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Coding Confessions

80written posts
pearearned bits
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siel Avatar
anyone else create most of their skin in HTML/CSS/JS outside the forum, and then transfer the code to forum HTML/CSS/JS?

i'm a true fool because this FEELS so much faster... and yet i know i'm doing 2x the work sometimes

I think this is actually pretty standard practice. Like you said, it tends to be faster.

221written posts
sielearned bits
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pear Avatar
I think this is actually pretty standard practice. Like you said, it tends to be faster.
oh cool. at least for proboards, it only feels faster to a point... like coding separately lets me create elements uninhibited by PB's tedious layout template + CSS separation, but ultimately i need to plug code into those templates/stylesheets anyway, while also undoing a lot of baseline CSS.

like it's not easy to just slap the code in and expect it to behave the same; there's lots of tweaking. and by then i'm usually tired and bored of what i've created hahah
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siel Avatar
pear Avatar
I think this is actually pretty standard practice. Like you said, it tends to be faster.
oh cool. at least for proboards, it only feels faster to a point... like coding separately lets me create elements uninhibited by PB's tedious layout template + CSS separation, but ultimately i need to plug code into those templates/stylesheets anyway, while also undoing a lot of baseline CSS.

like it's not easy to just slap the code in and expect it to behave the same; there's lots of tweaking. and by then i'm usually tired and bored of what i've created hahah

honestly, i find it a lot more useful for skinning jcink than proboards, largely just because of how they set up some of their default stuff and the finicky little coding things that you can't really adjust for by ripping things out and starting fresh. there's a lot of weird things in proboards' backend that are kind of awkward / difficult to target, and the way the mobile mode works is a lot harder to work with than jcink's in my opinion just because of how they're pulling colors + all that.

real talk, i code almost the entire skin layout on codepen and then end up dropping it into the html templates + board wrappers + css stylesheets and then just. tweaking all those other quirky lil things i can't get at on a codepen (like how to select post icons or it adding weird colors onto my tables) after everything's installed on an actual skin.

the multi-fool
140written posts
sleepyearned bits
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*takes a fucking shot while opening pixel perfect and cctw* alright lets see how far back in years my coding style has fallen in the 5 seconds i blinked. whats the trend now. gradients?? animations?? what unholy hover-tab sorcery will you have me choking down this time
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
887written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
i... honestly rlly dislike the trend toward having these rlly large/long images included in a profile. like on the one hand i get the aesthetic, but when your character has maybe two three fanart thats usable, it gets really tricky + its always so much more painfully obvious that you're having to reuse the same art over again ;;

idk, that's just... apping obscure fc troubles. also like. you know... not wanting to spend several hours looking for anything remotely workable or cohesive looking. i get it can look nice but tbh i also just don't feel like you get enough from it in the first place to justify forcing people to have it. it's like... cool and new i guess. but tbh as much as i am all for pretty graphics, when i also draw mine sometimes, it gets really exhausting :'(

i guess this is me begging coders to please think about how difficult its going to be to track down fanart that looks cohesive w each other for all the image requirements ur making
last edit on Jul 18, 2021 5:23:27 GMT by bc
445written posts
fossaearned bits
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i... honestly rlly dislike the trend toward having these rlly large/long images included in a profile. like on the one hand i get the aesthetic, but when your character has maybe two three fanart thats usable, it gets really tricky + its always so much more painfully obvious that you're having to reuse the same art over again ;;

idk, that's just... apping obscure fc troubles. also like. you know... not wanting to spend several hours looking for anything remotely workable or cohesive looking. i get it can look nice but tbh i also just don't feel like you get enough from it in the first place to justify forcing people to have it. it's like... cool and new i guess. but tbh as much as i am all for pretty graphics, when i also draw mine sometimes, it gets really exhausting :'(

i guess this is me begging coders to please think about how difficult its going to be to track down fanart that looks cohesive w each other for all the image requirements ur making
another point: it's also just frustrating for members to have to constantly make new graphics to match these weird and obscure sizes that are probably only going to be used for this one specific site because the next site has its own weird ass sizes. it also makes it so people without photoshop or decent editing skills are having to ask for help w/ graphics.

you can potentially have small weird sizes if you create a container that cuts off the excess without distorting the image and it isn't going to be nearly as much hassle for your members. but these 900 x 200 banners that are literally used in one spot are... obnoxious. to say the least.

