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the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
816written posts
CELearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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i don't get angry when i'm pissed; i'm the eternal optimist.
tour guide: how was your experience in the battlebox?
me, in tears, weeping over the impossible odds that lead to the fall of singapore in a failed defense effort for the past 20 minutes: i really enjoyed it

coming soon.
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
1,599written posts
eat drink breathe let’s play
Part of the Furniture
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maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
i like having weird names bc it further entices me to like people’s posts and they just get a nice surprise in their alerts every few weeks


(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
273written posts
travellerearned bits
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eat drink breathe let’s play Avatar
i like having weird names bc it further entices me to like people’s posts and they just get a nice surprise in their alerts every few weeks
I just like them because it takes zero effort but can bring a momentary smile (or slight twitch of the mouth) to someone!
"Someone's got to die today and you have got the final say. You? Or your crew?"
the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
816written posts
CELearned bits
Part of the Furniture
CEL Avatar
i don't get angry when i'm pissed; i'm the eternal optimist.
cel doesn't shut up about her trip pt. infinity. oh my god the olivia rodrigo concert was worth it. actual healing experience. being able to yell out "we both drew blood but those cuts were never equal" and the entire bridge of all-american bitch and vampire has been some of the most cathartic moments of my life
last edit on Oct 2, 2024 15:22:44 GMT by CEL

coming soon.
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hannyearned bits
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「我等の天下だ 神など要らない。」
no wonder I just want to go home to Japan I have nothing planned this first week and I'm jetlagged and I keep being left alone in the house because stuffs on and someone has to be around for the dogs

I want to go home
local boogeyman
aliasbex, jeepers cats
pronounsshe/her or any pronouns
816written posts
bexearned bits
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they pull the axe out your face and say "was it the boogeyman?"
traveller Avatar
eat drink breathe let’s play Avatar
i like having weird names bc it further entices me to like people’s posts and they just get a nice surprise in their alerts every few weeks
I just like them because it takes zero effort but can bring a momentary smile (or slight twitch of the mouth) to someone!

also if that only person is just me every time, that's enough for me. i love names that are either so on the nose it makes you roll your eyes or it's like. ringo amidala. if you're curious, his fc was spitfire from air gear LMFAO
604written posts
Extra Dimensional Cat
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there's a difference between "comfortable" and "friend" to me, tho, so like. while i'm social with my rp buddies, they're kinda kept at a certain distance unless we're actually friends. i'm fine with just being Friendly Acquaintances with most people I RP with.

like there's 2 circles of friendship and the outside circle is just people you aren't necessarily close with but do stuff with regularly, and i think most rp partners go there.

Actually same hat. You can be friendly with everyone, but that doesn't mean they're a partner or friend. I think it's almost "parasocial" to think people are friends with you just because you write with them or take a want ad. That seems really emotionally intrusive to each other when they might just be friendly acquaintances or something. Like if someone told me "oh you're like family to me" (which my friends are) I would be very uncomfortable. Some people actively have different ways to sorting their relationships.

I want my social life horribly separate from what I do online. To say that I want no social interaction at all would be impossible. However I consider 'friendships' to be more than just a person on a site I've known for five months. It doesn't help I have a unique problem in my brain that very much separates friends and randoms I know online. (I mean I married my long time rp partner, am friends with a few dozen others, but that's over 3 plus years of knowing each other rather than a single site - they've lasted the test of time that I know they won't flake.)

I think it's perfectly reasonable for others to see others as friends, I just don't think it's reasonable to think everyone needs to feel the same way.
i probably worded it badly but for me personally, it's easier if you're already friends. You don't have to be friends to be comfortable or to rp, and I don't necessarily expect it, but someone who isn't at a comfortable friendliness is less likely to get bites from me as if I have to contact someone I'm not friendly to makes the anxiety ten times worse. I do not think they are friends with me because they rp with me, since that seems to be how that entire thing was taken. I'm also viewing my current friend group under the lens that I met 90% of them through rp.

That being said off-the-cuff due to trauma I tend to form strong attachments which is also why I tend to prefer roleplaying with people that are friends or friend-adjacent and will show the preference. I'm not going to pretend I don't have a preference when that would be a lie. But if something that is my own take seems parasocial or emotionally intrusive when it isn't, that also seems like a you thing. 

tldr; due to my own experiences, people I roleplay with that do not ghost end up becoming friends anyways. It eventually leads into doing things that are not rp, such as gaming together, dnd exc. It makes things easier on me, hence I was sort of saying a statement because of it. I do not think everyone needs to hold hands in order to rp, do not take it that way.

aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
1,599written posts
eat drink breathe let’s play
Part of the Furniture
eat drink breathe let’s play Avatar
maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
Not once did i think i want to be a beautiful or even good-looking woman. I always thought it would have been cool if i were a handsome man

🤡 #dumberonhindsight


(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
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The Lawearned bits
The Law
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I think one of the hardest things about getting back into the swing of roleplaying as a grown-ass adult who's been out of the hobby since 2020 is forging new RP connections. So many of the people I've bonded with over RP have either fallen off the face of the Internet altogether (I.e. I don't think they even remember they had a Discord account or something along those lines and I have no other ways to contact them), or those who I still have contact with have long since moved on to other interests/hobbies. So either I have no chance of getting my old buddies back into RPing, or I will have to forge new connections all over again, which can be kinda scary at times.

A multi-anime shared universe high school RP, est. 2016! In the process of restructuring and rebooting! Estimated re-opening date: End 2024 to Q1 2025
the wheels are singing
aliasJen, DeJener8
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Jenesisearned bits
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Just a magical kitten
I also draw a distinction between "rp friends" and "friends"

like yes I will have multi hour conversations with you where we collectively sob over our ocs' trauma that I've literally never told anyone else, but if I wouldn't tell you my real name or invite you to my house (and wouldn't expect the same from you), can we really call ourselves friends?

eat drink breathe let’s play Avatar
Not once did i think i want to be a beautiful or even good-looking woman

competent, badass, and mysterious >>>>> beautiful, sexy, and good-looking anyway
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