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your roleplaying application

297written posts
flareearned bits
Senior Member
flare Avatar
rp is supposed to be fun, remember



CALL ME flare



other names

atlas, ves, velocity








chaotic good


















positives resourceful, protective, loyal, just, determined, naive[break]
negatives blunt af, memer/gamer, oblivious, stubborn, opinionated, snob


what's something you think is horribly underappreciated?

honestly, bluntness. not everything is good, not everything has to be appreciated and sometimes you just have to give criticism or be a bit more negative or look without rose tinted glasses to move forward and improve. i don't need to hear how good everything is at all times tbh.[break][break]

best color, go! why is it the best color?

#fff white and #000 black, even though it will be cheating. i guess mostly white because then you don't need to worry about blinding people with bad eyesight because you used grey on deep dark colour.[break][break]

if you could swap places with one person in the rp community for a day, who would it be and why?

because she makes great templates and has a great style and i need to know her coding abilities. she is also a great person and is willing to listen to my ramblings while being open, honest yet somewhat very real at the same time. also, living in uk lol.[break][break]

how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

a woodchuck would chuck no amount of wood since a woodchuck can’t chuck wood.[break][break]



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last edit on Jul 7, 2018 17:21:36 GMT by flare
eepy cosy
1,572written posts
M A E !earned bits
M A E !
Part of the Furniture
M A E ! Avatar
because even my darkness will shine brightly.






other names

maestro, glass








chaotic neutral, dumbass evil


















positives punny, supportive, helpful, loving, open[break]
negatives shy, pessimistic, sensitive, stubborn, defensive


best color, go! why is it the best color?

i've been waiting for this. my favorite color for the longest time was light blue and while it's still pretty high up there, like leap, my favorite color is a specific hex code (aka #3b9b93). it's a pretty nice color if i do say so myself and i do say so myself.[break][break]

i guess i don't really have a special reason for why i love it so much, though? it's a teal a little more on the green side and while, of course, i initially loved it because it was such a nice color, i quickly grew attached to it simply because of how much it became a part of my identity on chaos theory![break][break][break]

who do you look up to as a role model?

i look up to a lot as a role model. vee has done a lot for me and my confidence and has helped me through so many struggles in the past three years. i aspire to be as good a friend as vee, for sure, and as good a person as them as well. they're an amazing part of my life and i'm so glad to have known them.[break][break][break]

describe the color red to a blind person.

red is - the color of the sun, hot and angry. the color of warm blood being spilled, of running out of air when spitting out hate. the color of danger, of pleading to stop, of warning.[break][break]

red is - the color of soft rose petals, of passionate love. the color of your nails, your lips, your cheeks.[break][break]

red is - the color of you and i and everyone else.[break][break][break]

describe yourself using only five words.

the serious version: "tears like diamonds from coal"[break]
the not serious version: "i'm saskue the defective sasuke"



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last edit on Jul 10, 2018 8:53:18 GMT by M A E !
pronounshe + him
157written posts
Gonzoearned bits
Full Member
Gonzo Avatar
it has, truly, been a roundabout path...






other names

"oh. him", the icon messiah


he + him






neutral valid unit


















positives friendly, easygoing, polite, understanding, cheerful, knows a lot about persona and nier[break]
negatives indecisive, anxious, unmotivated, overly apologetic, fuck, talks too much about persona and nier


you're stranded alone on a deserted island, but you're able to take three items of your choosing with you. which items do you choose?

a machine that can create whatever i want, the manual for said machine, a power source that can continuously power the machine. get hecked. then i'd make a ps2 with persona 3 and play that until i died.[break][break][break]

you get to hang out with one person - real, fictional, alive, dead - for the day. who do you spend it with, and what do you do?

because i've known her for far too long and she has a really cute pup that i must meet. idk what we'd do but we'd find something, plus dog. i assume she's allowed to bring the dog. please.[break][break][break]

best color, go! why is it the best color?

