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Coding Confessions

the multi-fool
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sleepyearned bits
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it's a feast for my eyes
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but responsive skins are super easy if you just take like 10 min to set up media queries/viewport. they're super easy to do, too.
idk, i code a ton for my job and never felt it was a chore. 

i don't think they're too bad either (typically - i have coded the responsive site from hell), but it can take a long time to make sure everything works - because sometimes ur also basically just designing a new site for certain viewpoints, and that can be a huge pain

what breeze said! media queries are p simple but turning certain designs (esp if u got additions like multiple column layouts, sticky navs, overlaps etc.) can be tricky. squeezing a fancy desktop forum into a functional and aesthetically-pleasing mobile layout needs mental gymnastics and i admire those who can perform without busting a limb (and i hope to be able to do the same once ive gotten more experience skjdg)
last edit on Aug 10, 2021 5:34:36 GMT by sleepy
frog on the floor
aliasfreiheit, microwaved burrito
1,539written posts
pharaoh leapearned bits
pharaoh leap
pharaoh leap Avatar
i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.
fossa Avatar
selkie Avatar
wait serious q is there any reason these days to use float over flexbox/grid outside of cross compatibility/dragging-IE's-corpse-along stuff?? outside of like, aligning block elements like images n shit with text i basically never use it 😭

speaking of cross compatibility, coding confession: f**k safari all my homies hate safari
realizing no one actually answered ur original q here but as far as i know from some quick googling:

float's fine for small elements, like aligning an icon to the left or right of a post. it doesn't offer the precision of flex & grid or the adaptability, but if you're not looking to have something perfectly centered or do a Specific Thing, then float's a super easy & light weight way to do it. i think the main issue with float (outside of the fact you can't align it specifically to top or bottom) is it can be a little uhh funky?? i've personally never had an issue with it but it can act up - especially if you have multiple floated elements near each other. 

As someone who learned float before tables back in the veeeeery late days of V4 and built an entire skin using float formatting, 'float can be a little funky' gave me war flashbacks. But honestly, yeah, I still use float for little things like what Fossa said. If I'm aligning more than one element, flex or grid is always the better option, but for half the write-up, I can align a single item to visually the same effect with float.

Heck you, though, tables. Friendship officially ended.
last edit on Aug 9, 2021 16:19:51 GMT by pharaoh leap
937written posts
gimmickearned bits
Part of the Furniture
gimmick Avatar
All birds and men are sure to die but songs may live forever
I don't expect people to skin responsively, but—is it too much to ask that they try for custom bbcodes and inline styling? At least use max-width so posts don't bleed off the page on mobile, which on pb can't even scroll.
445written posts
fossaearned bits
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he's suppose to be DEAD
dijit.exe Avatar
surely I cant be the only one that drafts stuff in photoshop before I code it?

honestly i use to do this all the time. now i either whip out figma or sketch something on my ipad. it's soo much easier for me to design when i have a visual idea of what im doing. 
84written posts
cinearned bits
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cin Avatar
If this is not love, what should we call it?
dijit.exe Avatar
surely I cant be the only one that drafts stuff in photoshop before I code it?


i use to do mockups a lot on ps a lot tbh esp bc it's just 100% easier to see what something looks like if i swap the layout w/ the image on the left vs right or something. i don't really boot it up much anymore tbh and tend to just sketch it by hand now or use post its etc. i'm v tempted to figure out figma though and do everything there tho bc visuals are v v helpful.

and an added confession of my own ig? i have so many codes that are just unfinished and i'm always like i will finish them!! and i never do :^) and they're all saved under keysmashed names so idek what they are half the time until i open them. sometimes i'm like OH this is so nice, man past me was great at coding to wtf is this why is it a crime against mankind, what was i thinking??
last edit on Aug 11, 2021 17:00:11 GMT by cin

937written posts
gimmickearned bits
Part of the Furniture
gimmick Avatar
All birds and men are sure to die but songs may live forever
I have to do mockups in Figma. If you could see all the draft iterations, it would take far too long to code and pivot between every variation. Plus some scrapped designs will often inspire other ones
445written posts
fossaearned bits
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fossa Avatar
he's suppose to be DEAD
i bought a subscription for adobe pretty much for the webfonts and you better BET i am using them as much as possible!!! ur site has its OWN serif font that's sexy?? sorry but i gotta make the most of this money im wasting!!!!
internally screaming
1,821written posts
Nekoearned bits
Neko Avatar
stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
I really wish people would use more readable font. I have to constantly enable a plugin just to turn your gibberish into open sans or something. Handwritten fonts are *beautiful* - but when they're meant for 20px or above, they do not translate to 10-12px a good 80% of the time. Several sites have interested me lately but I can't read jack.

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