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Post a Random Thought

Feline Overlord
1,813written posts
Chibi Magicianearned bits
Chibi Magician
Spring '21 Dev Completionist
Chibi Magician Avatar
Pure Gremlin Energy
I have had so many computer issues over the last few months... I suspect I have to replace my laptop... I should have suspected it would happen in the middle of a pandemic. >.>

Also, with this pandemic, I swear, my nose has tickled more to cause me to sneeze and I have accidentally choked more times than I have any other time. I have probably scared my coworkers more times than I can count because of accidentally inhaling the seasoning on my extreme cheddar goldfish.
306written posts
Miss Melonade ♥
Spring '21 Bingo Completionist
Miss Melonade ♥ Avatar
I've Grown Tired of This Body, Cumbersome and Heavy
I have realized a childhood dream of mine of getting all A ranks on all missions in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle.

Maybe girls will want to date me now. :sunglasses:
Feline Overlord
1,813written posts
Chibi Magicianearned bits
Chibi Magician
Spring '21 Dev Completionist
Chibi Magician Avatar
Pure Gremlin Energy
One of my favourite things is watching as role-players say "OH NO!" cause they are replying and realized their character is about to do something stupid. I think it is hilarious. XD
phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,362written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
i'm kind of wanting to finish pokemon colosseum while i'm self-isolating (i never had it as a kid and i got distracted the last time i tried to play through on the rom) but i also kind of don't because knowing me, my brain will hyperfixate on wes for my next "seven evil exes of rp hyperfixations" and i don't need that kind of disappointment in my life :c

praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
887written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
light Avatar
someone recommend some actual good jcink skinners who want money pls and ty
fyi: not 4 me 4 an albino friend

idk if i’m good but — nghsshsjls i’d take a bite out of a skin request ;; (but otherwise i know a few skinners !! most of them do rl rather than animanga tho - i only know like one or two animanga skinners with open commissions OTL. you’re welcome to pm me tho and i’ll scrounge up links to them)
aliasravyn, ori
pronounshe / they
420written posts
rav⭑earned bits
Senior Member
rav⭑ Avatar
havin one of those days where i know i'm worth it, deep in the recesses of my mind.
but the louder, more overpowering part of said mind has been shouting obscenities and nonsense my way, and makin me feel like the smallest ant in the world. the one that can't hold double it's weight and holds everyone back.

so i've been watchin some feel good youtube, listening to the magnus archives, and occasionally playing around in animal crossing to make myself feel better.
phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,362written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
"oh no i ship it" i whisper as i repeatedly slam together two characters who have 5 minutes of interaction and maybe 10 lines to each other tops and aggressively ignore all of the more feasible ships that most people are here for

23written posts
mercyearned bits
New Member
mercy Avatar
i could wake her, but there is mercy in her sleep
if i'm being perfectly honest i really haven't felt wanted or even liked by my friends lately, save for one. no one has been talking to me, or has been talking around me, the actions of one friend caused me to suffer a severe breakdown earlier this week to a point where i was literally scared of myself and what i might do as a reaction to my emotions, and it really just feels like everyone's trying to avoid me or leave me out of things on purpose as some form of punishment. logically? i know that isn't true. i know it's all in my head. but that's the problem. my head isn't something i can escape from. and couple that with the fact that all week i've been off work due to ongoing world events and all i've had is time time time to ruminate and doubt and slip deeper into self-loathing.

i'm reaching a point where i don't feel heard and i don't feel acknowledged. i know i'm going to split again. and my brain is telling me to just ruin everything i've got before that happens so that i can't be hurt again in the future when the people who claim to 'care' about me abandon me.

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