blue because that's the hair colour of my lord and saviour makoto yūki and the very first pokemon game i played.[break][break][break]

how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

i used to think a woodchuck was a birb, but NO, IT'S A GROUNDHOG. also: new york state wildlife expert, richard thomas, found that a woodchuck could (and does) chuck around 35 cubic feet of dirt in the course of digging a burrow. thomas reasoned that if a woodchuck could chuck wood, he would chuck an amount equivalent to the weight of the dirt, or 700 pounds.[break][break][break]

would you rather have to listen to toto's africa 24/7 for the rest of your life, or hear every song ever played from here on out as smooth criminal by michael jackson?

looks like i've been struck by a smooth criminal because as much as i unironically like toto's africa mj is just the king, y'know?[break][break][break]

do you believe in love at first sight?

no, but i do believe in love at first fight. just two bros fighting it out then getting married, the way it should be. but naw, not really. it's sweet in stories but irl idk it'd be kinda weird. i see attractive people and recognize they are in fact attractive, but love is way too far. i love makoto yūki, brother nier, and bnha; that's about it.[break][break][break]

describe the color red to a blind person.


if you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

salad. literally anything can be a salad. if you let macaroni salad exist i can have pizza salad, pulled pork salad, or anything else i heckin' want and you can't stop me, dad.[break][break][break]

who do you look up to as a role model?

anyone and everyone who is very rich but still somehow maintains their humanity.[break][break][break]

which super hero do you most identify with?

midoriya. he tries his best, is a sweet boy, is passionate, only wants to help, but also ends up just hurting himself; all of which is relatable.[break][break][break]

if you could replace the actor for any role in history, which character would you choose to act for?

the entire cast of the american deathnote movie with non-whitewashed, actually good actor(resse)s to play the characters characters.[break][break][break]

care to hear about our lord and savior mindcrime?

mindcrime? sorry. i don't know her.[break][break][break]

what's something you think is horribly underappreciated?

the original nier; persona 1, 2 duology, and 3; guilty crown; are you alice?; me; gonzo; the person writing this; characters who die and reassure the protagonist it's not their fault even though everyone knows it was 100% the protagonist's fault because they're a dumbass; 2000s kids; THE ENVIRONMENT AND BEES[break][break][break]

if you could swap places with one person in the rp community for a day, who would it be and why?

literally anyone who codes so i could see how the heck that works lmao[break][break][break]

describe yourself using only five words.

no, i refuse. thank you.[break][break][break]



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last edit on Jul 7, 2018 18:58:31 GMT by Gonzo
62written posts
meleearned bits
Junior Member
mele Avatar






other names

kaki, hijiki, ekolu, kumo








true neutral


















positives decisive, honest, supportive, idk... okay to talk to maybe sometimes?[break]
negatives opinionated, shy, distracted, awkward, loner


01. you're stranded alone on a deserted island, but you're able to take three items of your choosing with you. which items do you choose?

Proooobably one of those wilderness survival books, a hatchet, and a multitool. Idk I'm such a survival nerd despite not knowing how to do anything. Like I'll read up on things, but I won't actually try to do them, you feel me? But overall, a lot of people seem to be able to do a lot with a hatchet and a multitool. So I mean I hope I'd be fine? Though if I'm on a deserted island, maybe a pot or pan would be better... hmmm... Well either way, I'll stick with those for now. LOL[break][break][break]

02. you get to hang out with one person - real, fictional, alive, dead - for the day. who do you spend it with, and what do you do?

Hands down, I'd want to spend the day with Anthony Bourdain. We'd spend the day in some small town with a lot of traditional foods and we'll just eat and talk about the place and its history. Like this is honestly going into another question, but this guy is my role model. He's everything that I want to be when I get older. He's honestly such an amazing guy, like rest in peace, my dude.[break][break][break]

03. best color, go! why is it the best color?

