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Roleplaying Quirks

397written posts
Asuearned bits
Senior Member
Asu Avatar
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
too much em dash

write directly in box and cry when jcink eats my post

no proofreading

accidentally post splice dialogue

end post with dialogue

ooc note: "lmk if you need more!" for a starting post
202written posts
scarletearned bits
Full Member
scarlet Avatar
Oh man. I have so many.

-I like connecting my sentences together so that they flow. I don't know how else to explain it, but it's important to me that they build on one another and have a pleasing rhythm. It's the thing I try to look for most when I'm editing: does this sentence feel out of place? Does it belong with all the others, or does it sound like it's sticking out?

-Long paragraph followed by separate, standalone sentence is my bread-and-butter.

-I love semicolons, colons, and emdashes. Especially semicolons. God. Why do I love semicolons so much. I try to ration myself, lmao.

-Sentence fragments that build on a previous statement for dramatic emphasis.

-I love, love, love a good anaphora moment.

-"Perhaps" has entered my vocabulary a lot with my current girl. She's also indirect as hell, which is honestly fun, because I get to bounce a lot of questions back to other characters. Also lets me do a lot of calculating internal dialogue, which then gives more weight to the words she ultimately says aloud. (Hopefully.)
aliasThe Moustachioed Greek
208written posts
Kostearned bits
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Kost Avatar
- Coming up with unique descriptors for my characters, so that I don't have to keep referring to them by name in my posts or use "he/she/they" over and over.
- Hornyposting. Even if my character is completely asexual and wholesome, I'll still inject some fanservice.
- Using the word "However" a lot.
- Someday I'll learn how to properly type an em dash. Until then, the minus symbol will do.
pronounsshe, they
76written posts
hotaryuearned bits
Junior Member
hotaryu Avatar
one day!
>> I like parentheses, switching between present and past tenses in posts because I picked it up from my other RP partners
>> I listen to a LOT of music before and during writing, to get into the chara/mood headspace
>> Lately, I like making characters who expy a lot of the characters I like
>> Editing a TON after posting
>> I read aloud my replies before posting
>> I act out my dialog before posting - it's a habit I picked up from directing short films

Roleplaying Quirks written Sept 15, 2023 15:06:13 GMT via mobile
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
1,347written posts
wdym we're 5 months in 2024
Part of the Furniture
wdym we're 5 months in 2024 Avatar
emotional over wallace event/alt
When i like my posts, i reread it multiple times. I am talking like at least 25 times. I do it until i gaslight myself into thinking itโ€™s horrible and itโ€™s just an ordinary post my rp partner read once whiel shrugging their shoulders going โ€œidkโ€

Sad part is i wasnt always like this (the being gaslit part. I admire my own posts all the time, though itโ€™s partially making sure i put it into memory and make sure i dont accidentally repeat themes and stuffs across threads)
last edit on Sept 15, 2023 15:07:28 GMT by wdym we're 5 months in 2024
the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
712written posts
CELearned bits
Part of the Furniture
CEL Avatar
mankind, be vigilant; we loved you.
+ em-dashes โ€” so many em-dashes
+ repetition, repetition, repetition. it's something i think i picked up from writing a lot of poetry for a few years
+ googling synonyms of longer words i've used in the same post. searching for variety, baby
+ italics oh my god i use so much italics
+ sometimes i pre-write quotes, dialogue, or sentences i'd want my characters to say / think / act out later down the line, even if there's no tthread, interaction, scene, etc. that can lead to it yet. i keep it pocketed for the Right Time(TM)
+ spaces between the parenthesis, with italics ( like so )
+ just a,,,, hilarious lot of directing language / tricks translated into writing LOL. i blame dm-ing and scriptwriting

coming soon.
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
1,347written posts
wdym we're 5 months in 2024
Part of the Furniture
wdym we're 5 months in 2024 Avatar
emotional over wallace event/alt
writing an angsty character reimnded me how much i dislike writing angst. it gives me such secondhand embarrassment and i realized that this must the consequence of an upbringing where my negative emotions have been associated with guilt and shame due to my inability to properly express them, as well as the lack of support and perceived rejection i felt from others

heck yeah rping helped me become my own therapist!

edit: this sounded like an rp confession but it's a quirk...right? it's my superpower
last edit on Sept 20, 2023 15:55:05 GMT by wdym we're 5 months in 2024
aliasAsk me~
pronounsHe or They
176written posts
Wraithearned bits
Full Member
Wraith Avatar
There's hope beyond this lone abyss.
- I donโ€™t have a chronological order for how I write posts, sometimes Iโ€™ll write the last paragraph first and work backwards, or itโ€™s total chaos. Either way, somehow writing happens
- When I read someoneโ€™s reply, I note all of the things I think of when I read it and write it down. I sometimes make an outline of my reply I have planned when reading but...sometimes I donโ€™t. I have general thread + character notes I make alongside the outline which I write at the start, and sometimes I nearly forget to edit them out which /would/ reveal too much if I left them in
- I absorb other peopleโ€™s writing and am extremely reflective, I like building on already established things if Iโ€™m allowed to do so, though I understand when someone wants more control
- Sorry, I have an extremely broad and I fear is annoying sense of humour and itโ€™s injected in my writing like some kind of contagion, though I usually keep this appropriate to my characterโ€™s perspective or reflective of it even if not a direct indication of it. Like yeah, my drier characters you will most likely, see much more subtle hints of it overall, but I will slide something in Iโ€™m sure
- I keep a list of seemingly arbitrary statistics that arenโ€™t really arbitrary. Donโ€™t worry, thereโ€™s totally no hidden metres going on or anything, trust me~
- I think of everything I read as exclusive to that character's perspective, so even when someone is actually misinterpreting my character, I think itโ€™s their character doing it, and not the player. I find this fun
- I discard roughly a paragraph of text or much more per post, most of my editing is removing stuff, and then making sure that my writing is comprehensible after doing all that. I have been trying to do less of this lately on the sites Iโ€™m playing on, but I regret it and will probably go back to cutting a lot more out
- Thereโ€™s certain words I always use, even 10 years later, and unique misspellings of them that I miss when proofreading. At this point? Itโ€™s flavour
- Doing-this-relatively-often or doing-this, I almost exclusively do this in my RP writing I notice (and I only use parenthesis in-body-text in RP writing compared to any other type)*
- I try not to worry too much about the concept of post length matching. Iโ€™ll write what I feel is right and hope who I write with is comfortable doing the same. I CAN reply to a one-liner with hundreds of words and I will unless you stop me

*Oh yeah, and I sprinkle in some footnotes sometimes. It depends on the character.

last edit on Sept 25, 2023 3:25:08 GMT by Wraith
Catscape Meow!
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