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Sites You Want To See

626written posts
Gingerearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Ginger Avatar
Reading Rick Riordan again... Soo... Long story Short "Percy jackson author" Long Story SHORT.

MYTHOLOGY Modern Times. Fantasy. Thank you. Original God Characters/Stories thank you. [and races too.. base on lore/myths/folkstuffz/classics/etc] Anime FCS, or disney/dreamworks/videogames/anime-esk etc
last edit on Jul 3, 2018 4:17:41 GMT by Ginger
27written posts
aquilaearned bits
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aquila Avatar
 ooooo that would be nice too? an inspired version would probably be better since it would give us the freedom to deviate from canon. and yes p5 elements would be cool too!

lolol i was working on a percy jackson myth based rp but the staff got super busy. i hope to revamp it soon! however, it was going to be jcink based so it may not be what you're looking for.
pronounsif you speak of me in certain tongues, you will be dethroned or detained
108written posts
ophiuchusearned bits
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gutter rappin', anti-sleepin', no half-steppin'
Benetnasch Avatar
Shadowrun or just cyberpunk in general.
i'm actually about to become involved in my first shadowrun session, made custom because a lot of the source material can get....yikes. so we're editing it, and i'm looking forward to seeing what our DM comes up with!

sites I want to see? my own. travel a year into the future and see if I've crawled out of my workpit and finished dotting my Is and crossing my Ts on the systems; smh.
626written posts
Gingerearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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aquila Avatar

lolol i was working on a percy jackson myth based rp but the staff got super busy. i hope to revamp it soon! however, it was going to be jcink based so it may not be what you're looking for.

~"Shot through the heart your..."~ Starts singing happily. Is It truly Anime? Will it truly be active with stories all sharing same world. I loath Jcink...... But some part of me might be desperate enough, absolutely no promises. [None] but link me if you do, I wanna at least "look" before trashing the idea and fleeing the hills.
27written posts
aquilaearned bits
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Ginger Avatar

~"Shot through the heart your..."~ Starts singing happily. Is It truly Anime? Will it truly be active with stories all sharing same world. I loath Jcink...... But some part of me might be desperate enough, absolutely no promises. [None] but link me if you do, I wanna at least "look" before trashing the idea and fleeing the hills.

actually, yes! it's animanga themed, but we will allow fcs from games/comics ect as long as they keep with the general style. the site isn't actually up as most of us are still writing up the boards and working out the fight mechanics. however, yes, it will definitely be active enough. there's a main optional over arching story, but it's highly character driven. missions will also be impacted by the story, so we're encouraging those to participate. but it's very much styled like a traditional rpg with battle mechanics and other aspects! we're working on having five different pathos to promote character creativity with a general character hub that operates as "camp half blood" did. jcink is actually pretty easy once you ge the hang of it btw! c': i love both domains, but i understand it's a bit intimidating. 
16written posts
struckearned bits
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aquila Avatar
okay but imagine a durarara!! rp,,

there would be different member groups for different gangs/factions, and of course, there would be the supernatural element. you'd also get into some pretty dark topics, and mmm gotta love dark. while not everyone could be a cool as heck supernatural being, it could be limited to three per member group (first come first serve). you would have the ability to do so much since it's essentially just a gang rp with various other elements. there could be missions, shops, fun stuff! idk if there would be an overarching plot....? but i mean, there could be.

also s o u l   e a t e r.
like honestly, this would be one of the best things to do?? weapons, meisters, witches, magic, death - it has everything you need. you would also have missions, shops, and it could totally have a character driven plot or be more of a open world kind of thing? okay,, it'd be cool as heck.
I've only glanced at Durararararararararara, and it's interesting. Someone needs to make it happen.
Dark Empress
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Empress Yukiearned bits
Empress Yuki
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Do you think we can be just like you?
aquila Avatar
Ginger Avatar
~"Shot through the heart your..."~ Starts singing happily. Is It truly Anime? Will it truly be active with stories all sharing same world. I loath Jcink...... But some part of me might be desperate enough, absolutely no promises. [None] but link me if you do, I wanna at least "look" before trashing the idea and fleeing the hills.
actually, yes! it's animanga themed, but we will allow fcs from games/comics ect as long as they keep with the general style. the site isn't actually up as most of us are still writing up the boards and working out the fight mechanics. however, yes, it will definitely be active enough. there's a main optional over arching story, but it's highly character driven. missions will also be impacted by the story, so we're encouraging those to participate. but it's very much styled like a traditional rpg with battle mechanics and other aspects! we're working on having five different pathos to promote character creativity with a general character hub that operates as "camp half blood" did. jcink is actually pretty easy once you ge the hang of it btw! c': i love both domains, but i understand it's a bit intimidating. 

Yes, we're still working on it. Its going to be lit once its done.
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
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Ginger Avatar
Reading Rick Riordan again... Soo... Long story Short "Percy jackson author" Long Story SHORT.

MYTHOLOGY Modern Times. Fantasy. Thank you. Original God Characters/Stories thank you. [and races too.. base on lore/myths/folkstuffz/classics/etc] Anime FCS, or disney/dreamworks/videogames/anime-esk etc
I am all for this <3

or also Japanese Folklore Sengoku Jidai. So, basically, the same concept, but set in the Feudal Era and having Japanese myths/monsters... I would even say Inuyasha would do. God, I miss Inuyasha roleplays....

After all of these powers roleplays, though, I am still wanting a slice of life of some sort set in a small town

77written posts
murkearned bits
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murk Avatar
if i had all the time and resources in the world, i'd want for a cyberpunk mmorpg-based site set in a distant universe. i'd probably want for it to have a leveling system where the staff act as DMs in an active mission setting. characters come from a wide variety of backgrounds (colony planets, different intergalactic nations, alien races??) where missions take place within a group and are ran by whoever picks the missions up. dungeoning events where characters have to be lead through a dungeon while a staff member passively dms them.

the meat of the rp would take place probably at the adventuring hub; a planet dedicated to catering to travels and the like. level of involvement is optional. dungeons would be the equivalent of different planets/meteors/spaceships.

so like......... star trek meets star wars meets d&d meets basic mmorpg systems??


also i'll always petition for a well put together kids next door or teen titans focused site. knd split between kids/teens/adults; teen titans just being a superhero site for lack of a better idea.
last edit on Jul 3, 2018 15:33:56 GMT by murk
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