GREEN. IT IS GREEN. Green is the color of life and of peace like it's just??? Such a good??? I love green so muchfoaewi[break][break][break]

I'll add more eventually /dies



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last edit on Jul 7, 2018 20:41:35 GMT by mele
243written posts
Beetleearned bits
Full Member
Beetle Avatar









other names

b & beetle & moth








true neutral


















positives open, honest, passionate, creative, curious [break]

negatives passive, sensitive, shy, sarcastic, nihilistic


01. best color, go! why is it the best color?

purple. because It Is.[break][break][break]

02. if you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

i literally just ate nothing but pizza for like 3 days in a row and i still want pizza, so... probably pizza. which works out since i have a roommate who works at a pizza place and brings me home some sometimes.[break][break][break]

03. do you believe in love at first sight?

not first sight. but i definitely think that you can form a deep bond with someone after the first full meeting. not necessarily romantic, or love, but i really do deeply believe that there's just some people you click with right off the bat.[break][break][break]

04. if you could replace the actor for any role in history, which character would you choose to act for?

i'd replace tj miller as weasel in deadpool. i'm not a great actor by any stretch of the imagination and i don't look or act the part at all but at least it would mean we wouldn't have his dumb face spoiling the whole movie.[break][break][break]

05. what's something you think is horribly underappreciated?

complex villains. in the comic book fandom, at least. i feel like the only one who fully appreciates these characters. one of my favorites is deathstroke, and it just feels like people water him down to this angry murder man when he's not? he's a loving father who's struggled with depression and suicidal ideation. there's nothing he loves more than his family, and yet you've got writers who just?? make really questionable decisions with the way he acts and just. UGH. he could have been a great anti-hero but smb at DC just decided we can't have nice things.

also comics in general just... use a lot of villains as punching bags instead of spending any time to give them progression or have anything impactful ever happen in their lives. *inhales* sorry i just love villains so much. ; w;[break][break][break]

06. care to hear about our lord and savior mindcrime?

please grace me with the beauty that is mindcrime. pls. pls sweet babies.[break][break][break]

07. would you rather have to listen to toto's africa 24/7 for the rest of your life, or hear every song ever played from here on out as smooth criminal by michael jackson?

i would only listen to africa if it was the wheezer cover, srry.[break][break][break]

I might add more later.




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last edit on Jul 7, 2018 22:55:11 GMT by Beetle

Solar Waltz, an 18+ panfandom set in NYC
Eroge Collector
99written posts
Máscara de Tigre
Junior Member
Máscara de Tigre Avatar
It all starts with this... a jewel containing the ultimate power!






other names

tiger, jushin, hyperjushin






Leo, baby


Neutral good/chaotic good


















positives easy-going, humorous, inquisitive, compassionate, independent[break]
negatives lackadaisical, competitive, self-indulgent, disorganized, vain


you're stranded alone on a deserted island, but you're able to take three items of your choosing with you. which items do you choose?

A boat, a portable dvd player and like, a dvd of The Simpsons or Archer or something. Probably Archer.[break][break][break]

you get to hang out with one person - real, fictional, alive, dead - for the day. who do you spend it with, and what do you do?

My long-distance girlfriend. We'd play board and video games all day, and hold hands, and eat good food. It'd be nice.[break][break][break]

would you rather have to listen to toto's africa 24/7 for the rest of your life, or hear every song ever played from here on out as smooth criminal by michael jackson?

Which of these torturous fates would I subject myself to? Neither, ideally. But I guess the smooth criminal one; it's my favorite MJ song, so that helps, but also, unlike the the other option, it wouldn't be playing in my head 24/7. So that's nice, cause, you know, I have to sleep, eventually.[break][break][break]

do you believe in love at first sight?

Nah. Lust, though? Certainly. "Duh." I'm sure you're thinking; I agree[break][break][break]

if you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?


best color, go! why is it the best color?

Pink! It's cute and I look great in it. I wanted these princess peach vans super bad when I was teenager, but they only came in girl's sizes, and I could tell my mom thought it was kind of weird that I wanted them. Green used to be my favorite color, but I decided on pink because, as a cis, straight dude, it feels nice to push back against the hetero normative expectation that I choose anything but pink as my favorite color. So, yeah.[break][break][break]

who do you look up to as a role model?

