lambasted bc I don’t have sources for all of them bc they’re over 13 years old and I don’t want to be accused of stealing. In fact, I’ve been told by people here that if I can’t source said art that I should just not use it at all- which I think is ridiculous considering some of my resources are again, literally untraceable now. I’ve tried. But I have no problem with crediting art when I can!

But it’s just not always possible anymore if the artist has been ripped and it’s impossible to find the original artist. I’ve considered turning my collection of icons (and when I say a lot I mean like tens of thousands) into an archive for people to use freely; but I’m not sure I want to deal with being accused of theft bc I’m a collector, even if I don’t claim that the original works are mine. 

you should post it! if someone knows the original artist, they're free to let you or one of us staff know so we can add it in the thread or something. don't feel discouraged
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