graphic sizes these days are about as consistent and standardized as women's bra sizing.
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
887written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
fossa Avatar
bc Avatar
i... honestly rlly dislike the trend toward having these rlly large/long images included in a profile. like on the one hand i get the aesthetic, but when your character has maybe two three fanart thats usable, it gets really tricky + its always so much more painfully obvious that you're having to reuse the same art over again ;;

idk, that's just... apping obscure fc troubles. also like. you know... not wanting to spend several hours looking for anything remotely workable or cohesive looking. i get it can look nice but tbh i also just don't feel like you get enough from it in the first place to justify forcing people to have it. it's like... cool and new i guess. but tbh as much as i am all for pretty graphics, when i also draw mine sometimes, it gets really exhausting :'(

i guess this is me begging coders to please think about how difficult its going to be to track down fanart that looks cohesive w each other for all the image requirements ur making
another point: it's also just frustrating for members to have to constantly make new graphics to match these weird and obscure sizes that are probably only going to be used for this one specific site because the next site has its own weird ass sizes. it also makes it so people without photoshop or decent editing skills are having to ask for help w/ graphics.

you can potentially have small weird sizes if you create a container that cuts off the excess without distorting the image and it isn't going to be nearly as much hassle for your members. but these 900 x 200 banners that are literally used in one spot are... obnoxious. to say the least.

graphic sizes these days are about as consistent and standardized as women's bra sizing.

ok but also any site that doesn’t automatically resize/crop… please allow me to introduce you to two properties: object-fit: cover for img elements and background-size: cover for backgrounds thank u. i know the former is more obscure and i didn’t know it existed for a while but it exists and it’s great for ur members who don’t have to resize things to perfect dimension and fuck w the image quality in the process so they have to completely redo the graphics to account for the lower img quality oh my god why do i make the images so small photoshop scales them horribly dammit-
last edit on Jul 18, 2021 14:16:16 GMT by bc
the multi-fool
140written posts
sleepyearned bits
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sleepy Avatar
it's a feast for my eyes
two confessions!

one: sometimes while taking a break from coding i go to sites with errors in their skin and play with the inspector tool until it's fixed. i feel too embarrassed to share it with the staff tho asjkggh i dont want to offend them, especially if i know one of the staff made the skin

two: when im in the middle of a coding project i can barely concentrate on writing. coding always ends up taking first priority and since im working on a big one rn my backlog is this close to pulling a knife on me
297written posts
flareearned bits
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flare Avatar
rp is supposed to be fun, remember
i think best way to learn coding is by making a skin tbh. it forces you to think big and if something breaks, you actually have to inspect what each positioning element does.

bonus points for it teaching mobile friendliness too.
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
887written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
flare Avatar
i think best way to learn coding is by making a skin tbh. it forces you to think big and if something breaks, you actually have to inspect what each positioning element does.

bonus points for it teaching mobile friendliness too.


but more often than not i see people completely ignore mobile Because They Don't Use It, and me, a mobile user, gets 2 suffer. i think the best way to teach someone something is force them to use it for ten minutes and not let them tear their hair out in the process. it develops a really good sense of design.

coding is one of those things that seem really technical but honestly its not. its... mostly knowing how and what to google for things u want to do. its more abt knowing the theoretical than what anything actually does asdjkfl. (i think thats a big reason people struggle w javascript && scripting in general because they don't have the fundamental theoretical/they're focusing way too hard on memorizing a bunch of bullshit that these online learning models shove down their throat w/o bothering to touch on the fundamentals, which is kinda all about getting a sense of what to look up.)

which! is why if u want to learn coding, jumping into large (personal/on ur own) projects is a really good way to do things (as long as ur not trying to Actively Avoid certain things and remember to think about the mobile users--) since you develop that sense of knowing-what-to-look-up thru practice in addition to forcing u to think big picture/learn to troubleshoot. also, repetition legitimizes and ur gonna be doing a lot of repetition in large projects WITH an end goal.

edit: the word im looking 4 is problem solving. code has problem solving patterns that u have to learn & develop. javascript more than css/html, tho u can often see some resemblances btwn them since they're both object oriented, which can help @ least in my experience
last edit on Aug 2, 2021 2:46:45 GMT by bc
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