I hadn't actually thought about until I saw this question, but I've realized that the closest thing I have to role models are leftist, progressive youtubers and writers. A lot of my political education and identity as it is today was molded, thankfully, by really, funny, entertaining, informative, and, most importantly, ethical video creators and like, pop culture critics. Even before them though, I was lucky enough to go to a left-leaning high school and be taught by a collective of progressive, diverse teachers who encouraged and supported me, and introduced me to a lot of subversive, feminist and African-american literature (being black, that last category was especially important), and thus, my favorite authors. My English teacher had a poster of the great James Baldwin in his classroom. Another English teacher introduced me to the profoundly affecting work of Toni Morrison. I borrowed "Intercourse" by Andrea Dworkin from my history teacher, and so on. Kind of a long answer, but, yeah; Youtubers, authors and my high school teachers. [break][break][break]

which super hero do you most identify with?

Superman. The invincibility is probably the biggest hurdle for a lot of people when it comes to an answer like this, but I actually just really appreciate the desire to be a paragon of genuine moral good, truth and justice. I'm also not enough of a mopey edgelord to be Batman, so.[break][break][break]

who were the last five people you spoke to?

Melon (my girlfriend ♥), my grandma, my uncle, my mom, and the cashier at the fish place a couple blocks from my house[break][break][break]

what's something you think is horribly underappreciated?

Criticism. But, like, good criticism. Too often I think people confuse critique with disdain, and flinch at the idea of engaging with entertainment on a critical or intellectual level. It's especially bad with video games (hint, hint: I have a lot of Opinions™ about games). Good criticism comes from a place of love and/or fascination, and I think digging deep into why we like (or dislike) things can bring us closer to a greater overall appreciation for art in general. [break][break][break]

describe yourself using only five words.

Pop-culture obsessed dork and under-thinker.



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last edit on Jul 8, 2018 6:28:56 GMT by Máscara de Tigre
the endless hunt
aliasleto, blobert, crow
pronounshe / they
1,546written posts
ullaearned bits
ulla Avatar
in turning divine, we tangle endlessly






other names

amorphous blob


flux (they/them currently)




sagittarius, rat


chaotic neutral


















positives sense of humor, eager to please, passionate, persistent, willing to learn and grow[break]
negatives ... sense of humor, bipolar mess, perpetually confused, semi-erratic, control freak


describe yourself using only five words

blob with sense of humor[break][break][break]

what's something you think is horribly underappreciated?

um. how about like everything i've watched and read recently.[break][break]

okay i'm mostly kidding, but i do often feel like my hard faves are some of the most underappreciated anime and manga series not necessarily in this community but just in general. dogs: bullets & carnage is one that i howl about all the time (because it hasn't updated in three years, for one). i'm also a hardcore fan of mononoke and house of five leaves which are both really short but also slay me.[break][break]

UH, AND HOW COULD I FORGET ABOUT OUR LORD AND SAVIOR GINTAMA??? i know that gintama is a lot bigger than the size of the actual fandom suggests but i feel like i have NO ONE to talk to about my actual favorite anime ever.[break][break][break]

best color, go! why is it the best color?

hm. tbh i don't have a favorite color bc i tend to like... switch all the time as to what colors i like best. i do have a most hated color though, and that color is orange. no offense to those of you that like the color or anything, but GOD i don't know how the color orange works. i used to take art classes and? somehow whenever i would work with any fluid medium the color orange would spawn from hell in the middle of the canvas and it's impossible to get rid of???[break][break]

don't get me wrong, i love the fruit... just not the color. [break][break][break]

if you could swap places with one person in the rp community for a day, who would it be and why?

. which probably isn't a surprise to anyone. idk, man, you just always seem super chill and level-headed when it comes to any issue and sometimes i wish i could chill out with you in that zen place. you give the best advice whenever i need it. I Appreciate You, and i hope someday i can be deserving of the level of respect you've earned from this community.[break][break][break]

which super hero do you most identify with?

can... genji count? oh well this is my app so i say he counts. [break][break]

i kind of feel stupid saying that i identify with literal naruto from overwatch, but i also think it goes without saying that the whole cyborg ninja shindig isn't really what i'm here for. i think everyone has 'that character' that they feel really jives with them either because of their personality or their story or just their position in life, and in a lot of ways i find genji's story arc (as horribly underdeveloped as all of the overwatch lore is) really compelling.[break][break]

i don't really know how to talk about it without getting into a lot of heavy shit that i'm not gonna force y'all to read through -- just know that my boy genji here has been the face of all of my icons everywhere not (just) because i'm a trash genji fan, but because he's helped me get through a lot of things the last couple of years and he holds a very very dear place in my heart.



