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Coding Confessions

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sielearned bits
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two confessions!

one: sometimes while taking a break from coding i go to sites with errors in their skin and play with the inspector tool until it's fixed. i feel too embarrassed to share it with the staff tho asjkggh i dont want to offend them, especially if i know one of the staff made the skin

two: when im in the middle of a coding project i can barely concentrate on writing. coding always ends up taking first priority and since im working on a big one rn my backlog is this close to pulling a knife on me
i can only speak for myself, but i love when people notice issues with my code and send in corrections!

you can always phrase it in a way that doesn't push yourself as ~an authority~ if you're worried you'll sound obnoxious:
hey guys, i get this issue when i view the skin [screenshot]. adding this code fixed it for me [snippet]
imo telling a coder their skin is broken is like letting someone know their fly is down. sure it's a bit embarrassing, but it saves a lot more embarrassment in the future :')
last edit on Jul 21, 2021 0:39:26 GMT by siel
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
aliasthat bitch.
pronouns"that bitch" still works tbh (any OK!)
551written posts
selkieearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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a verb in perfect view.
wait serious q is there any reason these days to use float over flexbox/grid outside of cross compatibility/dragging-IE's-corpse-along stuff?? outside of like, aligning block elements like images n shit with text i basically never use it 😭

speaking of cross compatibility, coding confession: f**k safari all my homies hate safari
weeping omens advertisement

all my proboards templates require the style tags plugin!
internally screaming
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Nekoearned bits
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stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
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speaking of cross compatibility, coding confession: f**k safari all my homies hate safari

I hate safari and opera and I will die on this hill. My designer friend refuses to use anything else so she sends me everything broken and I stare into the sun and ask it to fry me like a potato chip.
frog on the floor
aliasfreiheit, microwaved burrito
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pharaoh leapearned bits
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i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.
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speaking of cross compatibility, coding confession: f**k safari all my homies hate safari
I hate safari and opera and I will die on this hill. My designer friend refuses to use anything else so she sends me everything broken and I stare into the sun and ask it to fry me like a potato chip.

Opera runs on Chromium, though, doesn't it? I use Opera and everything looks identical on Chrome in my experience.
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
887written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
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this is my murder mittens ^-^
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I hate safari and opera and I will die on this hill. My designer friend refuses to use anything else so she sends me everything broken and I stare into the sun and ask it to fry me like a potato chip.
Opera runs on Chromium, though, doesn't it? I use Opera and everything looks identical on Chrome in my experience.

it runs on A chromium. its not one to one w chrome / not necessarily has the same supported features across similar versions. i think for the most part it should tho?
last edit on Aug 2, 2021 5:46:27 GMT by bc
internally screaming
1,821written posts
Nekoearned bits
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stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
To the above, yes opera is fine 99% of the time. I'm just petty and hate the browser for like 2 times I had to find out what was wrong.

Also, graphic design is a prison and a passion - and I can code almost anything I want but actually creating coherent design. What is that.
the multi-fool
140written posts
sleepyearned bits
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it's a feast for my eyes
before coding forum skin: responsive design and cross-browser compatibility are important!!!
after coding forum skin: responsive design and cross-browser compatibility are blights upon society, and should be outlawed
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
887written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
sleepy Avatar
before coding forum skin: responsive design and cross-browser compatibility are important!!!
after coding forum skin: responsive design and cross-browser compatibility are blights upon society, and should be outlawed

they’re still important and u nvr feel that more when u start coding but it’s more the oh this is really hard and a fuck ton of work there’s so much oh no it’s VERY important :SWEAT:

jk it’s all a lie responsive design and cross browser compatibility r not Important they r Indoctrination hahahahahahahahha

h. e l p
445written posts
fossaearned bits
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he's suppose to be DEAD
selkie Avatar
wait serious q is there any reason these days to use float over flexbox/grid outside of cross compatibility/dragging-IE's-corpse-along stuff?? outside of like, aligning block elements like images n shit with text i basically never use it 😭

speaking of cross compatibility, coding confession: f**k safari all my homies hate safari

realizing no one actually answered ur original q here but as far as i know from some quick googling:

float's fine for small elements, like aligning an icon to the left or right of a post. it doesn't offer the precision of flex & grid or the adaptability, but if you're not looking to have something perfectly centered or do a Specific Thing, then float's a super easy & light weight way to do it. i think the main issue with float (outside of the fact you can't align it specifically to top or bottom) is it can be a little uhh funky?? i've personally never had an issue with it but it can act up - especially if you have multiple floated elements near each other. 
297written posts
flareearned bits
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rp is supposed to be fun, remember
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before coding forum skin: responsive design and cross-browser compatibility are important!!!
after coding forum skin: responsive design and cross-browser compatibility are blights upon society, and should be outlawed
but responsive skins are super easy if you just take like 10 min to set up media queries/viewport. they're super easy to do, too.
idk, i code a ton for my job and never felt it was a chore. 
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
887written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
flare Avatar
sleepy Avatar
before coding forum skin: responsive design and cross-browser compatibility are important!!!
after coding forum skin: responsive design and cross-browser compatibility are blights upon society, and should be outlawed
but responsive skins are super easy if you just take like 10 min to set up media queries/viewport. they're super easy to do, too.
idk, i code a ton for my job and never felt it was a chore. 


i don't think they're too bad either (typically - i have coded the responsive site from hell), but it can take a long time to make sure everything works - because sometimes ur also basically just designing a new site for certain viewpoints, and that can be a huge pain
last edit on Aug 9, 2021 15:27:52 GMT by bc
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