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Sites You Want To See

626written posts
Gingerearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Ginger Avatar
alcove Avatar
I recently read about star people.
Now I want a RP based around that.
that is so different from everything i was taught as an indigo child myself but i need this in my life
Rp of that would def sound great
----- Also Lovecraftian has a species similar to that... Where they actually end up inside humans, they time jump or survive disasters by temporarily possessing/swapping bodies with people.

I think they're aliens... or a form of alien that evolved in the past? But I think everything in lovecraft was originally alien that adapted to, created, or evolved on earth.
last edit on Jul 25, 2018 0:03:26 GMT by Ginger
62written posts
meleearned bits
Junior Member
mele Avatar
I had this idea for a while, although I have no clue how the site mechanics would work out, but itd be cool to see a site where characters suddenly become self aware that they're not real. Like what'd happen if storybook characters found the book of the story they belong in? Would they follow what the story says or would they fight against "fate" and go a separate route?
107written posts
♕ RISSYearned bits
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♕ RISSY Avatar
You think your instincts, are your weakness. But they are your strengths. Trust in them. ❞
von Avatar
acne ♡ Avatar
ok ok hear me out...
seconding. pirate fantasy pls

i'd be sooo down for a pirate fantasy site! i third this idea!
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
Deleted Avatar
currently contemplating a RP that would kind of function like a cross-section between stardew valley & viva pinata because i'm lowkey still sad that that franchise tanked, it was my shit when i was younger

sorta like depending on how you set up your territory you have a chance to attract different creatures. could even have pokemon-esque creature-battle elements depending on how fuckin deep you wanted to go

actually howcome you don't see the pokemon leveling system ripped off for pets in roleplay like, all the time. it could work so well.
last edit on Jul 26, 2018 20:32:37 GMT by Deleted
297written posts
flareearned bits
Senior Member
flare Avatar
rp is supposed to be fun, remember
> zodiac based action site where people get branded upon birth and go through different training based on it. maybe in a dungeon, they can see different monsters or obstacles because of their sign yet they can still buff one other or maybe they have the same experience but bring different qualities to the table. sort of like a vrmmo where classes are zodiac signs, but you use them for team pairings (e.g compatible signs/incompatible signs etc)
36written posts
slyearned bits
New Member
sly Avatar
Zyzy Avatar
I think a superhero type site based in like Medieval times would be dope as fuck. Imagine characters kind of like from the Fate Series having weird mutations or crazy abilities that kind of result in them being outcast in their society.
This gives me a Marvel 1602 vibe and I want it
15written posts
flemearned bits
New Member
flem Avatar
a really chill, simple pokemon site where there are no stats, no pokemon limits (with the exception of legendaries), and no route progression. one that's heavily character driven and focuses on the role of pokemon integrated into everyday life rather than an impending threat. basically a nice little sandbox where players can really dig into the universe!