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4written posts
spookearned bits
New Member
spook Avatar
every scar is a story i can tell






other names







leo sun/taurus moon.


chaotic neutral.


















positives nerd, quiet (aka wallflower), observant, nice(ish), book smart[break]
negatives sarcastic, tenacious, procrastinator, dumb, melancholy


who were the last five people you spoke to?

, , , a friend of mine, ravyn's family (+ my parents) L O L i have very few friends.[break][break][break]

what's something you think is horribly underappreciated?

frankly, i think mental health is underappreciated as a whole. there's stigma to admitting to needing help and in receiving help. i spent my entire college career learning about psychology, about relationships and their effect on people, about how an environment shapes someone, and so on, and it's heartbreaking to realize that people face problems on their own because they don't feel accepted when they search for professional assistance. i'm a social worker. the mental health, physical health, and overall wellbeing of my clients means everything to me, though they don't want to talk to me, don't think it's necessary to communicate their problems with others. there's a barrier in providing services because people don't want to be attached to "mental health," to "counseling." it breaks my heart, especially as someone that's had their own struggles with mental health.[break][break][break]

do you believe in love at first sight?

honestly, i don't. either i'm too jaded or too realistic to believe in instant connection via sight, but i think you can develop a foundation from one heartfelt conversation, from one moment of truly being yourself with someone else and having them reciprocate. relationships take effort. love requires a degree of self-awareness, self-investment, sacrifice, and commitment. people get too hung up on romantic loves and idealized partners, and i just want platonic friendships that stretch across years instead of days. for me, love at first sight means you're not willing to try, not willing to commit. i think my mentality is why i have only a handful of close friends and don't interact much in group settings, as you miss out on the true connection due to being bombarded by everything and everyone else.[break][break][break]

you get to hang out with one person - real, fictional, alive, dead - for the day. who do you spend it with, and what do you do?

. i moved in next door to her approximately a month ago, and my favorite thing is just to be at one of our apartments and do nothing other than work on rp, chat, and watch bad youtube videos/movies. moreover, i'm an avid hiker and adore being able to just go and walk around town or through the park with her.[break][break][break]

describe yourself using only five words.

visionary, organized, sappy, nostalgic, devoted



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last edit on Jul 9, 2018 1:53:14 GMT by spook
pronounsshe / her
404written posts
Ven ☆earned bits
Ven ☆
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
Ven ☆ Avatar
got a secret, can you keep it?






other names

I'm Ven. That's it.


she / her




aries / snake


chaotic neutral


















positives optimistic, creative, inspired, driven, passionate[break]
negatives panicky, stupid, overthinker, underachiever, maybe more than a little crazy


what's something you think is horribly underappreciated?

the fact that writers get much less recognition as compared to artists and coders (no offesne to anyone reading this!), especially when it comes to fandom-related stuff. I've fallen back into Helltalia Hetalia as of late and I'm gonna say: unless you're an old writer or know how to draw, writers of any and all magnitude are SEVERELY underappreciated / underrated / easily overlooked. I mean, just because we can't weave into drawings what we're perfectly capable of producing with words isn't an excuse to ignore writers, REGARDLESS of whatever fandom you're in.[break][break][break]

if you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

my homemade carbonara topped with tuna and bacon. Oh man, now I just made myself hungry wth was I thinking. nyerrrrrrrgh[break][break][break]

best color, go! why is it the best color?

blue. easy on the eyes, easy on the computer screen (unless it's the bright blue BSD and nobody wants that) and it's the color of the sky. so yeah.[break][break][break]

describe yourself using only five words

panicky writer who underestimates herself[break][break][break]

do you believe in love at first sight?

I used to before. But now? That's just a silly notion introduced in fairy tales to hoodwink people into believing that everything is all good and nothing bad ever happens. THIS IS REALITY, NOT FICTION ;;; I'msosorry it's just... nothing is perfect, even in fiction, I mean as a writer myself I know the fallacies of most of everything I come across... love at first sight is something that, if brought over to reality, is nigh-impossible to achieve. So yeah...[break][break][break]



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last edit on Jun 10, 2019 16:14:03 GMT by Ven ☆
coffee break...
128written posts
Togaskoearned bits
Full Member
Togasko Avatar






other names



he, his, him


27 years




chaotic good


















positives open-minded, independent, loyal, considerate, adaptable[break]
negatives short-tempered, stubborn, forgetful, anti-social... a bit, strong-willed


do you believe in love at first sight?

I honestly don't really believe in love at first sight, nor do I believe in soulmates, or even this 'true love' stuff. I do believe in love in general and I also believe. I also know that if my S.O. sees this, they'll probably be upset cuz I dont believe in that stuff. But what i believe in other than this love at first sight stuff is the amount of work you want to do in order to make things work and make this other person happy.[break][break][break]

describe yourself using only five words.

The. Angriest. Canadian. Ever. alsopunsaregreat.[break][break][break]

if you could swap places with one person in the rp community for a day, who would it be and why?

Right off the bat. Pharaoh Leap. Why?? Because all their work makes me drool, from skins to all sorts of templates! And if I could swap places with Leap, even for a day... and with Leaps skills? I'd just go nuts making anything I could template and skin wise because I love the creativity and I find coding really fun.



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0written posts
Deletedearned bits
Deleted Avatar



CALL ME endless



other names

something endless, timeless




twenty four


leo sun capricorn moon


most likely chaotic good


















positives imaginative, sassy, playful, patient, sweet, humorous[break]
negatives blunt, easily stressed, horrible temper, impish, dramatic, stubborn


01. you're stranded alone on a deserted island, but you're able to take three items of your choosing with you. which items do you choose?

I've never really had an answer for this one because my brain just... blanks out. Probably a survival guide, tent and flint? I like to be prepared but... how do you prepare for something so... unlikely?

02. you get to hang out with one person - real, fictional, alive, dead - for the day. who do you spend it with, and what do you do?

No one? I never get enough alone time to just sit and do stupid things- OK fine I suppose I'd default to my boyfriend but no gaming, every once in awhile you need to take a road trip somewhere new and spend the day exploring the city or the woods or something adventurous. I live for it. And if he won't go with me I'll take one of my character's with me /shot

03. best color, go! why is it the best color?

Purple, the color of royals and of luxury. Cool and soothing but regal and strong. Picky, hard to pair up with other colors just right but often gorgeous when you hit the mark. [break][break][break]

04. how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

all the wood. all the wood!

05. would you rather have to listen to toto's africa 24/7 for the rest of your life, or hear every song ever played from here on out as smooth criminal by michael jackson?

I may or may not have had to google africa by toto for this one because I'm not up to date. definitely smooth criminal though. I can at least appreciate michael jackson but i couldn't even handle 30 seconds of africa.

06. do you believe in love at first sight?

not true love but perhaps infatuation. at least in that sense. I believe in a general love and compassion for all people as people. but romantic love is more than just the initial spark. It's a two way street of commitment that you work on at all times. It requires effort and it requires you working together instead of against each other all of which are not easy things to do. Love at first sight is no more than infatuation. The love that lasts a life time is a choice you make, a choice of commitment to live your life with another person in it.

07. describe the color red to a blind person.

a color of devilish vibrancy, of urgency and passion. it is the color of love and the color of a warrior. The color of the blood we spill and the pieces of ourselves that we share. the color of valentines day and christmas santa suits. red is a celebration of goodness and a mark of death. versatile, what you do is what it is. red is a color of devilish vibrancy.

08. if you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

breakfast food because holy shit breakfast food. you have french toast and potatoes, breakfast burritos, waffles, pacakes, breakfast sandwiches , crepes you can 100% live off breakfast food.

09. who do you look up to as a role model?

At the moment I would say my boyfriend's mom. She's been in a lot of the same kinds of rough patches i was in as a kid and she's helped me figure out a lot of things and fill in gaps I didn't understand in a way no one else has been able to. I've never been one to have role models and have always believed in forging my own way but if i had to name a person it would be her.

10. which super hero do you most identify with?

hulk. always have. I was the smartest kid in class when I was a kid. The one that turned in everything before the day was over and never took homework home because she finished it while the teacher was talking. Had a 4/5 mixed class when i was in fourth grade and we did math via scantron things so i could go at my own pace. By new years I had run out of fourth grade problems and he was giving me fifth grade ones so i would have something to do during that part of the day.
I was also the kid that got picked on until she got mad enough to kick the boy twice her size to the ground and pin him down and wallop on him until 2 kids and a recess supervisor could get her off. got suspended for a couple days for that too.
needless to say a smaller me always saw a lot of myself in dr. banner and the hulk. i still feel it a lot today, my anger has always been hard to provoke (i taught myself to be this way too) but once it is it has always been a very ugly thing.

11. if you could replace the actor for any role in history, which character would you choose to act for?

I don't know jack shit about history 8D

12. who were the last five people you spoke to?

boyfriend. boyfriend's mom. roomate 1 roomate 2 and probably the bus driver on my way home from shopping.

13. what's something you think is horribly underappreciated?

a person's presence and the influence it can have, be it your own r another person's. you don't really think about it that way but the people around you are all there for something, count for something and the smallest of things that you do can make a huge difference. as a cashier I've had people straight up tell me that sometimes a friendly cashier like me can make or break their day because at least one person was happy to see them. One of my co-worker's therapist told him she always comes through my lane, i've had people brag about my speed to their spouses. it's all small but it's easy to write off despite the fact those little things add up to so much more.

14. if you could swap places with one person in the rp community for a day, who would it be and why?

can i just tlk freely with anyone for a day instead? that seems fine to me.

15. describe yourself using only five words.

sassy B A M F


LOOKS LIKE cinder fall FROM rwby

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last edit on Jul 10, 2018 8:30:55 GMT by Deleted
pronounsShe / Her
27written posts
Relicearned bits
New Member
Relic Avatar






other names

destroyer of gingerbread houses


feminine ones






lawful good


















positives cheerful, loyal, patient, good listener, easygoing[break]
negatives perfectionist, quiet, procrastinator, somewhat anti-social, anxious


how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

So much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood!

would you rather listen to toto's africa 24/7 for the rest of your life, or hear every song forevermore played as smooth criminal by michael jackson?

The only right answer here is: No.

do you believe in love at first sight

I'm super oblivious to the ways of romance, so no. No not really. I don't see any attractive bodies, even those that others swoon over. It only goes so far as 'yeah alright, he looks nice'. I'm much much more on board with building relationships over time through shared interest. I have as much love for my cat as I do my husband (which is a lot btw -- not belittling it).


if you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Shepherds pie! Or pasta, pasta's good.


LOOKS LIKE Sayo Okabe from Boku no Hitori Sensou

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last edit on Jul 10, 2018 15:18:50 GMT by Relic
Dark Empress
402written posts
Empress Yukiearned bits
Empress Yuki
Senior Member
Empress Yuki Avatar
Do you think we can be just like you?






other names

yuko, obsessed fujoshi, furry




23 years old




chaotic neutral


















positives patience, kind, forgiveable, eloquent, determined[break]
negatives procrastinate, airhead, clumsy, shy, second-guessing self


you get to hang out with one person - real, fictional, alive, dead - for the day. who do you spend it with, and what do you do?

Tony Stark! Tony Stark has been my favourite Marvel Hero ever since Ironman one released. I would ask him to teach me how to science, especially computer language. Not only that, I would love to know about his views on other Avengers, like Thor or Captain America. It would be lovely to chat with him about mundane things, even if its just a brief moment.[break][break][break]

best color, go! why is it the best color?

I do like dark colors, especially dark blue to dark purple spectrum. I am in love with both considering it's easier for my eyes to take in than light colors, especially those light pink, urghhh. Not only that, it pairs well with any light color, especially light grey and white. I've been known to use heck ton of dark color in my template especially when I'm in my angsty mood. Dark colors are the best, I'll fight anyone who disapprove of this.[break][break][break]

who were the last five people you spoke to?

My lecturer, brother, mom, dad and sister.[break][break][break]

describe yourself using only five words.

"Yaoi is life and love."[break][break][break]

you're stranded alone on a deserted island, but you're able to take three items of your choosing with you. which items do you choose?

A phone, food and a machete[break][break][break]

how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Eh, 8?[break][break][break]

if you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Nuggets. I don't care people say, I love nuggets.


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last edit on Jul 10, 2018 15:48:39 GMT by Empress Yuki
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come on now


chaotic good


















positives articulate, artistic, helpful, self-critical, affectionate [break]
negatives self-centered, insensitive, nervous, withdrawn, short-tempered


best color, go! why is it the best color?

in my humble opinion, it's orange. there are many good colours out there. dark and light shades of grey are wonderful staples; blue is perhaps the most diverse hue there is, and is perhaps the least inherently gaudy of them; green has a certain wholesome appeal; but orange is always exciting. unless you stray into brown, it's hard to find a boring shade of orange. red tends to be too punchy, and yellow tends to look garish, too fluorescent; orange is that lovely intermediary. you can't use it everywhere, and you have to be careful when you do, but where it's present, it makes things pop with a flare that, imo, little else can match.[break][break][break]

describe the color red to a blind person.

if you extract out the absolute high point of what it feels like to be physically burnt, to be enraged, and to love someone deeply, that is what red looks like.[break][break][break]

if you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?


if you could replace the actor for any role in history, which character would you choose to act for?

the 11th doctor.[break][break][break]

if you could swap places with one person in the rp community for a day, who would it be and why?

leap, because then i could make templates like this.[break][break][break]

what's something you think is horribly underappreciated?

the entirety of trip-hop as a genre. from what i understand it was relatively popular in england in the late 80's/early 90's, and it has some intimations in some popular artists currently, but it is by no means a mainstream pursuit, and that's a crying shame imo.[break][break][break]

would you rather have to listen to toto's africa 24/7 for the rest of your life, or hear every song ever played from here on out as smooth criminal by michael jackson?


who do you look up to as a role model?

a host of people whose mere mention might upset some, which is a damned travesty, mostly borne of malevolently spread misinformation.[break][break][break]



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last edit on Jul 12, 2018 15:37:44 GMT by Deleted
aliasravyn, ori
pronounshe / they
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chaotic neutral


















positives list, at least, five, positives, here[break]
negatives list, at least, five, negatives, here


you get to hang out with one person - real, fictional, alive, dead - for the day. who do you spend it with, and what do you do?

honestly, it might be cliche, but all the friends i've made through the various sites i've joined over the years! namely and , simply because i've known both of them for the longest time before the obvious choice! [break][break]

care to hear about our lord and savior mindcrime?

...... who? no but really wut [break][break]

describe the color red to a blind person.

can i do the opposite? i'm partially colorblind, which means i can see certain colors. red isn't one of them, unfortunately. but, what i do see are some pretty shades of gray. some can have hues of purple in them, hues of blue depending on how close in the spectrum they are. i can't see red or green, but i can differenciate between the two of them. though, i guess i have an advantage since i haven't been colorblind all my life. rather, i could once see the colors, before gradually becoming unable to see them. despite that, i remember the color. the vibrant shades and how they transition into the light shades of pink and purple. [break][break]

would you rather have to listen to toto's africa 24/7 for the rest of your life, or hear every song ever played from here on out as smooth criminal by michael jackson?


who were the last five people you spoke to?

, ct discord, my coworker, a cute asf puppy oops that's only four people today



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last edit on Jul 12, 2018 16:13:54 GMT by rav⭑
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